牛津英语 七年级上册(7A) Unit 6 Reading II课件

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1、Reading (),学习目标: 理解和掌握文中的语言点。,牛津版 七年级 (7A) Unit 6,1. What are the students in Class 1, Grade 7 doing? They are having a fashion show. 2. Why are they doing this? Because they want to raise money for Project Hope. 3. Talk about the following pictures in pairs.,Review,1. Who is he? 2. What is he weari

2、ng? 3. Are his clothes from the 1980s? 4. How does he look?,1. Who is she? 2. What is she wearing? 3. How does she look?,1. Who is she? 2. What is she wearing? 3. How is she wearing her hair? 4. How does she look?,Who is he? What is he wearing? How does he look?,During the fashion show, Mr Wu took s

3、ome photos for Kitty. She is now adding captions to the pictures. Help her finish them.,colourful,trainers,cotton,jeans,leather,1. Simon looks _. 2. Daniels shoes are called _. 3. Amy is wearing a beautiful yellow _ blouse. 4. Young people like to wear blue _. 5. Sandys long red _ boots are very mod

4、ern.,Do you think the bag, the coat and the blouse match the skirt? Yes, I think so. They match the skirt. No, I dont think so. They dont match the skirt at all.,Kitty is interviewing Simon and Sandy. Complete the conversation using the information on page 92and 93.,Kitty: Congratulations, Sandy. Th

5、e show is great. I really like you red boots. Sandy: Thank you. I think they match my _ blouse. Kitty: I like your skirt too. Is it cotton?,red silk,Sandy: No. It is _. Kitty: Your hair style is quite different. Sandy: Yes, it is popular in the _. Kitty: Simon, do you like your _ shirt? Simon: Yes,

6、I like it. My clothes are from the _. Kitty: You look cool in white _,wool,1990s,purple,1980s,trousers,and _ tie. Do you think young people will like your style? Simon: Yes, I think so. Kitty: Simon, what do you think of Daniels _ clothes and his pair of _? Simon: I think he looks _ and _. And train

7、ers are really _.,yellow and red,sports,colourful trainers,smart,modern,comfortable,1. I dont like _(having many different colours) dress. 2. The shoes are _ (giving a good feeling) to wear as they are just the right size for me.,colourful,comfortable,Fill in blanks with proper words according to th

8、e explanation.,3. You look _ (excellent, impressive) in this black sweater. 4. She dresses in the 1990s _ (a particular style of clothes, hair, etc. at a particular time or place). 5. She dresses in the lastest fashion and looks very _ (new and intended to be different),cool,fashion,modern,6. They a

9、re _ (collect) money to help poor people. 7. They are having a fashion _ (a performance). 8. Peter is wearing a _ (looking attractive and stylish) suit today.,raising,show,smart,9. I like the _ ( particular design) of this skirt. 10. She is going to _ (give a speech on a particular subject) about th

10、e school life.,style,talk,I. What do you think of their fashion show? II. What other ways do you think can help you to raise money for Project Hope?,Discussion in groups of four,他是来自于英国的格林先生。 He is Mr. Green from England. 她是来自育才中学的英语教师。 She is an English teacher from Yucai Middle School.,I am Kitty

11、from Class 1, Grade 7.,be from = come from,语言点,米莉是来自于法国的护士。 Millie is a nurse from France. 我父母是来自于台湾的营业员。 My parents are shopkeepers from Taiwan.,2. Welcome to our fashion show.,Welcome to 地点Welcome to do sth.,1) 欢迎到中国来。,Welcome to China.,2) 欢迎到我家。,Welcome to my home.,3) 欢迎来参加我的生日晚会。,Welcome to my b

12、irthday party.,5) 欢迎和我们一起旅游。,Welcome to go on a trip with us.,4) 欢迎加入我们。,Welcome to join us.,3. We are having the show because we want to raise money for Project Hope.,初三年级希望为那个可怜的孩子募集钱。 Grade Three wishes to raise money for that poor child. 他们正在为贫穷地区的孩子募集书。 They are raising books for children in po

13、or areas.,raise: 1. 募集 2. 饲养 3. 举起,Lily 饲养了三只猫一只狗。 Lily raises three cats and a dog. 请举手! Please raise your hand!,Can you guess when my clothes are from?,你能猜出谁是我的哥哥吗? Can you guess who my brother is ? 你能猜出我爸爸是干什么的吗? Can you guess what my brother is? 你能猜出西蒙是怎样回家的吗? Can you guess how Simon goes home?,

14、Can you guess + 从句,你能猜出为什么我们募集钱吗? Can you guess why we raise money? 你能猜出现在几点吗? Can you guess what time it is now?,本句是倒装句。主语和谓语是句子的核心,它们之间有两种语序:一是主语在谓语之前称为自然语序;二是主语在谓语之后则称为倒装语序。而倒装语序中又有全部倒装和部分倒装两种情况。首先,在全部倒装的句子中,要把整个谓语放在主语的前面去而构成倒装语序。如本句。,4. Look, here comes Simon.,另外,在部分倒装的句子中,只把谓语的 一部分(如情态动词、助动词、或是

15、系动 词be)放到主语的前面去,构成倒装语 序。例如:Where did you buy the dictionary, in the book store nearby or in Xinhua bookstore?当there, here, then, now等副词在句首,且谓语是come, go, be 等动词时,句子一般要全部倒装。其意义 在于引起他人的注意。如果这类句子的主 语是代词,则不用写成倒装句。,翻译下列倒装句,这个故事是这样的。 Now, here goes the story. 瞧,出租车过来了。 Look, there comes the taxi. 然后又一个问题提出来了。 Then came another question. 现在轮到你了。 Now comes your turn.,5. He looks very colourful.,请看黑板。 Please look at the blackboard. 她看着窗外,却什么也没看见。 She looks out of the window, but sees nothing. Amy看起来很酷。 Amy looks very cool.,look: 看look at sth. 看起来 look + adj.,他的奶奶看起来很伤心。 His grandma looks very s


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