1991 The pathogenic role of virus-specific antibody secreting cells in the CNS of rats resistant and susceptible to coro

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1991 The pathogenic role of virus-specific antibody secreting cells in the CNS of rats resistant and susceptible to coro_第1页
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《1991 The pathogenic role of virus-specific antibody secreting cells in the CNS of rats resistant and susceptible to coro》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《1991 The pathogenic role of virus-specific antibody secreting cells in the CNS of rats resistant and susceptible to coro(1页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、THE PATHOGENIC ROLE OF VIRUS-SPECIFIC ANTIBODY SECRETING CELLS IN THE CNS OF RATS RESISTANT AND SUSCEPTIBLE TO CORONA VIRUS-INDUCED ENCEPHALITIS S. Schwender, H. Imrich, and R. D6rries. Institut fr Virologic und Immunbiologie der Universitat Wiirzburg, D 8700 W(irzburg, Fed. Rep. C-ennany Amongst th

2、e different animal models developed to study primary damyelination of the CNS, the MHV4 infection in rats is of particular interest since inurmne reactions are involved in the pathology. The most interesting courses of infection are observed in susceptible Lewis-(LE) rats which develop neurological

3、disorders and in resistant Brown .!orway-(BN) rats which remain clinically healthy. L! order to study the role of the local humeral immune-reaction on the course of the infection we analyed the kinetics of virus neutralizing antibody titers in the CSF and quantitated virus-specific antibody secretin

4、g cell (AbSC) from the bra:,n parenchyma using the spot-ELISA-assay. The subclinical inflammation in the CNS of BN rats was accompanied by an early rise of neutralizing antibodies in the CSF. At the same time, LE rats developed signs of neurological symptoms in the absence of such antibodies. Howeve

5、r, with the rise of neutralizing antibodies in the CSF of LE rats, these animals recovered from disease. The CNS-parenchyma of both rat strains harboured equivalent numbers of IgM secreting cells but in BN rats, virus-specific IgGSC appeared earlier and reached higher numbers compared to LE rats. Mo

6、reover, IN rats developed antibodies to viral antigens of higher affinity than was found in the LE rats. The data suggest that an early virus-specific antibody response in the CNS limits the spread of the virus and thus contributes to the subclinical course of infection in the BN rat. In contrast, .

7、be absence of such antibodies favours the spread of virus to large areas resulting in severe neurological disease as observed in LE rats. 203 INTRAVENTRICJLAR RECOMBINANT ALPHA-INTERFERON IN SUBACUTE SCLEROSING PANE-CEPHALITIS Cianchetti C, Fratta AL, Meutoni F, Marrosu MG Neuropsichiatria Infantile

8、, Uni.rsi y of Cagliari Italy Since July 1986, we begea to Lreat .ith intraventricular (IV) recombinant alpha-2a- inteffemn (IFN) pat;ents affect wit. subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE). We treated only subject still at an early phase of the disease (stages 1 or 2), and subcutaneous (SC) IFN

9、 administra*ion was ahva added to IV. Maintenance weekly doses, reached after gradual increment, were (in million urts=mU): 1,5mU twice plus 9mU SC in patients 1 and 2; lmU twice IV plus 4mU SC in ltiont 3; 3mU IV plus 12mU in patient 4 (SC dose was always subdivided in four admiai:trations). The co

10、urse of the disease was monitored by means of periodic conue!s of clinical and laboratory parameters, the most relevant of the latter being: a) antimeasl.s ,ilxdy titers and b) number of oligoclonal bands at isoelectrofocusing in CSF and serum; c) dot-blot hybridization of measles virus RNA on PB ly

11、mphocytes. IFN levels in ventricL, lar CSF were also monitored. In all eases an arrest of the progression of the disease with improving L,t biological parameters was observed for several months. However, patients l after 17 tr, onths in stage 2, and patient 2 after 4 me. in stage 2, had septic met;n

12、gitis and ,-apidiy deteriorated and deceased after withdrawal of the IV catheter and IV IFN administration. Patient 3 (first signs of SSPE in July 1988; IV IFN started after one me.) and patient 4 (first signs in Febr.90, IV IFN started in 0ct.90) are still living in clinical conditions of stage 2.



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