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1、.,初三英语第一轮复习 几点思考与安排,金华五中初三英语备课组,.,What is revision?,It is to re - vision your paper to see your paper with new eyes,.,Revision is not just,checking for errors fixing errors in grammar simply looking again,.,Revision is much more,rethinking,Its a bit like saving information on a disc or recording som

2、e music on a tape.,Revision also involves,rearranging,rewriting,reworking,.,Vocabulary 词 汇,Expressions 短语,Sentence structure 重点句型,Basic writing写作训练,The first round of revision 第一轮复习,Extra reading 拓展阅读,.,一、词汇 (一)整合2012浙江省考试说明词汇表与教材的词汇表,进行每册过关测试。,Tips: 重视一词多义 单词的教学,对于学生 不常接触的语义要讲透。,.,例如:(2011年金华) 26.

3、The singer felt very sorry and decided he would never drive again after drinking. The traffic accident was really a _ to him. A. game B. pleasure C. skill D. lesson,Tips: Lesson n. 课;功课;教训 (浙江省考试说明),.,例如:(2011年金华) 29. Personally, I dont quite agree that people _ dangerous animals as pets. A. depend

4、B. afford C. keep D. follow,Tips: Keep v. 保持;保存;继续不断 vt. 培育,饲养 (浙江省考试说明),.,(二)梳理重点单词、“四会”中考常考单词的知识点归纳到位。,Tips: 教师要善于洞察学生的 学习困难,如知识的薄弱点、盲点, 理解上的偏差。,.,.,(三)梳理近义词、易混词,辨析其不同用法,链接中考,创设语境,使学生能举一反三。,学习境界二、举一反三: 具备了思考的能力,掌握 了学习的方法,能够举一 反三,知其然,也知其 所以然。 李开复,.,advice, suggestion, tip ago, before all, both alon

5、e, lonely arrive, get to, reach between, among borrow, lend, keep else, other everyday, every day except (for), besides,.,.,.,.,(四)关注中英文差异,加强英 语单词相同词义不同词性的综合 复习,设计相同词根不同词性的 综合练习,让学生在比较中真正领会并掌握词的用法。,Tips: “比较是一切理解和思维 的基础,我们正是通过比较来了解 世界上的一切的。” -著名教育家乌申斯基,.,复习练习设计,.,(五)梳理学生常拼错的词、学生有共性的错误,进行集中突破。 老师可以设计

6、特别的 练习进行有针对性的训练。,.,设计练习,.,二、词组 1、梳理每册重点词组,进行过关测试。 2、专项整理相同动词的不同搭配的辨析,如:,.,设计练习,.,3、梳理相同介词或副词的不同搭配。,.,.,4、运用重点短语做替换练习 或造句,并适当扩展一些课外 常用的词组,培养学生多种 表达的意识,落实初步写作的 能力,为语篇写作打好扎实的 基础。,.,复习练习设计:,.,主题 钟爱/热爱/着迷/喜欢的多种表达,.,.,三、基本句型 (一)加强基本句型的仿写练习,放慢节奏,让学生真正掌握并体会英语表达。,Tips: “慢”是一种意境, 一种回归自然、轻松和谐的意境。,.,设计复习练习:,仿 写

7、,.,(二)不能只做选择题,多一些开放性的设计,激发学生的思维,使学生养成用英语表达自己思想的习惯。,.,Harry Potter is a novel whose _,whose writer is J.K. Rolling. whose story is loved by millions of teenagers. whose story has been translated into different languages. whose story has been made into movies. whose theme is about magic and friendship

8、. whose story has won the hearts of teenagers. ,设计复习练习:,.,四、整合教材,分体裁归纳话题, 教师进行适当扩展 ,激发学生 思维,落实写作。,.,记 叙 文,.,说 明 文,.,议 论 文,.,写作训练“八部曲” (一)审题“三步走”: 1、审体裁 2、审人称和时态 3、审要点 (二) 头脑风暴, 罗列词汇 学生收集,教师提供扩展词汇 (三)呈现好的句式,重点句式仿写 (四)呈现范文,点评精彩之处 (五)学生自由发挥写作并自我修改 (六)老师面批 (七)重写 (八)优秀作文展评与赏析,.,复习设计:写作训练-描写人物 试题: 在即将过去的初

9、中三年里,那些 陪你共同经历成长的挫折与成功, 与你分享欢乐与忧愁的正是你的同 班同学。请你通过一件事的记述, 让我们认识一下你的某位同学吧!,.,外 貌 特 征,.,性 格 特 征,.,.,.,.,.,范文品读,My classmate,“A good example has twice the value of good advice.”,I couldnt have gotten through the last three years without her help.She is my classmate-Marry.She is a really kind girl who nev

10、er fails to make others happy.She often helps us with our lessons.At first,I wasnt very happy to be her classmate because she was so excellent.I thought that this would put too much pressure on me.However,something changed my opinion and we became close friends. It was a cold winter moring,and I had

11、 a bad cold.Nobody noticed that I was sick and I felt ran ti the school clinic and bought some medicine for me.Then she gave me some fruit and poured hot water for me.Watching her doing these things,I was moved.Thanks to her help,Ispent the terrible day happily. That is my classmate.She gave me help

12、 and warmth.I feel lucky that I have such a good classmate.She is the sunshine of my world.,.,五、拓展阅读 精心选择英语美文或有哲理的 小品文作为作文范文或补充阅读。 增加一些新词汇,培养学生的 兴趣,提升学生的思想认识。在 复习课上有新的收获、新的期待。,.,You are the only one Youre amazing! Youre awesome! And by the way, TAG, youre it. As amazing and awesome as you already ar

13、e, you can be even more so. Beautiful young people are the whimsey of nature, but beautiful old people are true works of art. But you dont become “beautiful” just by virtue of the aging process. Real beauty comes from learning, growing, and loving in the ways of life. That is the Art of Life. You ca

14、n learn slowly, and sometimes painfully, by just waiting for life to happen to you. Or you can choose to accelerate your growth and intentionally devour life and all it offers. You are the artist that paints your future with the brush of today.,温馨悦读,.,.,学生作品欣赏 (一),Reading is fun By Lan Yilin Theres

15、an old saying, “Books are your friends, today And forever .” I still remember the first book I read, its called “Dragon Dale” . I was moved by the writers words. Although the hero of the story Lu dies in the end, he knows what friendship and bravery mean.,.,Reading makes me know when you feel lonely

16、 and hopeless, there is always a door which is always open for you. As long as you have a dream and try to make it come true, even stupid child will also be a successful person. Now when I finish reading a book, I will have a new feeling. And when I read books, its just like I talk to my friends. One day I will become old, but Im sure I wont put down books. Reading is fun.,.,学生作品欣赏 (二),Literature is fun By Yang


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