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1、双语新闻:国外学校培训大学生以预防性侵行为 作者: 日期:双语新闻:国外学校培训大学生以预防性侵行为近年来,性侵事件频繁发生,校园性侵问题也引起社会关注。美国等国家也面临同样的问题,出国留学网()为大家带来双语新闻,了解其它国家如何对待和解决校园性侵问题。The first year of college is usually a time to learn andhave fun. Many young people enjoy the freedom ofliving away from home for the first time. For youngwomen in the Unit

2、ed States, however, it is a timewhen they are at high risk of experiencing a sexcrime.大学第一年通常是学习和玩耍的时候,很多年轻人喜欢首次离家的自由。然而对美国的年轻女性来说,这是她们容易成为性犯罪受害者的高风险时期。The U.S. Justice Department reports that American women age 18 to 24 had the highest rate ofsexual assault. The study also found that university stu

3、dents were less likely to report suchcrimes than non-students. Among college women, nine out of ten knew the person whosexually assaulted them.美国司法部报告称,年龄在18到24岁的美国女性遭受性侵的几率最高,这份研究还发现,与非学生相比,大学生更不可能对此类罪行报警。在大学女生中,每10个人中有9人认识对她们进行性侵的人。How Colleges Deal with Sexual Assault in CanadaIn Canada, three un

4、iversities recently ran a program to train female students to avoid sexualassault while in college. The two-year program was available at universities in Calgary, Alberta,and Windsor and Guelph in Ontario, Canada.在加拿大,三所大学最近开展了一个培训女学生以避免学院性侵的项目,这个为期两年的项目在加拿大艾伯塔省卡尔加里大学、安大略省的温莎大学和圭尔夫大学推出。该项目涉及的是大一女生,学

5、生们花12个小时来学习如何判断风险、处理情绪以及进行自卫。The program involved women in their first year at the schools. The students spent 12 hourslearning how to judge risks, deal with emotions, and use self-defense.The program taught students to be especially on guard at parties and other high-risk campussocial events. The t

6、raining taught students to attend such events together. If separated, theyshould check on each other periodically. They should also take extra care in their use ofalcohol. At least half of the sexual assaults among college women involve drinking.该项目教学生们特别注意防范聚会和其他高风险的校园社交活动,教学生们结伴参加此类活动。如果被分开,她们应该不时

7、地查看对方。她们还应该在饮酒时特别小心,大学女生遭受的至少一半性侵都与饮酒有关。大约450名学生接受了培训,还有差不多这么多的学生只接受了书面信息,并与培训者进行短暂的会面,得到12小时培训的那一组遭受强奸的风险下降了50%。About 450 students received the training. A group of about the same size received only writteninformation and a brief meeting with the trainers. The group that received the 12 hours oftra

8、ining saw an almost 50 percent drop in risk of rape.Study investigators said there were limitations in their research. They noted that the study wasdesigned for women. They wrote that effective interventions that target mens behavior arealso needed.大约450名学生接受了培训,还有差不多这么多的学生只接受了书面信息,并与培训者进行短暂的会面,得到12

9、小时培训的那一组遭受强奸的风险下降了50%。研究的调查者称这份研究存在局限性,他们指出,这份研究针对的是女性,他们称还需要对男性的行为进行有效的干预。American response to campus sexual assaultIn the U.S., Harvard, Rutgers and several other universities have also developed bystandertraining. This means students offer help if they see someone in danger of being assaulted. Th

10、etraining helps students, both men and women, decide when it is safe to personally interveneand when to call the police.Last year, President Barack Obama ordered the establishment of a task force on sexualviolence at universities. The investigative groups report advised universities to take severalm

11、easures. They include methods for researching the sex crime climate of the university andimproving systems for reporting crimes as well as prevention programs.The White House task force said one in five women experiences sexual assault in her collegeyears. It has started a web site called Not Alone

12、to give schools and students information onhow to react to and prevent sexual assault.在美国,哈佛、罗格斯和另外几所大学还进行了“旁观者培训”,这意味着一旦学生看到有人有遭受侵犯的风险,就要提供帮助。该培训项目帮助男生和女生决定何时进行干预是安全的,以及何时报警。去年,巴拉克奥巴马总统下令就大学性侵成立特别工作组,该调查小组的报告建议各大学采取几项措施,包括调查大学性侵风气、改善报警体系及预防项目。白宫工作组称,每五个女生中就有一个会在大学期间遭受性侵,该工作组还成立了名为Not Alone的网站,给学校和学

13、生提供如何应对和预防性侵的信息。President Obama spoke about the issue of campus sexual assault in one of his weeklybroadcasts in January.Perhaps most important, we need to keep saying to anyone out there who has ever beenassaulted: you are not alone. You will never be alone. We have your back. Ive got your back.Schools or educators can learn more about preventing sexual violence from the NationalSexual Violence Resource Center.Im Jill Robbins.1月份奥巴马总统在每周广播中谈到了校园性侵问题。“可能最重要的是,我们需要不断告诉那些曾被性侵的人:你并不孤单,你永远都不孤单,我们是你的坚强后盾。”学校和教育工作者可以从美国国家防止性暴力资源中心了解更多有关预防性暴力的信息。我是吉尔鲁宾斯。



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