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1、 1 在理发店在理发店 单词与短语单词与短语 洗头 shampoo / hair shampoo 烫发 permanent 剪发 cut/hair cutting 染发 color/hair coloring 吹风(发) blow/blow drying 护发 treatment/hair treatment 修指甲 manicure 修脚甲 pedicure 洗澡 take a bath 赶 快 hurry up /quickly 小费 tip 结帐 pay the bill 折扣 discount 钱 money 整发做花 hair setting 发型 设计 hair design 手指

2、卷法 pin curl 化妆 make up 按摩 massage 全套服务 full service 快速服务 quick service 免费服务 free service 指甲保养 nail care 产品 product 工具 instrument 头发 hair 护发霜 hair care/conditioner 发胶 gel 定型液 hair spray 染发剂 hair color 发雕 lotion 卷发 curl 干燥 dry 湿的 wet 润湿 rinse 平梳 comb 镜子 mirror 吹风机 hair dryer 毛巾 towel 发夹 hair pick 帽子 c

3、ap 削刀 razor 模特 model 发叉 hair pin 冷烫卷 perm rod 冷烫纸 perm paper 橡皮筋 rubber band 工作车 setting cart 洗发槽 shampoo sink 发刷 brush 圆梳 round brush 尖尾梳 tail comb 吹风机 blow dryer 电棒 curling iron 剪刀 scissors / shears 大吹风 air dryer 蒸气机 steamer 推剪 clipper 电推剪 electric clipper 大发夹 hair clip 假发 wig 手套 gloves 头皮屑 dandru

4、ff 线条 line 长发 long hairstyle 中长发 medium hairstyle 短发 short hairstyle 波浪 wave 很鬈 curly 旁分 side parting 中分 central parting 黄金点 golden point 打薄 thinning 化妆室 Toilet 检查 check 流行 fashion 造型 style 发型设计师 hair designer 美发师 hair stylist 客人 client/customer/guest 美发从 业人员 hairdresser 老板 boss /hair owner 学徒 follo

5、wer 经理/店长 manager 美容院 beauty salon 美 容学校 beauty school 杂志 magazine 海报 poster 图片 picture 发型书 hairstyle book 发型发表会 (秀) hair show 发型研习会 hair seminar 连锁店 chain store 加盟店 franchise 沙龙经营 salon management 待客礼节 etiquette 促销 promotion 小赠品 gimmick (gift) 恕不赊帐 no credit 请坐 Sit down ,Please /Take a seat, Please

6、 beside 在旁边 outside right 右边锋 temple 鬓角 hand 手 leg 腿 eye 眼睛 mouth 嘴巴 teeth 牙齿 arm 手臂 nose 鼻子 foot 脚 waist 腰 neck 脖子 thumb 拇指 moustache 小胡子 toner 调色剂,增色剂 invigorate 滋补,滋润 exfoliation 剥落;剥落 物 peel 剥(皮) ;被剥(或削)去皮 scrub 擦洗;擦净 massage 给(某人或身体某部位)按摩(或 推拿) circulation 循环, 环流; 运行 moisturize 给 (皮肤、 空气等) 增加水分

7、 tonic 滋补的 cleanse 使清洁,清洗 句型句型 麻烦给我报纸? Yes newspaper please? 您要洗头吗? Would you like a shampoo? 您要整发做花吗? Would you like a hairset? 您要护发吗? Would you like a conditioner? 您要剪发吗? Would you like a haircut? 您要吹风吗? Would you like a blowdry? 您要烫发吗? Would you like a perm? 您要修指甲吗? Would you like a manicure? 您要修

8、脚指甲吗? Would you like a pedicure? 您要染发吗? Would you like a hair colored? 我要洗头 (护发, 吹风.) Id need a shampoo (conditioner, blowdry, haircut, perm, medicure). 我要染发. Id need my hair colored. 您比较喜欢什么发型? What hairstyle would you prefer? 我喜欢短发(中长发,长发). I prefer a short (medium, long) hairstyle. 我建议您这款的新发型. Ma

9、y l recommend this new hairstyle for you? 您使用何种洗发精? What brand of shampoo do you use? 我现在为您按摩肩膀. Im going to massage your shoulder now. 2 我们现在去冲水吧! Lets go to rinse your hair now. 请跟我来. Please follow me. 水温可以吗? Is the water O.K 您有您的美发师吗? Do you have your own stylist? 我可以建议一位我们最好的美发师吗? May l recommen

10、d one of our best stylists? 请稍等. Wait for a moment please 我们待会儿就来. We will be with you in a moment. 抱歉让您久等了. Sorry, to keep you waiting. 我是 3 号设计师. I am No 3 designer. 很高兴为您服务. Im glad to be at your service. 我建议您这种发型. I would recommend this hairstyle for you. 这种发型很适合您的脸型. It seems to fit your face v

11、ery well. 新的发型您觉得如何? What do you think if your new hairstyle? 您要不要看看镜子? Would you like to use a mirror? 您今天看起来很漂亮. You look very nice today. 钱不用找. Keep the change. 这是小费. This is a tip. 欢迎再度光临. Thank you for coming to our salon. 欢迎再来. We hope to see you again. 欢迎再来. Please come again. 我想染头发. I want t

12、o dye my hair. 我想把头发染成棕色. Id like my hair dyed brown. 您想染什么颜色? Which color would you dye it? 做个染发怎么样? How about doing hair coloring? 这会褪色吗? Will it fade? 我的头发需要焗油吗? Do I need hair treatment? 有好牌子的染发剂吗? Have you got a good brand of hair dye? 金黄色太怪异. Blonde is too erratic. 我一直喜欢黑色. Black is always my

13、favorite. Id like to have my hair cut. 我想理个发。 How do you want it? 您想理什么式样的? Just a trim, and cut the sides fairly short, but not so much at the back. 修剪一下就行了。两边剪短些,但 后面不要剪得太多。 Nothing off the top? 顶上不要剪吗? Well, a little off the top. 嗯,稍微剪一点。 Would you like a shave or shampoo? 您要不要修面或洗头? I want a hai

14、rcut and a shave, please. 我想理发和修面。 Very well, and how would you like your haircut, sir? 好的,您喜欢什么发式? Do you want me to trim your moustache? 要我为您修剪一下小胡子吗? Well, could you cut a little more off the temple? 好,能不能把两边鬓角再剪短些? Is that satisfactory? 您看这样满意吗? Anything else I can do for you? 还要我为您做些什么吗? I want

15、 a facial. 我想做面部美容。 Most facials start with a thorough cleansing. 面部美容大都是先彻底清洁面部皮肤。 3 Ill take the half-hour facial with make-up. 我要做半小时美容外加化妆。 How do you wear your parting? 你通常怎么分头路? What color would you dye it? 你要染什么颜色? What will you have, a perm or a set? 你要烫发还是吹发? Leave some bangs, please. 请留一点刘

16、海。 Give me a facial, please. 请给我做面部按摩。 Trim a little off the side burns, please. 两边鬓角修掉一些。 Some hair tonic would be good for your hair. 摸一点护发素对您的头发有好处。 Do you have pictures of the latest hairstyles? 有最新发式的图片吗? I like to have it in big waves. 我喜欢大波浪式发型。 Id like my sideburns cut short, please. 我想把连鬓胡子剪短些。 I would like a shampoo and set. 我想洗头,做个头发。 What style do you want? 你想做什么样的? Id like to try a new hair style. Could you show me some pictures of hair styles? 我想换个新发型。 你能不 能给



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