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1、欧亨利短篇小说的主题思想和语言特点英文 大众文艺58day forward,Buck livedfor thatman.After beingwith thisman forquite sometime,Buck startedto heara callfrom faraway.He startedpaying moreand moreattention tothis call.He wentout fordays ata timesearching for its source.This callwas thecall of the wild.He hada willto gooff and

2、be withother dogs.He feltthe urgeto befreeform man and catch his own food.One day,Buck finallyleft forgood.He wasexcepted bya packof wolves who treatedhim likea wolfhimself.And sothe transformationwas plete.Buck hadchanged froma dog,to abeast ofnature.Bibliographies1London Jack.The Callof theWild.MN

3、ew York:Airmont PublishingCo.Inc,1964.2Pizer,Donald.American Realismand Naturalism.MShanghai:Shanghai ForeignLanguage EducationPress,2000.3The NewEncyclopaedia Britannica,15th ed.1993.4蒋承勇(主编).欧美自然主义文学的现代阐释.M上海复旦大学出版社,xx5柳鸣九.自然主义大师佐拉.M上海上海文艺出版社,1989作者简介孙海晶(1983年-),女,满族,河北省遵化市人,北京第二外国语院,英语专业OHenry,on

4、e of the threemost famous short-storywriters inthe world,enjoys equalstatus withChekhov andMaupassant.His short stories are famous for its unexpected ending,as wellas theirexquisite conception.OHenrys sympathyfor the poor socialunderdogs,his eulogyof humanvirtues.es andexposure of human evilsare hig

5、hlightedas thekeynote of his works.Humanity endows his works with perpetual artistic charm.His short stories aretypicallyAmerican,portraying varioustypes ofpeople inthe UnitedStates.1The MainTheme of OHenrys Works1.1Human VirtuesIn his works,OHenry presentsthe panoramaof theAmerican peopleto readers

6、with ironicand humoroustone.OHenry issympathetic withthe poor;he praises the humanvirtues anddenounces humandefeats.Humanity,as theeternal themeof OHenrysworks,endows his works with perpetual artistic charm.Human beinghas manyvirtues fromancient timesto thepresent.They arekind,brave,honest,hard-work

7、ing,polite,thrifty,generous,and hospitableand soon.Some peoplepay agreat dealin order to maintainthese virtues,they sacrificetheir ownhappiness evenlife for the loftylove andfriendship;they helpothers withoutasking forrewards andregard itas apleasure;they giveup their own treasureand chanceto others

8、etc.Such peoplebring love and fihings to the world;they arethe oneswho endowthe worldwith lightand hope.1.2Human EvilsHuman beingshave manydefects,too.Sometimes they are lazy,rapacious,gluttonous,officious,vain,arrogant,shameless,cowardly,impetuous etc.They benefitthemselves at the expenseof others,

9、they nevershow mercyand sympathyto thepoor in order tomake money,they realizetheir ownaims byhook orby crooketc.Their evildeeds makethe worldvicious.By exposingthe humandefects and the darksides of the world,OHenry wants to awakenpeoples conscienceand deepestdesire forall goodthings,so thatpeople ca

10、nuse theirefforts tosave andcleanse thewholeworld.2Features ofLanguage of OHenrys Works2.1Figure ofSpeech2.1.1MetaphorIn OHenrys writings,metaphor isanother featurewhich isworth mention.”A symboldiffers froma metaphorin thatits applicationis leftopen as an unstatedsuggestion,whereas the metaphor tie

11、sa concreteimage to an identifiableabstract quality.”The imagein metaphorrepresents specificmeaning.But thesymbolic imageremains indeterminatein itspossible meanings;it isusually asubstantial imagein itsown right,around whichfurther significancesmay gatheraording todiffering interpretations.The meta

12、phorunder discussionhere doesnot meanthat asa rhetoricaldevice orfigure ofspeech,though the metaphorical sentencesas wonderfulas theone“Manhattan,the night-blooming cereus,was beginningto unfoldits dead-white,heavy-odored petals”teem inOHenrys shortstories.What isto beprobed isthemetaphorexploited a

13、sa skillin story-writing.In thethird branchof Roadsof Destiny,the heroDavid Mignot isa shepherd,but heis tooindulged inwriting poemsto takeenough careof hissheep.The flocksteadily growssmaller andhis wifekeeps onplaining.Then one of hisfriends introduceshim toa learnedman calledGeorges Bril,David as

14、ksMonsieur Brilto readhis poems,because hewants toknow ifhe shallwrite moreor givehis attention to hissheep.When Monsieur Bril hasread allthe verses,he concludesthat Davidhas notalent forpoem-writing.Inorder to tell the harsh truth in a mild way,he asksDavidto lookat thecrow inthe tree.Instead ofmen

15、ting onthe poemsdirectly,Monsleur Brilpraises thecrow thatis contentwith hislot.In thismetaphorical wayhe advisesDavid tactfullynot totry towrite poemsany more.David seesthe pointand feelsdiscouraged.He goesback homeand thrustshis poemsinto thestove.Hearing therustle of the欧亨利短篇小说的主题思想和语言特点张明洋1刘映雪2(

16、1.长安大学人文学院西安7100642.沈阳师范大学旅游管理学院沈阳110034)【摘要】欧亨利是美国二十世纪初期最著名的短篇小说家之一。 他的作品有趣而又意味深长,反映了当时美国的社会现实。 并且他的作品因其奇巧的艺术构思,出其不意的结尾而著称。 他的作品散发人性美与人情美的芳香。 本论文将分析欧亨利作品的主题思想以及从修辞层面和写作技巧方面分析他的作品的语言特点。 【关键词】欧亨利;短篇小说;主题思想;语言特点【Abstract】OHenry isone of the greatestAmerican short story writersof the20th century.His shortstories,depicting Americansociety of his time,are bothinteresting andthought-provoking.And hisshortstories are famous forits unexpe



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