牛津英语七年级unit2 Reading课件

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1、Unit 2 Lets play sports!,Reading,1.运动员n. 2.成员n. 3.俱乐部n. 4.空闲的adj 5.希望vt. 6.梦想.梦n. 7.真的.真实的adj,player member club free hope dream true,词汇:,词组:,1,来自 2,住在北京 3,在某人的闲暇时间 4,喜欢听音乐 5,在下届世界杯 6,变成现实,come from/be from live in Beijing in ones free time enjoy listening to music in the next World Cup come true,句子

2、:,1,他是黄河足球俱乐部的一名新成员。 2,李华是我最喜欢的足球明星。 3,许多人喜欢他。 4,他看上去很结实,球也踢得好。 5,我希望他梦想成真。,He is a new member of Huanghe Football Club. Li Hua is my favourite football star. Many people like him. He looks strong and play football very well. I hope his dream comes true.,Listen to the tape and try to answer the ques

3、tions:,1, What does Simon like? 2, Who is Simons favourite star? 3,Does Lin Hua have any dreams?,What does Simon like?,He likes sports, and he likes football very much.,and表示前后两句的意思一致,可翻译为“和,又,且” 若前后意思不一致,则需要用but。表示“但是”,eg:I like lessons, I like English very much. We are good friends, we are not in

4、the same class.,and,but,very much,很,非常,用来修饰动词,常用于句末。,eg: 非常感谢! 我很喜欢打排球。,Thank you very much!,I like playing volleyball very much.,Who is Simons favourite football star?,Simons favourite football star is Li Hua.,(最喜欢的),Eg: 1.你最喜欢的作家是谁? 2.你最喜欢的运动是什么?,Who is your favourite writer?,Whats your favourite

5、sport?,What sport do you like best?,a member of. 表示“.(俱乐部)的成员”,Eg: Amy 是阅读俱乐部的成员。,Amy is a member of the Reading Club.,Li Hua is in Huanghe Football Club.,李华在黄河足球俱乐部。,tips: 由普通名词转化而来的专有名词,每个单词的第一个字母都要大写。,Xinxiang No.10 Middle School,look strong(看上去强壮),look:联系动词,意为“看起来.”,后面接 形容词,Eg: 1.玛丽穿蓝色衣服看上去年轻。 2

6、.她好像生气了。 3.你妈妈看上去年轻。,Mary looks young in blue.,She looks angry.,Your mother looks young.,tip:与look用法相似的还有sound,feel,taste,smell等,eg:这个主意听起来不错。 This idea sounds good.,come from 表示“来自”,相当于be from,eg: 这个男孩来自上海。,The boy comes from Shanghai.,The boy is from Shanghai.,live in. (住在.),eg:他住在伦敦附近的一个小镇上。,He l

7、ives in a small town near London.,many许多,用来修饰可数名词的复数。,much许多,用来修饰不可数名词。,许多,Many students like English.,There is much milk in the bottle.,many= lots of = a lot of,What does Li Hua do in his free time?,(在他业余时间里),in ones free time 在某人的业余时间里 (其中ones 是与主语相一致的形容词性物主代词),He studies English.,eg: 业余时间里我喜欢看电视。

8、,I like watching TV in my free time.,What does Li Hua enjoy?,He enjoys listening to music(听音乐). It makes him happy(使他高兴).,区别,listen,hear,指“听的过程”,指“听的结果”,eg: Listen!Who is singing?,eg: I can hear something in the room. 我能听见房间里有声音。,Does Li Hua have any dreams?,Yes. He does. He wants to play in the nex

9、t World Cup. We hope his dream comes true.,want,4.want to be. 想要成为.,eg:她不想要这本书,She doesnt want the book.,eg:我想要帮妈妈做一些家务活。,I want to help my mother to do some housework.,eg:她想要我和她一起去。,She wants me to go with her.,eg:我想要成为一名老师。,I want to be a teacher.,1.want sth. 想要某物,2.want to do sth. 想要做某事,3.want sb

10、. to do sth. 想要某人做某事,hope(期望,盼望,希望),1.hope to do sth.,eg:I hope to be your friend. 我希望能成为你的朋友。,2.hope+从句,eg:I hope I can be a doctor like my father. 我希望像父亲一样做个医生。,3.特殊用法:与so连用,I hope so. 我希望如此。,How much do you know about Li Hua?,Is Li Hua in any club?,How old is he?,How does he look?,Yes. Hes a of H

11、uanghe Football Club.,member,He is years old.,22,He looks .,strong,What does he look like?,How much do you know about Li Hua?,Does he come from Beijing?,Does he play football well?,No, he doesnt. He Guangdong, but now Beijing.,comes from,lives in,Yes, he does. Many people him.,like,Li Hua is Simons (1)football star. Li Hua is a (2)of Huanghe Football Club. Li Hua plays football (3). Li Hua (4)English in his free time. Li Hua also (5)listening to music. It makes him (6). Li Hua has a (7).He wants to play in the (8) World Cup.,


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