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1、八年级英语下册Unit10IvehadthisbikeforthreeyearsSectionA1a_2d同步测试新版人教新目标版Section A (1a2d).根据句意及括号内所给单词的提示填空。1. In the zoo you can see many kinds of animals such as tigers and _(bear).2. I paid thirty _(cent) for the rice.3. Mrs. Hand bought several silk _(scarf).4. This pear is much _(sweet) than that one.5

2、. Timmy had happy _(memory) of his school life.根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺短语。1. I bought the radio at a(n) _(庭院拍卖会).2. Mrs. Rice has two _(面包机). One is old and the other is new.3. Hey, Kate! Herere some _(布绒玩具) for you.4. Could you please _(察看) the names and numbers?5. As far as I know, Nick isnt interested

3、in _(棋类游戏).根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A:Wow! What a great model plane! Is it yours, Jack?B:Yes, its mine.A:(1)_B:For two days.A:(2)_B:At Green Store.A:(3)_B:Its six dollars.A:(4)_B:Ive given it to Peter.A:(5)_B: Because he likes it a lot.A. How much is it?B. Why did you give it to Peter?C. How l

4、ong have you had it?D. Where did you buy it?E. Why are you selling it?F. Wheres your old model plane?G. Can I have a look at your old model plane?答案Section A (1a2d). 1. bears 2. cents 3. scarfs / scarves 4. sweeter 5. memories. 1. yard sale 2. bread makers 3. soft toys 4. check out 5. board games. 1-5 CDAFB2


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