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1、中考英语专项练习-完成句子13,14(有答案)(13)1.经过多年的努力,她的梦想终于实现了。Aftermanyyearshardwork,herdream_atlast.2.老师让学生们等车停稳后再下车。 Theteachertoldthestudents_thebusuntilitstopped.3.我每天晚饭后要锻炼半个小时。 It_halfanhour_sportsaftersuppereveryday.4.下雨天,我宁可呆在家里也不愿去看电影. I_stayathome_gotoseeafilmonarainyday.5.她跑得那么快,所以我们追不上他. Sheran_thatwe_

2、upwithher.6.多么漂亮的花呀!我真是太喜欢了。 _flowerstheyare!Ilikethemverymuch.7.汤姆和新同学相处得很融洽. Tom_thenewclassmates.1cametrue2nottogetoff3takesmetodo4prefertoratherthan5sofast couldntcatch6 Whatbeautiful7getson/alongwellwith(14)1.均衡饮食对健康很重要。 _isveryimportanttoourhealth.2.上个星期天,学校的花园里种了五棵树。 LastSunday,fivetrees_ _in

3、theschoolgarden.3汤姆问我用了多少钱买这部电脑。 Tomaskedme_I_thecomputer.4.这只小象好可爱啊!我想给它照个相。 _ _thebabyelephantis!Iwanttotakeaphotoofit.5.如果你乘坐公共汽车,你将会遇见这个城市许多有趣的人。 _youtakeabus,you_ _manyinterestingpeopleinthiscity.6.我们应该尽可能多地回收利用物品。 Weshouldalsotrytorecycle_things_wecan.7.坐飞机从广州到海口要花我们一个小时。_will_usanhour_ _fromG

4、uangzhoutoHaikou.1.Havingabalanceddiet2. were planted3.howmuchpaidfor/spent buying/on4. Howlovely/cute5. Ifwillmeet6.asmanyas7. Ittaketofly赠:扫兴&开心果话题Donny: Jimmy, sorry I cant make it to your birthday party this weekend. 我明天要去香港。Jimmy: Thats okay, Donny. 说实话,我自己对这个生日派对也没什么兴趣。Donny: Why? Last time we

5、 talked about it, you were really excited.Jimmy: 还不是因为我女朋友老打击我! 她说,过生日意味着我又老了一岁,还说,我开party大吃大喝会变得更胖。唉,真扫兴!Donny: Oh, no! Your girlfriend is such a wet blanket! All the bad things she said made you NOT look forward to the party.Jimmy: wet blanket? w-e-t, wet, 是“潮湿”的意思,b-l-a-n-k-e-t, blanket, 是“毯子”。你说

6、我女朋友是个湿糊糊的毯子?Donny: Actually, a wet blanket 就是让别人扫兴的人或事。Jimmy: 哦! a wet blanket 说话讨厌,专给别人的好心情泼冷水!Donny: Thats right. There is a similar phrase-party pooper. Pooper is spelled p-o-o-p-e-r. A party pooper is a person who refuses to go along with everyone else and join the fun.Jimmy: 哦! Party pooper是在派

7、对上扫大家兴的人! Donny, 要是我去一个party, 结果大家玩儿的游戏我都不参加,还老嚷着要回家,then Im a party pooper,对不对?Donny:标准的 party pooper! But Jimmy, in real life, you are by no means a party pooper, on the contrary, youre the life of the party!Jimmy: The life of the party? 我是派对的生命?Donny: 差不多! The life of the party is the most fun an

8、d exciting person at a party, you know, the person who makes the party fun for everyone else.Jimmy: 哦,the life of the party 就是派对上的开心果! 有这种人在,气氛一定很high! 你别说,我还真是the life of the party! 哈哈!Donny: Of course you are! So dont let your girlfriend ruin your spirits. Now, lets see what youve learned today!Ji

9、mmy: 第一,让人扫兴的人或事是a wet blanket, 或者a party pooper;第二,派对的灵魂人物,开心果, 是the life of the party.潜规则YL: Jessica! 上次我给你的签名照呢?快还给我!Jessica: Why? 你不是参加“阳光女生”的比赛,要当 super star了么?YL: 别提了! I got eliminated!Jessica: 被刷下来了?!YL: 是啊。虽然过了第一轮海选,可第二轮一上来就被刷了! 哼! 这里面肯定有潜规则! 对了,潜规则美语怎么说啊?Jessica: Well, if you suspect the co

10、mpetition has some secret, back-door deals, you can say there are some unspoken rules.YL: 哦,unspoken, u-n-s-p-o-k-e-n, unspoken 就是“没有明说的”,rules 规则;unspoken rules 就是“潜规则”喽!Jessica: Thats right! So, you think you were cut because the selection process wasnt fair and open, like the competition is follo

11、wing some unspoken rules. Right?YL: 没错! 我看,获胜者可能是内定的!Jessica: If thats true, then the whole competition is rigged!YL: rigged?Jessica: Yes! r-i-g-g-e-d, rigged 就是内定. It means the outcome has been predetermined by the producers.YL: 哦,比赛结果被“内定”就是 rigged! 那还比个什么劲儿啊!Jessica: I agree. Rigged competitions

12、arent worth attending, because someone is pulling the strings from behind the scenes.YL: 等会儿,你说 someone is pulling the strings from behind the scenes, “从后面拉线”,就是有人幕后操纵的意思,对不对?Jessica: Exactly! So tell me what youve learned today!YL: 第一“潜规则”在美语里叫 unspoken rules;第二,说比赛结果内定,可以说rigged/rd/;第三,幕后操纵,叫pull the strings from behind the scenes.



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