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1、第一部分必修 3Unit 2 .单句改错 1Since Tom is ill, I will have John to do the job tomorrow. _ 2The worker got punished because he had lied his boss. _ 3Happily, I have benefited a great deal reading. _ 4As we all know, everyone has his own strength and weaknesses. _ 5Nothing can be good than a cup of cool drin

2、k now for me. _ 【答案】 1.去掉 to2.在 lied 后加 to3.在 deal 后加 from 4strength strengths5.goodbetter .语境填空 combine,discount,limit ,consult,strengthen,balanced,glare,curious 1_ a doctor if you cant sleep. 2Visit www .not2dobeforeidie.co.uk and buy the book at a 20% _. 3The days are gone when physical _ was all

3、 you needed to make a living. 4But his_ was difficult to control and this new computer really puzzled him. 5An apprenticeship ( 学徒身份 ) is a form of on- the-job training that _ workplace experience and classroom learning. 6The wolves keep the deer population from becoming too large, and that keeps a

4、_ in the wilderness plant life. 7Knowledge and learning are important if we want to be successful,but they may also _ our thinking. 【答案】 1.Consult2.discount3.strength4.curiosity 5combines6.balance7.limit .短语活用 get away with, tell a lie, cut down, cut up, benefit from, ought to, earn a living, in deb

5、t 1Dont _or others will doubt your honesty. 2We _ pay attention to teaching children something really useful. 3I dont know how he managed to _ cheating in the exam. 4The chairman asked his secretary to _ the report, because he didnt want to speak for too long at this meeting. 5Stop spending so fast,

6、 or youll end us up _. 6China and other Asian countries will _ the project in various ways. 7. It is honorable _ with your hands. 【答案】 1.tell a lie2.ought to3.get away with 4cut down5.in debt6.benefit from7.to earn a living .完成句子 1由于保持了均衡饮食,不久后他就减轻了体重。 He lost weight because_ before long. 【答案】 he ke

7、pt a balanced diet 2我从来没吃过比烤腌羊肉串更美味的食物。 I have_ than the kebab. 【答案】 never eaten more delicious food 3我们不能容忍你违反规则却不受惩罚。 We cant_ breaking the rules. 【答案】 have you getting away with 4我听说老板将让那个新来的员工做这项工作。 I heard the boss _ the job. 【答案】 would have the new worker do 5做运动对保持身心健康有益处。 Doing sports can _ mentally as well as physically. 【答案】 be of benefit to keeping healthy


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