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1、学 海 无 涯It may also be said that rational, industrious, useful human beings are divided into two classes: first, those whose work is work and whose pleasure is pleasure; and secondly, those whose work and pleasure are one. Of these the former are the majority. They ham their compensations. The long h

2、ours in the office or the factory bring with them as their reward , not only the means of sustenance, but a keen appetite for pleasure even in its simplest and most modest forms. But Fortunes favored children belong to the second class. Their life is a natural harmony. For them the working hours are

3、 never long enough. Each day is a holiday, and ordinary holidays when they come are grudged as enforced interruptions in an absorbing vocation. Yet to both classes the need of an alternative outlook, of a change of atmosphere, of a diversion of effort, is essential.还需要指出的是, 有理性的、勤劳的、有用的人们可分为两类: 一类人,

4、 工作就是工作, 享乐就是享乐; 第二类人, 其工作和享乐是合二为一的。两类人中, 前一类是大多数。这一类人的辛勤自有回报: 在办公室或工厂里度过的漫长的工作时间不仅解决他们的生计问题, 而且使他们能痛快地享受哪怕是最简单平常的乐趣。但是命运厚爱的孩子却是第二类人。他们的生活 自然而和谐, 对他们来说, 工作时间从来就不会显得太长。每一天都是节, 而当平常人的节日来临时, 他们就觉得不自在, 觉得那是对自己正痛快地过着的节日的干扰。不过无论对哪一 类人来说, 换个角度来看问题, 换个氛围生活, 换个方向努力, 倒是至关重要Anxiety tends to be without focus; t

5、he anxious person doesnt know whether to blame himself or other people. He isnt sure whether it is the current year or the Administration or a change in climate or the atom bomb that is to blame for this undefined sense of unease.It is clear that we have developed a society which depends on having t

6、he right amount of anxiety to make it work. Psychiatrists have been heard to say,“He didnt have enough anxiety to get well,” indicating that, while we agree that too much anxiety is inimical to mental health, we have come to rely on anxiety to push and prod us into seeing a doctor about a symptom wh

7、ich may indicate cancer, into checking on that old life-insurance policy which may have out-of-date clauses in it, into having a conference with Bills teacher even though his report card looks all right.焦虑通常是没有目标的。心情焦虑的人通常并不知道到底该责怪自己还是别人, 他说不出自己这份无名的不安,到底应该算在谁的头上, 是流年不利, 是上司不好, 是气候多变, 还是原子炸弹。很清楚, 我们

8、现在的社会, 就是靠有那么一点焦虑来推动发展的。曾有人听见心理医师这么说, 他缺乏足够的焦虑感, 怕是不容易好。 这意思是说, 尽管大家都认为, 过度焦虑有害心理健康, 可我们还是得依靠焦虑心情, 催使我们有一点症状就去看医生, 生怕那是癌症的先兆, 催使我们去查查很久前签下的人寿保险单, 看看是不是有什么条款已经过时, 催使我们不时地去同孩子的老师谈谈, 尽管他的校行报告看上去一切都很正常。的。从20世纪中叶到21世纪中叶的一百年间,中国人民的一切奋斗,则是为了实现祖国的富强、人民的富裕和民族的伟大复兴。这个历史伟业,我们党领导全国人民已经奋斗了五十年,取得了巨大的进展,再经过五十年的奋斗,

9、也必将胜利完成。(105字)难点注释:1)20世纪中叶the mid-20th century2)奋斗endeavor3)民族的伟大复兴the nation immensely rejuvenated4)历史伟业historic cause参考译文All endeavors by the Chinese people for the 100 years from the mid-20th to the mid-21st century are for the purpose of making our motherland strong,the people prosperous and th

10、e nation immensely rejuvenated. Our Party has led the entire Chinese people in carrying forward this historic cause for 50 years and made tremendous progress,and it will successfully attain the objective through hard work in the coming 50 years.中国的体育运动经历了几千年的发展,但直到1949年中华人民共和国成立后才成为国家的事业。目前,一个全国范围的体

11、育运动网已经建立起来,这方面的开支也被列人国家预算之中。在过去的五十年中,由于体育工作者和体育运动员的共同努力,我国的体育运动取得了可喜的成绩。(123字)难点注释:1)经历undergo2)国家的事业an undertaking of the state3)体育运动网network for physical culture4)列人国家预算 include in the state budget5)可喜的成绩gratifying achievement参考译文Chinas sports have undergone several thousand years of development.

12、But they were not regarded as an undertaking of the state until 1949,when the Peoples Republic of China was founded. Now a nation-wide network for physical culture has been set up and expenditure on this field has been included in the state budget. With the concerted efforts of sports workers and at

13、hletes,gratifying achievements have been made in physical culture and sports in the past 50 years.Moreover, the readership of any magazine consists of an assortment of subgroups. This may sound like it contradicts what we have said earlier about the narrow focus of trade magazines, but really there

14、is no contradiction: Some trade magazines - “horizontal” or “functional”magazines are created specifically to embrace diverse audiences of readers who share a particular interest.(Take for example Folio,which is read by magazine professionals of all disciplines-editorial, circulation, advertising, a

15、nd production.) But even in the narrowest verticalmagazine, there will be subgroups. At the very least, l magazine will have subcategories based on experience beginners seeking a secure footing in the field, secure professionals seeking to expand their already substantial knowledge, and experts who

16、want to keep current on and learn of new developments, but who may read the magazine as much to find out what people in the field think or are working on.另外, 任何杂志的读者群都可再分为数种各不相同的类型组。这听起来可能与前面所说贸易杂志的目标范围通常较窄有矛盾, 但事实上这并不矛盾: 有些杂志, 即所谓 垂直型 或 功 能型 杂志, 就是为形形色色却有一特定兴趣的读者编的。 (例如 FOLIO 杂志, 就是为所有 学科的杂志的专业编辑人员一一一写社论的、搞发行的、做广告的、管印发的人一一一编的。) 不过即使是最狭窄意义上的 垂直型 杂志, 其读者也还是能按类型分组的。至少, 可以按经验多少来


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