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1、外贸价格谈判技巧-精选 作者: 日期:客户抛出其他供应商的价格来压价怎么应对:我们在做业务过程中,报价后通常都会遇到,客户拿其他供应商价格来压价。大多数时候我们会采用适当降价来吸引客户,但一旦我们给出的价格利润很低的时候客户还是压价,并采用其他供应商给的更低价格(可能是客户编的)来压我们,要求继续降价该如何处理呢?下面和大家分享一个这种情况的处理范例 常见范例:Dear AI just get price from other supplier and your price is higher. I thought you are factory so can give me better p

2、rice. For your reference I get price 35mu usd45.5mu usd 50 and 50mu usd 56. This is even there initial offer. Regards,Bob应对方法可告诉客户,我们也很想给他这样的价格,但是这种价格的品质很差,如果给他这样的产品,会损害客户在市场上的信誉。我们也不是做一锤子买卖的公司,我们给他的价格已经是在同品质产品中非常优惠的。 建议客户多咨询几个公司,以退为进,显示我们订单充足并不急于接单。范例:Dear BobWe really want to do business with you,

3、 but the quality will be bad. if we supply the price.We sell the bad quality products to you, then we can earn money, but you will lost allyour credit in your market.We can not do this thing, since we want to develope long term business with every customer.We do not do one-shot deal.As you know, we

4、offer price is very nice for you for the high quality.If you want samples to testing, we are pleasure send some to you.Mr AceDear Devender,Thank you for your kind response.We really want to do business with you, but the quality will be bad, if we supply the price. We sell the bad quality products to

5、 you, then we can earn money, but you will lost all your credit in your market. We can not do this thing, since we want to develop long term business with every customer. We do not do one-shot deal.As you know, we offer price is very nice for you for the high quality. If you want samples to testing,

6、 we are pleasure to send some to you.Best regards,Evelyn 客户说价格高的应对技巧:注:首先你的报价得在合理范围内,得靠谱,如果你报出了天价,神仙也救不了你,就希望瞎猫碰上死耗子吧!所以了解行情很重要,这个行业对外报价的大体价格水平你得知道。如何知道呢,说过n多次,翻墙注册一个邮箱,找同行要报价。不细说。- m. c5 s1 T: L! b1 * i; A8 V x+ t, o! R% ODear Max,$ u( * T3 N2 t5 o; uThanks a lot for your prompt reply.0 f8 i0 U2 k!

7、 Y3 q- q& a# z( N$ L: p, l3 n6 SRefer to last email,you told me our price is a little high/not competitive/at the high rate.Could you please tell me which suppliers products you are comparing with?我会直接询问客户,您说的价格高是跟哪一个或者哪一些供应商的价格比较呢?Last month the price CIF to was 1200USD/mt.Nowadays because of the p

8、rice increasing of (我们的原材料),the price of our product increased about 40usd/mt.After checking with other suppliers ,I believe you have found the same.这段的意思是排除掉客户纵向比较的可能性,很多客户就是如何,他上个月买的时候价格比较低,但是恰逢这个月原材料涨价,他可能会拿着之前的价格进行比较,所以我纵向引导一下!这一段可选,如果价格比较稳定,甚至价格降低了,就不需要再加这一段。8 w! y q A9 O( w+ U$ b9 ( E# F5 d: )

9、 f- ZI think you are a very wise business man.When you are purchasing something,you will not only consider the price.But also you will consider the cost when you are using these purchased products. g- / G) s5 R0 P# ?7 O恭维一下,您很睿智,您不仅仅会考虑到采购的产品的本身的价格,您还会考虑使用过程中的综合成本I have sent to you the certificate o

10、f analysis,i think you have found the differences between our products and other suppliers.The Decomposing temperature of our product is193-196 degrees.But all the others is above 205 degrees.(省略,这部分是重点,我会重点列出一二三,例如这个参数越低,对方使用过程中的消耗越低,越环保,储存越安全,仓库条件要求越低。尤其是环保稍微发达的国家对这方面控制非常严格)3 e6 + l! J. P. S0 i这一段

11、是具体分析我们的产品为什么价格高,我自始至终没说我的质量好,但是所说的这些具体问题都是反映出我们的质量好。很多人也在说我们的产品好,好在什么地方啊,能带来什么实实在在的好处?这才是关键。如果是设备,我就会说,省人工,节省用工人数,节能环保,绝对采用304不锈钢,安全容易操作,节省物料,极大减少浪费等等、I dont know you are the final user or not,if you are the final user.I think you surely understand what I mean.If you the distributor,you will get mo

12、re and more customers,because you always supply them with best products.$ ?2 8 g* A/ f9 T+ g& y这些话是说给中间商听的,意思是如果你是中间商你可以这样跟终端客户解释,高质量产品会让中间商市场越来越大。3 o f, L1 l6 If there is any products below grade,we promise that if you want to return the cargos,we will accept without any delay.这个承诺很关键,一方面是对我们产品的自信,

13、另一方面,除非非常重大的质量问题,客户很少会要求退货- _4 J. R& c, S. ewe are now supplying our products to A and B(行业大客户,或者是你所谈判的客户所在国家的稍微有点名气的客户),you have no need to worry about our credit at all.3 B( u3 a/ L G8 % u0 V/ y: G. x, Y3 z1 c, w( f. Q4 ?After your detailed and comprehesive comparison,I believe you will choose our

14、 products.& a; L6 |; f; w: a# s e5 W( b! h7 - j2 h. V6 h AAwait for your final desicionBest Regards7 C: U4 C9 r. Z- k* a$ y , Eason9 b* l l8 L, L再强调一下,你的价格报出来得靠谱。有时候价格报出来可能的确高了很多或者面对某些国家例如印度,巴基斯坦等一些就喜欢砍价的客户时,那就别说废话了,在说完所有的理由之后或者干脆什么理由都别说,直接说:为了促进第一次合作,我们愿意给你们我们给予折扣。,相信您一定能理解。$ Z( t( c6 _0 N& X3 o6 I0 Y! l看得出来,其实客户如果嫌价格高,我也是先强调质量,但是我会明明白白的给他算一个账,虽然我的贵了,但是你买回去你会有哪些好处,然后用极其自信的不合格退货和合作过的知名客户来打动客户。这封邮件的成功率还是蛮高,至少我用起来是。我所说的成功率高,不是说发完这封邮件,所有的客户就马上说好吧,我买你的,价格就是你所说的价格。当然也不是没有,我也碰到若干个,尤其是欧洲美洲,日本客户。



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