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1、(广州沈阳通用)八年级英语下册Module3AnimalsUnit5Savetheendangeredanimals教案牛津深圳版Module 3 Unit 5Save the endangered animals 教材分析This lesson is is helpful to make the Ss learn the knowledge of this unit, for the task in the next periods is to practice reading . It plays a very important part in the English teaching

2、of this unit. Ss can learn and review some useful words, making them knowing more knowledge about save the endangered animals and train their reading ability.Train their four skills of listening,reading,Speaking and writing. 教学目标【知识目标】1Get students to learn the useful words and expressions in this p

3、eriod.endangered,file,giant panda,wild,bamboo,adult,weight,kilogram,population,behaviour,birth,patch,shoulder,central,menu,fur;in the wild,at birth。2Help students to learn about useful expressions.【能力目标】To read the passage and answer some questions about cartoons and comic strips.【情感目标】1Help them un

4、derstand more about animals.2Develop students sense of cooperative learning. 教学重难点【教学重点】How to train their reading ability step by step.【教学难点】1Develop students reading ability.2Help students understand the difficulties. 课前准备 Multimedia 教学过程Part 1 step1 Getting ready 1). Look at the cartoon and answe

5、r the questions.What are Hi and Lo doing?What are the pandas oating?Why doos Hi sayPandas like old films”?2) Look at the cartoon and tell what giant pandas look like.step2. Brainstorm.What do you know about ?How much do you know about pandas? Try the short quiz below. Circle the correctanswers.1 How

6、 many pandas still live in the wild?a About 1,600. b About 160,0002 Can pandas climb trees?a Yes, they can. b No, they cant3 What do pandas usually eat?a Bananas b Bamboo.4 How long can pandas live in the wild?a About 20 years. b About 50 years5 Where do pandas live?(There is more than one answer.)a

7、 In Sichuanb In Shaanxic In Gansud In Jiangsu Step3. Before reading 1. Look at the pictures, the title, the introduction and the sub-headings of the article on page 67. Then answer the questions below.l Where does this article most probably come from? a A novel. b A science magazine.l What informati

8、on about pandas can you get from the article? a Their numbers. b Their behaviour. c Their food. d Their relationship with humans. e Their future. f Their uses. g Their looks.Step4. ScanningScanningWhen you need to find certain information in a text, you do not have to readevery word. Instead, you ca

9、n move your eyes quickly over the text to findthe information you need. This is called scanning. The exercise in B on page66 is a scanning exercise.Look at the article on page 67. Complete the facts about pandas.PandafactsAdultweight:about 1 kilogramsLife:Pandasliveforabout 2 inthewildbutinzoostheyc

10、anlivefor 3 . Food:Apandaeatsabout 4 ofbambooa day.Home:Pandaslivehighupinthemountainsof 5 .Population:Thereareabout 6 pandasinthewild.Behaviour:Pandasspendmorethan 7 dayeating.Step5. Think and learnPandas are endangered animals.There are not many giant pandas living in the wild because there is not

11、 enough food for them.a a natural environment not controlled by peopleb a dangerous placeStep5 Vocabulary C1 The words in italics are from the article on page 67. Circle their correct meanings. 1.The giant panda has a small population.a the total weight of animals in an areab the total number of ani

12、mals in an area2 Not many pandas live in the wild because there is not enough foodfor thema a natural environment not controlled by peopleb a dangerous place3. A giant panda is tiny at birtha when it diesb when it is born4 A giant panda is about two to three feet tall at the shoulder.a the part ol b

13、ody between the arms and the neckb the top of the head5 Shuanxi is in Central China. You can see pandas there.a the middle of b the area aroundC2 Complete the passage with the words from the box. Change their forms if necessary.adult inthewild population atbirth kilogramRabbitfactfileArabbitweighsbe

14、tween0.4and2 1 andcanliveforupto12years,However,arabbit 2 canseldomliveformorethanayear. 3 ababyrabbitcannotsee.An4 rabbitcannotseeveryfar,butitcanseebehinditselfwithoutturning itshead.Adultrabbitscangivebirthtomanybabyrabbits,their 5 cangrowveryquickly.Thiscancauseproblemstofarmers,becauserabbitsliketoeatthefarmersvegetabl


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