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1、外贸英语函电 考试要点 作者: 日期:要点信函功能:The functions of a business letter may be said to be1to ask for or to convey information2to make or to accept an offer3to deal with matters concerning negotiation of businessIn addition,there are letters with no other purpose than to remind the recipient of the senders exis

2、tence.用法:Esq. = Esquire 特定阶级使用头衔Esq. is legally restricted to certain classes of persons in America (e.g. judges,magistrates,barristers)For addressing a sigle person Mr. or Esq. is used in England.Mr.always precedes the name;Esq. always follows the name.Eg:Mr.John HaylingJohn Hayling,EsqMessrs. 作为Mr

3、的复数,仅用于公司的名称,且该公司的名称由人的姓名组成Eg:Messrs.J.Harvey&CoMessrs.MacDonald&Evans1Messrs只能用于公司,不能写给个人Eg:J.A. Simpson,Esq. X2当公司的名称不是人名时,不能用MessrsEg:Utility Furniture Co X3当礼节性的名称包括在公司中,不能用MessrsEg:Sir James Murphy&Co XDr.H.Willis&Co.Ltd X4当以the开头的公司名称不能用MessrsEg:the Robinson Furniture Co X商务信函写作:Seven Cs (7C原则

4、)1、Clearness清楚2、Conciseness简洁3、Courtesy礼貌 4、Consideration体谅5、Completeness完整6、Concreteness具体的7、Correctness正确的Layout of business letters (布局、格式)1、Semi-indented style混合式格式2、Blocked style齐头式The open style of punctuation减标点法The closed punctuation加标点法Business letter seven parts:1.the letter-head2.the date

5、cardinal numbers (1,2,3,4)基数 ordinal numbers (1st,2nd)序数3.inside name and address 信内名址4.the salutation 称呼5.the message 正文6.the complimentary close 结束敬语7.the signature 签名Miscellaneous Matters 其它杂项1、References=ref. 编号2、Subject Headings 标题Main Headings 主标题Paragraph Headings 分段标题3、Enclosures=Encl. 附件4、P

6、ostscript=P.S.附注First Enquiry首次询盘Status enquiries 资信调查书信格式建立业务关系去信的写作步骤1:说明信息来源,告知对方你从何处渠道得知对方公司的情况Ex:1We have your name and address from2We learn from/through3Having had your name and address from4Your company has been introduced to us by2:对你的公司作简单介绍,比如公司的业务范围或要求采购的东西等Ex:1We wish yo introduce ourse

7、lves to you as a2We are importers of/exporters of3This is to introduce ourselves as4We write to introduce ourselves as3:表达写信目的,表示愿意建立业务关系1We are willing to enter into business relations with2We express our desire to 3We are writing to you for4We take the liberty of writing to you with a view to 4:表达

8、与对方合作,及早收到回复的愿望1look forward to 2Your early reply is appreciated3We look forward to your early reply4With much interest回复步骤:1感谢对方对你公司产生兴趣Thank you for interest inYour letter has been receied with thanksWe are glad to learn that2表示对方建立业务关系意愿的兴趣We shall3表示采取进一步行动We are selling you资信调查函写作步骤1.直截了当说明写作意图

9、1Our prospected customer(潜在客户) XX have given us your name as a banking reference2have refered us to you that for information concerning their standing2.说明想要调查或咨询的细节或原因1We would like to know the financial and credit standing of the above mentioned company2We should,therefore,like to know whether or n

10、ot their financial and credit standing are sound3We should be obliged if you would inform us3.保证保留秘密1We can assure you that any information you may give us will be treated in absolute confidence.2Any information you can furnish as to their capital and reputation would be greatly valued and treated i

11、n confidence by us资信调查函回复的写作步骤1.感谢对方信任,表达愿意提供信息的意愿Thank you for your enquiry about the business standing ofwe are pleased to supply you with the following information发两种:有利回复,不利回复有利回复:1it enjoys a good reputation2it is punctually meeting its commitments3we are pleased to say that we have enjoy confi

12、dence in the uprightness of this firm4we welcome this opportunity to assure you of our complete confidence in5this firm has met its liabilities regularly and punctually不利回复1we regret that we must advise you to regard their request for credit with caution2our experience with them has not been satisfa

13、ctory3our records show that some of their accounts has been outstanding for long periods2.希望对方对所提供的信息进行保密This information is confidential and is given without any responsibility on our part报价函的写作步骤1.表示感谢(对对方的询价)we thank you for your enquiry of and are pleased to quote as follows2.向对方提供所要求的信息3.表明报价的有

14、效期1we must stress that this offer/quotation can remain open for 3 days only2subject to being unsold3we cant consider these prices for an difnite period because of the situation on the market4be subject to 受支配4.表示希望对方接受报价并尽早下订单1we look forward to receiving your order too2we hope you will consider our counter offer favourably and let us have your acceptance by t


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