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1、Unit Four,Quotation, Sales Letters Offer and Counter-offer,Main Contents,Quotation and offer Offer -definition; firm offer (features, contents); non-firm offer; specimen and explanation; useful expression Counter-offer -definition; specimen and explanation; useful expression Counter-counter-offer -d

2、efinition; specimen and explanation; useful expression,Effective Writing: Use common words,选词是写作中一个非常重要的部分。常用词汇一般都短小精悍,意义明确,易读易懂、和常用的词汇相对的是生僻词汇和一些罗嗦的短语。对比: Approximately about 关于 Initiate, commence begin开始 Duplicate copy 抄复,发送副本,复印 Determine decide决定 Accomplish, perform do 做 Terminate end 终止,结束 Ende

3、avor try努力做 Utilize use使用,利用 Ineffectual useless无效的,无用的,Effective Writing: Be Positive,为了能在函电中达到积极向上的效果,主要有两个手段: 1.强调现在或将来是什么,不要强调现在或将来不是什么。 2.如有可能,避免是使用有消极意义的词汇。 如:Im sorry we blundered on your order. We regret the inconvenience youve been caused by the broken mixer. 虽说作者的出发点是好的,是想真诚道歉,但是这些含有强烈否定意义

4、的词,生动的提醒了读者以前发生的不幸事情,完全没有必要。若改写的话,效果不言则明: I want to apologize for the order we delivered. Were truly sorry about the experience you had with your Keithman mixer.,INTRODUCTION,Quotations A quotation refers that buyers or sellers state some transaction terms about supplying goods to another party conc

5、erned. (报价或发价是指买方或卖方向对方提出的各项交易条件。)It is usually sent by the seller after the receipt of an enquiry. So,to some extent,we can say,a quotation is just equal to a reply to an enquiry. But sometimes a quotation can be sent voluntarily without an enquiry. A satisfactory quotation will include the followi

6、ng points: a. An expression of thanks for the enquiry (In the beginning) b. Details of prices, discounts and terms of payment c. A statement or clear indication of what the prices cover d. An undertaking as to date of delivery or time of shipment e. The period for which the quotation is valid f. An

7、expression of hope that the quotation will be accepted (In the end),What is an offer(发盘)?,Quotation means Giving a price! Offer is the first step in business negotiation, which can be made either by way of ads, circulars and letters or replies to enquiries. An offer is a proposal to give or do somet

8、hing. An offer of goods is a promise to supply or buy the goods on the terms and conditions stated by a seller or a buyer.,什么是报盘offer,报盘又称发盘,是商业交易磋商中买卖双方必经的过程。通常是一方先提出某种交易条件(如:商品名称、数量、规格、交货期以及付款条件等),而另一方愿接受此条件,即交易合同成立。 卖方offer称为selling offer,offer to sell;买方的offer称为buying offer,offer to buy。 报盘有实盘fi

9、rm offer 和虚盘Non-firm offer两种形式。实盘又称不可撤销的发盘,指由发盘人向收盘人提出完整、明确、肯定的交易条件,并愿意在一定期限内按所提条件与收盘人达成交易的一种肯定表示;虚盘是卖方所做的非承诺性表示,往往附有保留条件,买方接收后卖方仍然可以改变主意。,Offeror(发盘人) vs. offeree(受盘人) Selling offer(卖盘) vs. buying offer /bid(买盘/出价) firm offer(实盘) vs. non-firm offer(虚盘) firm offer (with engagement) non-firm offer (w

10、ithout engagement),Features of a firm offer,-Clear, definite, complete, final Leave no room of ambiguity or uncertainty, avoid the use of such words as “perhaps ”, maybe, about. - Once accepted, it becomes a contractual obligation -Should not withdraw a firm offer within its validity,Contents of fir

11、m offer,Name of commodities, quality and specification Details of prices, terms of trade, discounts and terms of payments Packing, date of delivery, port of shipment The period for which the offer is valid (expressions like “firm offer” or “irrevocable” within/before),Validity of a firm offer,A firm

12、 offer should stipulate an expiry date. And the offeror is subject to obligation to the offer within validity. A firm offer is invalid in the case that the offeree : accept it not within validity refuse or alter it make a counter-offer to it,Non-firm offer,Non-firm offer is a quotation subject to fi

13、nal confirmation and is not legally binding. for your reference subject to our final confirmation subject to unsold subject to market fluctuation The offeror can withdraw it anytime before the offeree accepts it.,How to write a letter to make an offer?,1.expression of thanks for the enquiry, if any

14、2.make an offer States name of commodity, quality and specification, price, terms of trade, discounts, terms of payment, packing, delivery date, shipment port, etc. 3.stipulate validity if its a firm offer 4.hope for reply,Specimen Letter 1 :A firm offer 实盘,Dear Sirs Subject: 100% Cashmere Sweaters

15、Thank you very much for your enquiry of April 1 for our 100% Cashmere Sweaters. We are now making you a firm offer subject to your reply reaching us before April 30, 2005:,Mens largeUS $ 50.00 per piece ditto medium US $ 48.00 per piece ditto smallUS $ 45.00 per piece Womens largeUS $ 47.00 per piec

16、e ditto medium US $ 45.00 per piece ditto smallUS $ 43.00 per piece The above prices are based on CIF Vancouver basis net.,Payment: By confirmed irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight. Shipment: June/July, 2005 provided the L/C reaches the seller one month before the time of shipment. We are glad to inform you that our products are selling fast because of their uniqu


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