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1、期末测试卷一、看图,判断对错。对的写( T ),错的写( F )。(每小题2分,共10分)二、选词填空,请将答案写到横线上。(每小题2分,共10分)1. Hello,Im _. ( Sam/school )2. Howmany? _ . ( One/Orange )3. Whatsthat ? Its a _. ( desk/down)4. Wheresthe pencil ? I dont _. (knee/know )5. Isit a blackboard ? _, it is. ( Yes/No )三、单项选择。(每小题2分,共10分)( )1. How old _ you?A.am.

2、 B.is. C.are.( )2. Ms. Smart is my English_.A.head. B.teacher. C.Mr. Li.( )3.你想知道哥哥在哪,应该问:A.Whereis my brother?B.Where is my sister?C.Whats your name?( )4.当别人对你说Happy birthday!时,你应该说:A.Happybirthday.B.Thankyou.C.Hello.( )5.你想向别人介绍你的妈妈,你应该说:A.Thisis my mother.B.Whatsmy mother.C.Hi,my mother.四、选择正确的答语

3、。(每小题2分,共10分)( )1. Hello, Im Sam. A. Idont know.( )2. Is it a yellow pen? B. Hello,Sam.( )3. Wheres the bag? C. No,it isnt.( )4. How many boys? D. Itsa bird.( )5. Whats this? E. Eight boys.五、找到相应的图片,将序号填入题前的括号中。(每题2分,共10分)( )1. Its a red chair .( )2. Here is my present .( )3. This is my grandpa .( )

4、4. Look ! Im nine .( )5. Hello ! Im Panpan .六、连词成句。(每小题2分,共10分)1. Good,Sam, morning , ( . )2. This,school, my, is, ( . )3. Where,the, is, cake, ( ? )4. Its,pencil, a, green, ( . )5. She,driver, is, a, ( . )七、阅读理解,正确的在括号内写( T ), 错误的写( F )。(每小题2分,共10分)This is my family. Look! This is my mother.She is

5、a teacher. This is my father. He is a doctor. My name is Amy. Im apupil. Im nine. This is my brother, Tom. He is seven. I love my family.( )1. My name is Amy.( )2. My father is a farmer.( )3. My mother is a teacher.( )4. Im a pupil, Im nine.( )5. Tom is nine, too.外研(三起)三年级上册期末测试卷外研版小学英语三年级上册期末复习题姓名:

6、_l翻译下列单词的中文意思颜色类:red _blue _yellow_green_black_white_数字类:one_two _three _four_five_six_seven_eight_nine_ten_eleven_twelve_动物类:panda_dog_cat_bird_ chameleon_教室设施:door _window_blackboard_desk_chair_学习用品:pencil_pen_book_schoolbag_职业:teacher_pupil_doctor_policeman_nurse_driver_farmer_家庭成员:mother_father_

7、人体器官:sister_brother_grandpa_grandma_head_hand _arm_leg_foot_nose_eye _mouth_ear_人称代词:主格:I _you_he_she_it_宾格:me _you _形容词性物主代词:my _your _his _her _特殊疑问词:what_where _how _howmany_how old_ 动 词:look(at) _see _point(to) _sit _stand_say_know_help_please_thank_名 词:name_morning_afternoon_birthday_present _c

8、ake _school_classroom_English_ball_monster_kite_bag_cap _形容词:fine_happy _old_new_介词:in_on_be动词:is_ am_ are_对应词:Ms_-Mr_boy_- girl_this_-that_yes_- no_up_-down_new_-old_其 他:a/an_ the _ too _ here_ and_ to_ now_ again_ or_ l按例子,在横线上写缩写词完整形式,括号里写中文意思缩写词:例子:Im = I am (我是 ) youre=_()theyre=_( )whats = _ ()its = _ () heres =_ ()wheres = _ ()shes = _ () h


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