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1、Module 3 Life now and thenModule 3单词朗读wealthy weli adj. 富有的;富裕的fear f n. 担心;害怕 used to v. & aux. (用于表示过去真实或经常性的行为,特别强调现在不那样了)过去wealth wel n. 财富;财产double dbl v. 使加倍;把增加一倍;adj. (成)双的;两个seldom seldm adv. 很少地;不常spare spe adj. 空余的;备用的spare time 业余时间;闲暇speak up 大声说deaf def adj. 聋的tiny tani adj. 微小的;极小的ele

2、ctric lektrk adj. 用电的;电动的light lat n. 电灯candle kndl n. 蜡烛postman pstmn n. 邮递员cold kld n. 寒冷;冷空气heat hi:t n. 高温;热度full-time fltam adj. 专职的;全日制的Role rl n. 作用;职责;角色education eduken n. (个人的)教育;学业transport trnsp:t n. 运输业;交通Unit 1 课文(录音+动画+翻译)Mum:Its getting late, Betty. How is your homework?妈妈:越来越晚了,贝蒂。你

3、的作业做得怎么样了?Betty:Nearly finished.Mum, do you think that life is better today than in the past?贝蒂:快完了!妈妈,您认为现在的生活比过去好吗?Mum:Yes, of course, I do.妈妈:当然了。Betty:I do too. People are wealthier today, and they live longer than they did in the past.贝蒂:我也这么觉得。现在的人们比过去富有了,也比过去长寿了。Mum:Thats true. We know more a

4、bout medicine today, and theres less fear of getting ill because we know how to deal with the ordinary diseases. But people dont take as much exercise as they used to.妈妈:确实是这样。我们现在对医学懂得更多了,知道怎么治疗普通的疾病,所以不那么害怕生病了。但是人们锻炼得也不如从前那样多了。Betty:I suppose thats because more people have cars, and they walk or u

5、se their bikes less.贝蒂:我想那是因为越来越多的人购买了汽车的缘故,他们走路少了,骑车也少了。Mum:Some people think life in the past was simpler and healthier than today. More wealth sometimes means less health. When the number of cars is doubled ,the pollution is also doubled, or even worse.妈妈:有些人认为过去的生活比现在更简单、更健康。有时财富越多意味着身体越不健康。当私家车

6、的数量翻倍时,污染也翻倍了,甚至更严重。Betty:What about work? Do people work as hard as they did fifty years ago?贝蒂:那工作呢?人们还像五十年前那么辛苦地工作吗?Mum:Yes, and they sometimes work harder. People seldom say they have enough spare time!Why dont you go and ask Mrs Li, our neighbour? Shes over seventy years old. Shes seen how life

7、 has changed.妈妈:是的,有时候更辛苦。人们总说他们没有足够的休闲时间!你为什么不去问问我们的邻居李老太太?她已经七十多岁了,生活的变化都看在眼里。Betty:Thats a good idea. Ill go and ask her.贝蒂:那是个好主意。我去问问她。Mum:Remember to speak up! Shes a bit deaf now.妈妈:记得说话大点儿声,她现在有点儿耳背了。Unit2 课文(录音+动画+翻译)Life now and then过去与现在的生活By Betty King-贝蒂.金Mrs Li is over seventy years ol

8、d.李老太太已经70多岁了。She has lived in Beijing all her life.她一辈子都生活在北京。I asked her about life today and in the past.我向她了解了过去和现在的生活状况。What was your life like in the past?您过去的生活是什么样的?My family lived in a tiny house. There were no electric lights, only candles.我们家住在一间小房子里,没有电灯,只能点蜡烛。My father was a postman, an

9、d he often worked twelve hours a day outside in the winter cold or in the summer heat.我父亲是个邮递员。无论严寒酷暑,他经常每天在户外工作12个小时。My mum was a farm girl before she met my father. She was a kind and loving mother. She didnt go out to work. There were five children in my family, and looking after us was more than

10、 a fulltime job.母亲在遇到父亲之前是个农家女。她是一位善良而慈爱的母亲。她没有外出工作。我家有五个孩子,照料我们比做一份全职工作还要辛苦。I remember the family meals. The food was simple. We could only eat meat once or twice a year. I wasnt sent to school because my family couldnt afford it, and whats more,because I was a girl.我还记得当时家里的饭菜。食物很简单。我们一年只能吃一-两次肉。我

11、没被送去上学是因为家里负担不起,还因为我是个女孩。How has life changed?生活发生了怎样的变化?Families have got smaller than they were in the past. Today most people only have one child! The role of women has changed too. My daughter is really lucky. She has a good education, and she goes to work even after getting married。Im happy to

12、see shes busy working every day, but sometimes I feel lonely because she cant come to see me often.现在家庭成员比过去少了。如今大部分人只有一一个孩子!女性的角色也发生了变化。我女儿真的很幸运。她接受了良好的教育,婚后还能上班工作。我乐意看到她每天忙忙碌碌地工作,但是有时候我也感到孤独,因为她不能常来看我。Transport and travel are easier today. When I was young, I went everywhere on foot or sometimes b

13、y bike. Now you can take the bus everywhere, and theres also the underground.如今出行变得更便利了。我小时候去哪里都要走路,或者有时候骑自行车。现在到处都能坐公交车,还有地铁。And you young people can take a plane to anywhere in the world. The only thing I dont like, though,is that theres so much more traffic. Its so difficult to cross the road.你们年

14、轻人还能坐飞机飞往世界各地。但是有一件事我不喜欢,就是交通比以前拥挤多了。过个马路都很费劲。Of course, we didnt have television when I was a child. I really enjoy watching television today. Therere so many good programmes, like the Beijing Opera and old films. But some of the shows are too noisy for me.当然,我小的时候还没有电视。现在我非常喜欢看电视。好节目太多了,比如京剧和老电影。但

15、是也有些表演对我来说太嘈杂了。Generally speaking, I think life is better today. We eat better and we live longer.总的来说,我认为今天的生活更好了。我们吃得更好,也更长寿了。Module3 知识点总结Unit1 They sometimes work harder.1. nearly = almost 几乎;差不多2. know about 了解关于的情况3. There is less fear of 很少害怕4. get ill 生病5. take /do exercise=play sports 做锻炼6. used to do sth.过去常常做某事There use



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