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1、ERPs & Band extension(Ma QG, et al, 2007a,b),情绪体验,Cuthbertet al., (2000). Biological Psychology, 52, 95-111.,P2 reflects the attention modulation in early perceptual processing Late Positive Potential (LPP) indicates a processing that allocated the perceptual processing resources for sustained atten

2、tive processing,Language Processing & Linguistics,Word Sentence Context Learning Semantic Syntax Visual and auditory modality ,N400,N400,Processing of incongruous mental calculation problems- An arithmetic N400 effect,(MICHAEL NIEDEGGEN, FRANK RSLER and KERSTIN JOST, 1999),PMN (phonological mismatch

3、 negativity) (Connolly, et al, 1990, 1992, 1994) A negative-going response preceding the N400 in auditory modality is peaked between 270 and 300 ms after the onset of the terminal word Reflecting acoustic-phonetic processing of the initial segment of the word (e.g, the sentence-final word), possibly

4、 the initial phoneme Connolly & Phillips, 1994 - Investigating the independence of PMN from N400 under 4 conditions,4 conditions: Phoneme mismatch - Semantic mismatch (PMM-SMM): Joan fed her baby some worm nose (milk) -PMN & N400 Phoneme mismatch - Semantic match (PMM-SM): They left the dirty dishes

5、 in the kitchen (sink) -PMN Phoneme match - Semantic mismatch (PM-SMM): Phi put some drops in his icicles (eyes) -N400 Phoneme match - Semantic match (PM-SM): At night the old woman locked the door,( The highest Cloze probability terminal word ),Connolly & Phillips, 1994,Neither the PMN nor the N400

6、 was found in the PM-SM condition Only an N400 was observed in the PM-SMM condition Only a PMN was seen in the PMM-SM condition The N400 and the PMN were elicited in PMM-SMM condition A delayed N400 occurred to semantic violation in the PM-SMM condition as compared with in the PMM-SMM condition,Conn

7、olly & Phillips, 1994,PMM-SMM was as the baseline from which the PM-SMM and PMM-SM conditions were subtracted In the PMM-SMM condition, the two components, PMN and N400, were elicited and clarified clearly.,Context has an early effect, that is, PMN effect, on spoken-word recognition,The differences

8、between the MMNs elicited by comes and come recorded at FCz are shown for the experiments where these words were presented out of context (red curves) and in context (blue curves) The ungrammatical deviant stimulus elicited a larger MMN than the correct sentence at left-anterior recording sites and

9、the cortical sources of the grammatical effects revealed a main source in the left frontal cortex.,(Pulvermller, et al, 2003),Grammar can be processed automatically,(Pulvermller, et al, 2007),神经精神疾病的认知功能障碍: 认知过程 认知功能 脑机制及其评估,用ERP研究神经精神疾病?,(1)对病例的选择和说明要详细,是否得到治疗,效果如何等,有利于结果的说明; (2)详细说明实验过程中被试的表现情况; (

10、3)临床研究中对照组的选择要与实验组尽量匹配; (4)实验设计是生命,实验技术是根本; (6)设计的简单性、被试任务的完成性; (7)溯源分析不是必要的,基本波形分析(潜伏期、幅值、脑区分布)更重要; (8)个案研究的重要性。,临床ERP研究的注意事项,海马损伤 & P3b、P3a,P3b,P3a,(Knight,1997),The patients after head injury may notice errors the Ne is not significantly different from normal but not be able to cope with them the

11、 Pe wave is significant reduced.,(Bentin S, et al, 1999),Prosopagnosia - the inability to recognize familiar faces Single cell recordings in monkeys ERPs from the cortical surface ERPs from the scalp MEG response components fMRI and PET brain imaging,Neural Mechanisms of Face Perception,Where Does t

12、he Evidence Come From?,Theory and Question? Results?,How is the N170 modulated by facial expressions?,Does early face processing differ for different expressions?,ERP 论文写作,Ten simple rules for designing ERP experiments,Specific component study EMMN (L. Zhao, J. Li, 2006) General study Title: The agi

13、ng effect on the early stage of faces: An ERP study (Gao, et al, in press) Question: Can I find evidence for an effect of aging on “early” processing of faces?,Aging affects perceptual processes (Does?) Faces are an important complex stimuli that humans process frequently throughout life span. What

14、is known about face processing in the elderly? Why do you want to study the early processing of faces in the elderly? Why do you think that N170 is a good/efficient measure to address the question? What has been done / What is known already about N170 in the old age? What still awaits? What I am goi

15、ng to do here?,1、有时候读书是一种巧妙地避开思考的方法。20.8.1220.8.12Wednesday, August 12, 2020 2、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。17:14:3317:14:3317:148/12/2020 5:14:33 PM 3、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。20.8.1217:14:3317:14Aug-2012-Aug-20 4、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。17:14:3317:14:3317:14Wednesday, August 12, 2020 5、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有力,自胜者强。20.8.1220.8.1217

16、:14:3317:14:33August 12, 2020 6、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。2020年8月12日星期三下午5时14分33秒17:14:3320.8.12 7、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我。2020年8月下午5时14分20.8.1217:14August 12, 2020 8、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2020年8月12日星期三5时14分33秒17:14:3312 August 2020 9、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。下午5时14分33秒下午5时14分17:14:3320.8.12 10、你要做多大的事情,就该承受多大的压力。20.4.2020.4.20Monday, April 20, 2020 11、自己要先看得起自己,别人才会看得起你。18:29:0318:29:0318:294/20/2020 6:29:03 PM 12、这一秒不放弃,下一秒就会有希望。20.4.2018:29:0318:29Apr-2020-Apr-20 13、无论才能知识多么卓著,如



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