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1、英文简历写作诀窍TranscriptQ = Interviewer; A = HR professionalQ: Learn English Professionals is talking to John Woodrow, who works in the Human Resources department of a large UK-based company. John, tell us about your work.A: I work on recruitment, especially so I m the person whoreads the hundreds of CVs

2、we get sent each year!Q: Do you accept CVs as part of your recruitment process?A: When we advertise for a particular post, we send out our own application form, which is tailored to our company, and we can use it to make sure we find exactly what we re looking for.Q: So a CV is useless?A: No! Not at

3、 all - we re happy to accept CVs from people even when we re not recruiting. That way we can build up a database of possible can didates, and as our compa ny is always cha nging- we revery flexible in our needs right now (laughs) it s good to knowwhat kind of people are out there. We do keep everyth

4、ing on file, and will get back to people who look promising.( 小编注:有的求职者会因为投简历,屡投不中而灰心丧气,其实大可不 必。你这次可能没有收到面试通知,不代表你没有机会,有可能只是不适合目 前这个招聘岗位而已。大多数情况下,招聘单位会把你的简历留在他们的人才 库里,随着公司的不断变化发展,等到有合适的岗位了,没准他们还会在你意 料之外的情况下请你来面试呢。 )Q: So we should be sending you our CVs?A: Yes, absolutely, yes!Q: What advice can you

5、 give us on writing a CV?A: Keep it short, keep it simple, keep it relevant. Anything longer than three pages will automatically go into the bin. Just tell us what we need to know. Make sure it s clearly written and that there are no spelling mistakes on it! And no fancy fonts. or photogra phs. We d

6、on t need to know what people look like, just what they ve done, and what they re capable of.(小编注:HR喜欢什么样的简历?这里提供了三条基本原则:简短、简 洁、相关。简短的意思是,任何超过三页的简历都会直接扔进垃圾箱;简洁就 是要删除一切不必要的东西,比如你的各种生活照;相关的要求是说清楚你做 过什么,你擅长做什么就可以了。另外,还要注意细节问题,比如,不要有拼 写错误,不要花哨的字体等等。)Q: So we re going to look at a couple of CVs now.A: Ye

7、s these are a couple that arrived just this morning, solet s take a look.(sound of paper unfolding). OK, I can see straight away that we have a good one and a bad one here.Q: (laughs) How can you tell so soon?A: Well, as I just said, this one here is. how many. one,two, three, four pages long, it s written in tiny type, I can hardly read it. and, wait, yes, there s a photograph attached to the front!Q: Too much information?


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