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1、九年级英语全册Unit5Whataretheshirtsmadeof教案(新版)人教新目标版Unit 5What are the shirts made of?Language Goal【语言目标】Talk about what products are made of and where they were madeKnowledge Goals【知识目标】Key Wordschopstick,coin,fork,blouse,silver,glass,cotton,steel,fair,grass,leaf(pl.leaves),produce,widely,process,product

2、,France,local,avoid,handbag,mobile,everyday,boss,Germany,surface,material,traffic,postman,cap,glove,international,its,form,balloon,scissors,lively,heat,completeKey Phrasesbe known for,no matter,paper cuttingKey Sentences1.Are your shirts made of cotton?Yes,they are.And they were made in the US.2What

3、s the model plane made of?Its made of used wood and glass.3How is tea produced?Tea plants are grown on the sides of mountains.When the leaves are ready,they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing.Key GrammarLearn to use the passive voice with present tense.Ability Goals【能力目标】1.Develop l

4、istening,speaking,reading and writing skills by using passive voice.2Learn to talk about what things are made of and where they were made.Moral Goals【情感目标】1.With the help of this units study,students can learn more about Chinese traditional culture and deepen the love of our motherland.2Know somethi

5、ng about the worlds manufacturing industry and see Chinas advantage and disadvantage in the world economic competition.Teaching Time【课时】Five periodsPeriod 1Section A(1a2d)Period 2Section A(3a4c)Period 3Section B(1a1e)Period 4Section B(2a2e)Period 5Section B(3a3b) & Self Check本单元的话题是谈论日常生活用品是用什么材料制造的

6、以及出产地是什么地方,要求学生学习并掌握一些日常生活用品的名称和制造的材料的基本词汇,同时在语言学习训练中接触并学习被动语态。Section A的教学重点是被动语态的结构和用法,教学难点是理解被动语态的功能和意义以及不规则动词的过去分词。在语言学习中渗透对资源的再生利用和环保教育,培养学生的人文情怀。Section B在Section A的基础上进一步巩固和加深了本单元的话题内容,重点介绍中国传统文化中具有代表性的风筝、孔明灯、剪纸和泥塑等,通过介绍中国传统文化元素,了解与中国传统文化艺术有关的风俗习惯和文化背景,同时引导学生用英语正确表达中国的传统艺术和相关名称,进一步巩固本单元目标语言结构

7、被动语态。在Section B的教学中,重点要放在如何逐步培养学生运用所学的词汇和被动语态简单介绍某一东西的特点,如制造材料、产地、用途或象征意义。教学难点仍然是掌握被动语态的用法和功能。The First PeriodSection A(1a2d)19Teaching Important Points【教学重点】Key words & phrases:chopstick,coin,fork,blouse,silver,glass,cotton,steel,fair,grass,leaf(pl.leaves),produce,widely,processbe made of/from/in,e

8、nvironmental protection,be famous for,as far as I know,on the sides of mountains,by handKey sentences:1.Is it made of silver?Yes,and it was made in Thailand.2.What is the model plane made of?Its made of used wood and glass.3.What is the beautiful painting made from?Its made from grass,leaves and flo

9、wers.4.Where is tea produced in China?It is produced in many different areas.5.How is tea produced?Tea plants are grown on the sides of mountains.When the leaves are ready,they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing.Key structure:be made of/from/ineg:What are the shirts made of?Teaching

10、 Difficult Points【教学难点】Learn and practice the passive voice in listening and speaking.Teaching Aids【教学工具】A tape recorder,real things or pictures,CAI or multimedia courseware.Teaching Steps【教学过程】Step 1Leading in【新课导入】1Greeting2WarmingupTell the students that today we are going to talk about things an

11、d what they are made of.Then prepare some riddles and get the class to guess.Step 2Cooperative inquiry【合作探究】1Finish the task in 1a2Finish the task in 1bRead the instructions.Play the recording for the first time without pause.Play the recording a second time and pause at the important points of info

12、rmation.Check the answers with the whole class.3Finish the task in 1c4Finish the tasks in 2a2bRead the demand in 2a.Play the recording for the first time.Get the students to read the questions in 2b.Play the recording once more and pause for the students to listen and repeat.5Finish the task in 2c6F

13、inish the task in 2dBefore reading the conversation,the teacher talks with the class about tea and presents the new words in the conversation.Teach the new words in the conversation in 2d.Read aloud the conversation.Ask the students to find the sentences in the passive voice.Simply explain the passi

14、ve voice.Ask students to read the conversation in pairs.Step 3Homework1Read aloud and practice the conversation in 2d.2What is your hometown famous for?Make a conversation to talk about the product.3Translate the following sentences into English.(1)这些衬衫是什么料子做的?它们是棉的。_(2)你的家乡产茶吗?是的。_(3)茶树生长在大山的山坡上。_Board Design板书设计Unit 5What are the shirts made of?Section A(1a2d)be made of/from/in,environmental protection,be famous for,as far as I know,on the sides of mountains,by handWhat products are mentioned in the dialog?What materials are they made of?What countries


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