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1、Studies in MetaphorTheories and Practice,tiger-shaped tally dove with olive branch,Gothic cathedral in Cologne The Forbidden City,啊,我年青的女郎!我不辜负你的殷勤,你也不要辜负了我的思量。我为我心爱的人儿,燃到了这般模样!啊,我年青的女郎!你该知道了我的前身?你该不嫌我黑奴卤莽?要我这黑奴底胸中,才有火一样的心肠。啊,我年青的女郎!我想我的前身,原本是有用的栋梁,我活埋在地底多年,到今朝才得重见天光。啊,我年青的女郎!我自从重见天光,我常常思念我的故乡,我为我心爱

2、的人儿,燃到了这般模样!,What is metaphor,一 300 BC to 1930s(Aristotle to Richards) 1 A device of the poetic imagination a matter of extraordinary rather than ordinary language The greatest thing by far is to be a master of metaphor. 2 A kind of rhetorical flourish as to the opposite of Simile. 3 A kind of rheto

3、rical device with which we substitute one word with another. John is a lion (lion=a courageous man),Socrates was born circa 470 BC, in Athens, Greece. We know of his life through the writings of his students, including Plato and Xenophon. His Socratic method, laid the groundwork for Western systems

4、of logic and philosophy. When the political climate of Greece turned, Socrates was sentenced to death poisoning in 399 BC. He accepted this judgment rather than fleeing into exile.,For Socrates, Athens was a classroom and he went about asking questions of the elite and common man alike, seeking to a

5、rrive at political and ethical truths. Socrates didnt lecture about what he knew. In fact, he claimed to be ignorant because he had no ideas, but wise because he recognized his own ignorance. He asked questions of his fellow Athenians in a dialectic method (the Socratic Method) which compelled the a

6、udience to think through a problem to a logical conclusion.,One day, an acquaintance met Socrates and said, Do you know what I just heard about your friend? Hold on a minute, Socrates replied. Before you talk to me about my friend, it might be a good idea to take a moment and filter what youre going

7、 to say. Thats why I call it the triple-filter test. The first filter is Truth. Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true? Well, no, the man said, actually I just heard about it and.,“All right,” said Socrates. “So you dont really know if its So, Socrates continued, No

8、w, lets try the second filter, the filter of Goodness. Is what you are about to tell me about my friend something good? No, on the contrary. So, Socrates continued, you want to tell me bad about my friend, but youre not certain its true. You may still pass the test though, because theres one filter

9、leftthe filter of Usefulness. Is what you want to tell me about my friend going to be useful to me? No, not really. . Well, concluded Socrates, if what you want to tell me is neither true, nor good, nor even useful, why tell it to me at all?,Plato, 427?-347 B.C., Greek philosopher. In 407 B.C. he be

10、came a pupil and friend of Socrates. After living for a time at the Syracuse court, Plato founded (c.387 B.C.) near Athens the most influential school of the ancient world, the Academy, where he taught until his death. His most famous pupil there was Aristotle.,Plato regarded the rational soul as im

11、mortal, and he believed in a world soul and a Demiurge, the creator of the physical world. In Platos various dialogues he touched upon virtually every problem that has occupied subsequent philosophers; his teachings have been among the most influential in the history of Western civilization, and his

12、 works are counted among the worlds finest literature.,Platonic love 1 ideal love which is extremely romantic thus hard, if not impossible to achieve 2. spiritual but not carnal or fleshly love 3. mutual and equal love between two sexes 4. There exists one, and only one in the world in whose eyes yo

13、u are perfect; Love is to find the other half of yourself. The type of love Plato seems to have admired most was that in which one man loved another because of his intelligence or virtue, rather than because of his physical attractions - a love of the idea of beauty more than the physical appearance

14、, and a love of a person is a lesser love to that of absolute beauty, the ideal form. Platonic love in the modern world can also refer to love between gay men.,Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle was born circa 384 B.C. in Stagira, Greece. When he turned 17, he enrolled in Platos Academy. In 338, he

15、 began tutoring Alexander the Great. In 335, Aristotle founded his own school, the Lyceum, in Athens, where he spent most of the rest of his life studying, teaching and writing.,Traditional rhetorical devices,1 simile He sat all the evening as silent as the Sphinx. The snow was like a white blanket

16、drawn over the field. 2 metaphor You are your mothers glass. There again came out the second flash, with the spring of a serpent and the shout of a fiend, looked green as an emerald, and the reverberation was stunning.,3 metonymy Woman in furs or men in grand coats The egg head the gray hair the Pentagon let ones heart rule ones head Limey Judas Don Juan Big muddy Beefeater Gretna Green marriage The Bard old lady Eden Hitler Hamlet 4 personification Rarely rea


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