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1、20192020学年度烟台市招远第一学期初四第一学段 考试初中英语 初四英语试题 讲明: 本试卷试题分第一卷和第二卷两部分。考试时刻 90分钟, 总分值 120分。其中书写质量 3 分,卷面安排2分; 第一卷 (共65分) 一、单词辨音:选出划线部分发音不同的选项(5分) 1Aitem Bthrill C magic Dcrispy 2Achef Bspeech Cresearch Dcheetah 3Abelow B show C clown Dthrow 4Astatue Bplanet Cabacus Dtaste 5Areveal B break C please Dcreature

2、二、语言基础运用(15分) 6Im sorry Im busy now If I had time ,I for a picnic with you Awould go Bwill go Cam going Dwent 7一 What do you think of Amy? 一She is very friendly She is easy to Abegin with Bget along Ctalk about Dget along with 8He won lots of money in the Olympic GamesHe gave some to his parents and

3、 the rest to charity Agave Bgiven Cwere given Dwas given 9Will Lily come to the party? She , but I am not so sure of the time yet because she must finish her homework first Amight Bmustn t Ccan t Dmust 10What do you think ? Athe most useful invention is Bis the most useful invention Cit is the most

4、useful invention Dis it the most useful invention 11She used to be a famous singer,she? Aisn t Bdoesn t Cwasn t Ddidn t 12How many years have they ? Abe married Bmarried Cgot married Dbeen married 13I m sorry Imy homework at home That s all rightDon t forget it to school tomorrow Aforget;to take Bfo

5、rget;to bring C 1eft;to take D1eft;to bring 14Tom was late this morning ,because his alarm clock didn t Aring Bset off Cring up D go off 15Tai Wan ChinaIt will return to the motherland one day Ais belonged to Bmust belongs to Cbelongs to Dis belonging to 16Do you know now? In the People s Hotel Awhe

6、re is Tom working Bwhere did Tom work Cwhere Tom is working Dwhere Tom worked 17Excuse meWhere is our headmaster s office? It s on floor Afive Bthe five Cthe fifth Dfifth 18Could I borrow your bike? of course you Acan Bmust C should Dwill 19You like surfing the net Do you know what www means? Yes. I

7、t means AWhole World Warm B World Wide Web C Whole World Weather D Wide World Work 20When we got to the cinema, the film on for ten minutes Ahad been Bhad gone Chas gone Dhas been 三、完形填空(共l5小题 ,计l5分) One Saturday afternoon,Kate went to buy something for her sister and herself As Kate was coming out

8、of a 21 ,a young lady walked towards her She said she was Miss Green a good friend of Kate s sisterKate 22 her Then she called a taxi to send Kate homeShe 23 the driver where she should goKate was 24 that it was not in the direction of her home 25 ?Kate askedThe lady smiled When they came to a quiet

9、 road,a big rough man 26 on the road He stopped the taxi driver ,knocked him down ,and threw him out of the 27 At the same time,Miss Green took out of a knife and 28 it at Kate She asked Kate to keep 29 The man then started the taxi Oh,my God!I m being kidnapped(绑架 ), Kate said to herself She tried

10、to escapebut not 30 Suddenly an 31 came to herShe took out a lipstick( 口红 )from her pocket ,wrote SOS on the window,and covered the word with her 32 A few minutes later, a police car 33 and the policemen saw the sign. When the kidnappers saw the policemen they stopped the taxi, jumped into the grass

11、, and ran away. The policemen then 34 Kate up and sent her home. When her parents knew what had happened, they were greatly surprised. But they were also 35 because their daughter had finally come back safely. 21. A. school B. taxi C. shop D. friends 22. A. knew B. believed C. thanked D. remembered

12、23. A. told B. asked C. wondered D. checked 24. A. sure B. excited C. surprised D. pleased 25. A. What B. Where C. When D. Why 26. A. drove B. climbed C. fell D. appeared 27. A. road B. sight C. taxi D. home 25. A. shouted B. played C. hurt D. pointed 29. A. healthy B. alive C. relaxed D. quiet 30.

13、A. happened B. failed C. succeeded D. hurried 31. A. idea B. answer C. interest D. order 32. A. hands B. back C. dress D. lipstick 33. A. stopped B. left C. passed D. turned 34. A. lifted B. held C. put D. picked 35. A. worried B. happy C. proud D. successful 四、阅读快车(共20小题 ,计 30分) (A) 你听讲过波兰首都华沙(Wars

14、aw)一词的由来吗 ?那个地点有一个漂亮的传奇。 Long long ago ,there was a young manHis name was WarsHe lived in a little house near the River Vistula He went there fishing every day for a living One day he saw a beautiful girl in the river The girl s name was SawaFrom then on,the young man and the beautiful girl met ever

15、y day They fell in love with each other When Wars asked Sawa to marry him Sawa was very sad She told him that she was mermaid( 美人鱼 )and she couldn t marry man But she said she would give him something when they met again The next day,Wars went to the river and met Sawa Sawa was waiting for him with

16、a sword(剑 )in her right hand and a shield( 盾)in her left hand She told Wars that they wouldn t meet againShe gave the sword and the shield to himShe said he would be successful with the sword and the shield and become a great heroThen she went away Wars missed Sawa very muchHe always remembered his first love What the mermaid had told him came true Wars became a great heroHe got the land by th



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