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1、单元:Unit 3 Amazing people 板块: Reading 2 Thoughts on the design: 本节课是以听、说、读、练为主的词汇教学课。通过梳理本单元阅读文章中出现的相关 重要词汇, 帮助学生构建一定的词汇知识。遵循和运用认知规律,温习已学词汇,巩固和拓 展新词汇, 力争在词汇教学中,努力提升运用语言的能力,并给学生传授一些相关的词汇学 习的方法和策略。 Teaching aims: After learning the text, the students will be able to grasp the key words and expressions

2、required in the passage, for example, curious, discovery, riches, empty, present, coincidence, disturb, result; set sail for, search for, as well as, upon doing, result in. In ad dition, the students are expected to broaden their vocabulary with the assistance of the teacher in learning the text. Th

3、e students are also expected to be given aid or guided in learning method and strategy for vocabulary. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Revision Fill in the blanks with words from the magazine article on pages 42-43 of your book, according to the first given letter. (PPT4-5) 1.Children are c_ about every

4、thing. They are always asking a lot of questions. 2.Dont d_ her; she is doing her homework. 3.The d_ of gold in California made people rush to the west. 4.The Great London Fire, which began on 2 nd September 1666, r_ in huge damage to the city of London. 5.Ive never come a_ anyone quite like her bef

5、ore. 6.It r_ a secret. (Keys: curious; disturb; discovery; resulted: across; remains) Explanation 通过巩固练习,复习阅读中的主要词汇。 Step 2 Explanation for language points 1. He was bright and curious about the world outside his hometown. (Page 42, Lines 5-6) (PPT6) In the sentence “curious ” means “eager to learn

6、/ know”, its common usages are listed below. be curious about sth. 对好奇 be curious to do sth. 好奇地做某事 Curiously enough 奇怪的是,(口语,常放句首) e.g. They were very curious about the people who lived in the island. He is always curious to find out how everything works. Curiously enough, a year later exactly the

7、same thing happened to me again. 2. In 1891, at the age of 17, he set sail for Alexandria, Egypt. (Page 42, Lines 6-7) (PPT7) The phrase “set sail for ” means “to travel to somewhere by boat ”. In the phrase, the word “sail ” means “a short trip usually fro pleasure or in a boat with sails ”. e.g. W

8、e set sail from Dover for Ostend. We went for a sail around the island. The preposition “ for ” here refers to the destination. e.g. The sun was sinking as we set out for home. We left our bags in the station and made straight for the shipyard. 3. By the 1920s, he had become an explorer, searching f

9、or the tombs of the Egyptian Kings. (Page 42, Lines 7-8) (PPT8-9) In this sentence the preposition “by” means “not later than” or “ before ”, and is often followed by a phrase indicating a point of time. e.g. By the time the doctor arrived, the woman had given birth. Mike must have made some friends

10、 in his new school by now. The phra se “ searching for the tombs” works as an adverbial of manner. Here “search for ” means “to look for” . e.g. Scientists are still searching for a cure for the common cold. The police didnt give up searching for the missing boy. There are some other expressions for

11、 “search”. search sp./ sb. for sth. 搜索(某地 / 某人) ; 寻找某物 in search of (介词短语)寻找 e.g. The police searched the house for the stolen jewelry. He moved to New York in search of a better life. 4. These preserved bodies are known as mummies. (Page 42, Lines 9-10) (PPT10-11) In this sentence “preserved ” mean

12、s “keep from risk of going bad”, functioning as attributive. Its common usages are listed below. preserve sth./ sb. from 保护免于 preserved fruit 防腐水果 the preserve (野生动物)保护区 e.g. The city should take steps to preserve the old temple Oil usually preserves metal from rust. No hunting is allowed in the pre

13、serve. The phrase “ be known as ” in the sentence means “be famous as ”. We can use different prepositions aft er “known”, then the phrase has the different meaning. be known for 因为而闻名 be known as 作为而闻名 be known to 对于(谁来说)而闻名 e.g. Li Bai is well known to the young generation as a great poet for his

14、beautiful poems. 5. In 1922, Howard Carter made his most amazing discovery of all, in the Valley of the Kings, in Egypt. (Page 42, Lines 12-13) (PPT12) “ Discovery ” here means “something that is discovered ”. We d better remember the following. discover vt.发现 discoverer n. 发现者 make a discovery of 发

15、现了 e.g. Columbus was a great discover and he discovered America in 1492. It is said that his discovery took place by accident. 6. There they came across the tomb of King Tutankhamun. come across sth. or sb. means to meet, find, or discover someone or something by chance I came across an old diary in

16、 her desk. I came across Jack in London last week. It was a small world. 同义词组是run into Guess who I ran into in town today! 7. Upon their entering the tomb, Carter s lucky pet bird, which he had left in Cairo, was swallowed by a snake. (Page 42, Lines 23-24) (PPT15) In the sentence the preposition “upon” means “directly after”, we can use a noun or a ge



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