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1、交通银行信用卡营销组合策略设计 作者: 日期: 毕业设计(论文)题 目 交通银行信用卡营销组合策略设计 题目类型 工 程 设 计 型 学 院 XX 学 院 专 业 XX 年 级 2009 级 学生姓名 x x x 指导教师 x x 日 期 2013年6 月14日 Kunming University of Science and TechnologyGraduation Design (Dissertation)Title Design of credit card marketing mix strategy for Bank of Communications Type of Title

2、Engineering Design Faculty XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Specialty XXXXXXXXXXXXX Grade XXXXXXXXXX Students Name XXXXXXXXX Supervisor XXXXXXXXX Submission Data June 14th , 2013 交通银行信用卡营销组合策略设计摘 要目前,随着中国金融市场逐渐对外开放,中国的银行业面临着日益严峻的挑战。2003年,信用卡的发行数量仅为300万张。而央行2011年底的最新统计显示,截至2011年第三季度,信用卡累计发卡量为2.68亿张。短短不到10


4、。由于国内信用卡市场竞争的加剧和客户需求的不断改变,商业银行信用卡营销正面临最为激烈的模式改变,作为五大银行中率先发行信用卡的交通银行,在经营理念、财务资源、网点布局等方面都有着相当的基础,同时又拥有国家政策支持和经济快速增长作为保障,市场机会很大。必须抓住契机,从本行实际出发,完善信用卡营销策略,让我们一起成为行业领袖。关键词:信用卡;营销组合策略;4P; Design of credit card marketing mix strategy for Bank of CommunicationsAbstractAt present, as Chinas financial market i

5、s gradually opening up, Chinas banking sector is facing increasingly serious challenges. In 2003, the number of credit cards issued only 3000000. The latest statistics show central bank by the end of 2011, as of the third quarter of 2011, the cumulative amount of credit card issuers to credit card 2

6、68000000. In less than 10 years, credit card issuance quantity increased nearly 90 times. Circulation industry, agriculture, construction, China Merchants Bank, in turn, the peoples livelihood, CITIC, other banks are more than 10000000, the other joint-stock banks more than 3000000. In the face of p

7、otential competition accelerate Chinas opening of the credit card market and foreign financial institutions, domestic commercial banks have increased input in the credit card business.The thesis aims to use marketing theory, design suitable mix strategy in bank of communications credit card marketin

8、g, from bank of communications credit card marketing situation, to provide practical solutions to improve the traffic bank credit card marketing. This paper first describes the traffic bank credit card marketing present situation, the traffic bank credit card marketing environment and market analysi

9、s, pointed out that the Bank of communications in the 4P - four aspects of product, price, promotion, channel problem. Next, combining the marketing mix theory, presents some design strategies of traffic bank credit card marketing.Due to continuous changes in domestic credit card market competition

10、and customer demand, the commercial bank credit card marketing is facing the most intense pattern change, as the five largest bank in the first issue of credit card of Bank of communications, in the management idea, financial resources, network layout and so on have a considerable foundation, but al

11、so has a fast the support of national policy and economic growth as a guarantee, the market opportunity is very big. We must seize the opportunity, from the reality, improve the credit card marketing strategy, let us work together to become the industry leader.Key words:Credit card;Marketing Mix Str

12、ategy;4P 目 录摘 要2ABSTRACT3第一章 绪 论81.1研究背景81.2研究目的及意义91.3国内外研究现状91.3.1国外研究综述101.3.2国内研究综述101.4研究思路和论文框架111.4.1研究思路111.4.2论文结构框架11第二章 市场营销相关理论概述122.1市场营销组合的相关理论132.2市场细分与目标市场定位相关理论142.2.1市场细分142.2.2目标市场定位152.3产品策略相关理论162.3.1产品组合162.3.2新产品开发策略162.4定价策略的相关理论172.4.1企业的定价方法172.4.2企业的定价策略182.5促销策略的相关理论192.5

13、.1广告宣传192.5.2营业推广202.6服务营销的组合策略相关理论21第三章 交通银行太平洋信用卡现状分析233.1交通银行太平洋信用卡现状233.1.1太平洋信用卡种类243.1.2太平洋信用卡收费标准263.1.3太平洋信用卡促销策略概述263.2交通银行太平洋信用卡SWOT分析283.3交通银行太平洋信用卡营销中存在的问题353.3.1 缺乏科学的市场细分353.3.2 产品同质化竞争严重363.3.3 营销渠道建设不足373.3.4促销活动不足373.3.5 优质客户流失38第四章 交通银行太平洋信用卡营销策略设计394.1 对市场进行细分,确定目标市场394.1.1目标市场细分394.1.2确定目标市场424.2 加快产品创新434.2.1 丰富信用卡产品个性化设计434.2.2 加快开发高


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