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1、仁爱英语年级上册英语第一单元知识点 作者: 日期:U1U1T1SA1 You have just come back from you hometown.你刚从你的城镇回来。现在完成时 :之前已经发生或完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。结构:助动词have/has +动词的过去分词I have finished that work. 我已经完成了那项工作。 She has bought a new bike. 她买了一辆新自行车。2 have/has been to.去过。e.g. He has been to Hubei. 他去过湖北。(人已不在湖北,表示有此经历,曾经去过那里。)I hav

2、e been to Beijing several times. 我去过北京几次。have/has gone to.已经去了,它强调主语此时不在说话地点。e.g. She has gone to Shang-hai. 她已经去了上海。3 so.that. 如此以至于,引导结果状语从句。e.g. He ran so quickly that we couldnt keep up with him.,他跑的太快以至于我们都赶不上。so.that.引导的从句有时可以和too.to.句型互换。e.g. He is so young that he cant go to school. = He is

3、too young to go to school. 他太小了,还不能上学。4 improve 意为“提高,(使)好转,改善”。a.可作及物动词。improve oneself自我提高。e.g. He has improved his health. 他的健康状况得到了改善。b.可作不及物动词。e.g. His health is improving. 他的健康状况正在好转。另:improve on/upon sth.对做出改进。e.g. He has improved on the invention.他进一步完善了他的发明。improvement n. 改进(处),增进,事物。5 by t

4、he way 顺便问一问。e.g. By the way, do you know him? 顺便问一问,你认识他吗?6 There goes the bell.Thats the bell.The bell is ringing.铃响了。此句是倒装语序。倒装分为局部倒装和完全倒装,主语是代词时一般用局部倒装,主语是名词时则用完全倒装。e.g. There comes the bus. 公共汽车来了。Look! Here he comes. 看!他来了。Here you are. 给你。8 Where have you been? 你去过哪里啦? I have been to +地点。 我去过

5、了 Where has she/he been? 她/他去过哪里啦? She/He has been to +地点。 我去过了。U1T1SB1 I havent seen you for a long time.我很长时间没看到你啦。现在完成时的否定结构是havent/hasnt+过去分词。2 You took part in some volunteer activities during summer holidays, didnt you? 你在暑假参加了一些志愿者活动,是吗? 此句为反义疑问句。例如:e.g. Its a nice day, isnt it?美好的一天,不是吗?Ann

6、didnt use to live there, did she?Ann过去不常住那里,不是吗?3 Ive learnt a lot from it. 我从中 学到了很多东西。learn . from. 从中学习(到)。e.g. We must learn from each other.我们必须互相学习。He learnt a lot from his friends last summer.去年夏季,他从他朋友那学到了很多。4 Have you been to any other place?你有没有去过其它地方吗?现在完成时的疑问句?Have you cleaned the room?

7、回答: Yes, I have, /No , I havent .5 Though I had no time to travel, I still felt very happy.虽然我没有时间去旅行,但是我仍然觉得很开心。A though conj. 尽管,虽然,引导让步状语从句。注意:though不能与but连用。e.g. Though it was late, he went on working.尽管天晚了,但他仍在工作。B have (no) time to do sth. 意为“有(没有)时间做”。e.g. I have time to see you. 我有时间去看你。U1T1

8、SC1 more than 相当于over,意为“超过,多于”,后常跟数词。more than/over ten men 十多个人。more . than . 意为“比更”,是比较级的一种用法。中间多接名词、多音节的形容词或副词原级。e.g. I have more friends than you. 我的朋友比你的多。He is more careful than Jim. 他比吉姆细心。2 see sth. oneself 意为“亲眼目睹”。e.g. I saw him helping others myself. 我亲眼目睹他帮助别人。3 have the chance to do st

9、h. 意为“有机会做某事”。e.g. Ill have the chance to visit your factory next Sunday. 下星期天我将有机会去参观你们的工厂。4 a.keep in touch with . 意为“与保持联系”。e.g. He still keeps in touch with his old friends. 他仍和老朋友们保持联系。b.far away遥远,常放在句末作后置定语。e.g. They live in a village far away. 他们住在一个遥远的村子里。faraway adj. 遥远的e.g. a faraway town

10、 一个遥远的小镇far away from+某地,离遥远。如前面有具体数字时,则不能连用far。e.g. My home is far away from Beijing. 我家离北京很远。My hometown is about 100 kilometers away from Shanghai.我的家乡离上海大约100公里。5 develop v.发展,发达。developed adj. 发达的,developing adj. 发展中的,development n.发展。e.g. Chinas economy has developed a lot, but Chin a is still

11、 a developing country while the U.S.A. is a developed country. 中国的经济已经有了很大的发展,但中国仍是一个发展中国家,而美国是一个发达国家6 satisfy v.使(某人)满意或满足。e.g. Its impossible to satisfy everyone.让所有的人满意是不可能的。be satisfied with .意为“对感到满意、满足”,与be pleased with.同义。e.g. He is satisfied with his new job.他对他的新工作感到满意。7 not only.but also.

12、不但而且,用来连接两个相同的成分。连接主语时,谓语动词须和邻近的主语保持一致。e.g. Not only he but also I have been to Canada. 不仅他去过加拿大,我也去过。8 care n.照料、照顾、护理。medical care 医疗保健patient care 病人护理take care of (sb./sth.) 照料、照顾(某人/某物)v. care about sb./sth.关注、在意、担忧某人/某物e.g. I dont care about what she said.我不在意她所说的。9 a. already adv. 意为“已经”,多用于现

13、在完成时,常放在肯定句中间或句末。e.g. I have already read this book. 我已经看过这本书了。b. succeed in sth./doing sth.意为“成功地做某事”。e.g. Tom succeeded in making a beautiful model plane.汤姆成功地做好了一个漂亮的飞机模型。Success n. 成功。successful adj. 成功的。10 I think its important to remember the past.我认为记住过去很重要。 a. it 是形式主语,动词不定式作真正的主语。e.g. I fin

14、d it is easy for us to learn English well. 我发现对我们来说学好英语是容易的。11. dream about 梦想,展望,后接名词或动词-ing形式。e.g. He dreams about a new house. 他梦想拥有一栋新房子。We used to dream about living abroad. 过去我们常常梦想去国外生活。U1T1SD1. Leisure activities play an important part in peoples lives. 休闲活动在人们的生活中起着重要的作用。play a/an part = play a/an role 扮演角色;起作用;有影响e.g. Computer plays an important part in our daily lives.2. Watching operas and listening to the radio were the main activities in their spare time. 看戏和听广播是他们在空闲时间的主要活动。watching operas and listening to the radio 是动名词短语,作这个句子的主语。e.g. Reading books plays an important part



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