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1、物流海运英语专题,集装箱上面写的英语是什么?,集装箱上面写的英语是什么?,MAX GROSS 30,480KGS 67,200LBS TARE 2,185KGS 4,820LBS NG (CAP.WT) 28,295KGS 62,380LBS CU.CAP 33.2CU.M 1,173 CU.FT.,干货集装箱 dry container,开顶集装箱 open top container,框架集装箱 flat rack container,冷冻集装箱 reefer container,罐式集装箱 tank container,集装箱堆场container yard,集装箱码头 containe

2、r terminal,油港 oil terminal,集装箱装卸桥 container bridge hoist,集装箱跨运车 container straddle carrier,集装箱有哪些种类?,干集装箱 DRY CONTAINER 冷冻集装箱 REEFER CONTAINER 开顶集装箱 OPENTOP CONTAINER,框架集装箱 FLAT RACK CONTAINER 罐式集装箱 TANK CONTAINER,集装箱有哪些种类?,20尺柜 20GP:20 feet general purpose 40尺柜 40GP:40 feet general purpose 40尺高柜 40

3、HQ:40 feet HIGH CUBE,知道这些代表什么?,40 GP/OT/FR/HQ/TK/RF/DC,集装箱有哪些种类?,20呎货柜(在实际业务中通常被称为小柜):外尺寸为20英尺X8英尺X8英尺6寸,内容积为5.69米X2.13米X2.18米,配货毛重一般为17.5吨,体积为24-26立方米; 40呎货柜(在实际业务中通常被称为平柜):外尺寸为40英尺X8英尺X8英尺6寸,内容积为11.8米X2.13米X2.18米,配货毛重一般为22吨,体积为54立方米; 40呎高柜(在实际业务中通常被称为高柜):外尺寸为40英尺X8英尺X9英尺6寸,内容积为11.8米X2.13米X2.72米,配货

4、毛重一般为22吨,体积为68立方米。,集装箱专用语。,整箱货 full container load 简称:FCL 拼箱货 less than container load 简称:LCL CY (Container Yard) 集装箱(货柜)堆场 CFS (Container Freight Station) 集装箱货运站,海运中的各种费用的英文说法,基本海运费 O/F (ocean freight) 集装箱码头装卸作业费 THC-Terminal Handling Charge 起运港码头操作费 OTHC-Origin Terminal Handling Charge 目的港码头操作费 DT

5、HC-Destination Terminal Handling Charge,油价调整指数附加费(即燃油附加费) BAF-Bunker adjustment factor (BUNKER) 货币贬值附加费 CAF-CURRENCY ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 旺季附加费 PSS -Peak Season Surcharge,港口拥挤附加费 PCS -Port Congestion Surcharge 一般性涨价 GRI -GENERAL RATE INCREASE 费率恢复费 GRR-GENERAL RATE RESTORATION,能看懂吗?,USD35/20DC USD45/40

6、DC USD50/40HQ USD35/20RF USD45/40RF USD50/40DC O/F:USD1050+OBCD+PSS 1700+BAF+CAF+PSS+250(汉堡中转费) 4/6 CSCL,电邮,Kindly be informed that with effect from 1st April 2008, below GRI will apply : USD150 / 20ft Container (Dry and Reefer) USD300 / 40ft Container (Dry and Reefer) Please contact us if there is

7、any question. Tks & B.rgds Andrew Xu Customer Service Rep.CSAV Group (China) Shipping Co.,LtdShanghai Branch Tel: (+86 21) 23211600-1771,O=ORC ORIGINAL RECEIVING CHARGES 本地收货费用 B=BAF BUCKER ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 燃油附加费 C=CAF CURRENCY ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 货币贬值附加费 D=DOC DOCUMENTS COST,船务公司收费用语。,Free In (FI) 船

8、方不负责装费 Free Out (FO) 船方不负责卸费 Free In and Out (FIO) 船方不负责装卸费 Free In and Out ,Stowed and Trimmed (FIOST) 船方不负责装卸、理舱和平舱费,运输时间的表达。,Estimated Time of Arrival(ETA)预计到达时间 Estimated time of completion (ETC) 预计完成时间 Estimated time of departure (ETD) 预计离港时间 Estimated time of readiness (ETR) 预计准备就绪时间 Estimated

9、 time of sailing (ETS) 预计航行时间,运费计算单位的表达。,W/T (Weight Ton)重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费) M/T (Measurement Ton)尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费) W/M(Weight or Measurement ton)即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费,现在做做练习吧。,我希望您能对第一批货感到满意。 I hope youll be entirely satisfied with this initial shipment. 我们将派船只在黄埔装运。 Well send vessels to pick up the cargo at H

10、uangpu. 我们订的100辆小汽车能尽快装运吗? Can our order of 100 cars be shipped as soon as possible?,第105号订单所订货物我们要急用,请你们加快装船速度。 The order No. 105 is so urgently required that we have to ask you to speed up shipment. 很抱歉,现在我们还无法告诉您确切的装船日期。 Im sorry to tell you that we are unable to give you a definite date of shipm

11、ent for the time being.,货物如果转运,我们得多付运费。 In case of transhipment, we have to pay extra transportation charges. 允许分批装运。 Partial shipment is allowed. 货物必须9月份到达此地以便再转运。 We must have the goods here in September for reshipment.,放松一下哦!,交货英语的表达。,交货 delivery 装运、装船 shipment (effect shipment) 交货时间 time of deli

12、very 一月份装船 shipment during January 或 January shipment,一月底装船 shipment not later than Jan.31st.或shipment on or before Jan.31st. 一/二月份装船 shipment during Jan./Feb.或 Jan./Feb. shipment 在.(时间)分两批装船 shipment during.in two lots,在.(时间)平均分两批装船 shipment during.in two equal lots 分三个月装运 in three monthly shipment

13、s 分三个月,每月平均装运 in three equal monthly shipments,立即装运 immediate shipments 即期装运 prompt shipments 收到信用证后30天内装运 shipments within 30 days after receipt of L/C,你们能不能提前一点交货呢? Could you possibly effect shipment more promptly? 如果在香港交货,我们可以更早些收到货物。 If shipment were effected from Hong Kong, we could receive the

14、 goods much earlier.,小常识,发传真给对方时。 Fax,would you pls give me a signal! please give me a signal,fax! 客户发过来的邮件说:Please send with reduced invoice for customs。,商品检验的英语表达。,商品检验工作在到货后一个月内完成。 The inspection should be completed within a month after the arrival of the goods. 我担心对商检的结果会发生争议。 Im worried that th

15、ere might be some disputes over the results of inspection.,如果双方的检测结果一致,我们就收货。 Well accept the goods only if the results from the two inspections are identical with each other. 这批货测试和复验起来比较复杂。 Its very complicated to have the goods reinspected and tested.,选择运输方式的表达。,通常,海运比铁路运输便宜。 Usually, it is cheap

16、er to have the goods sent by sea than by railway. 数量如此多的货物,我们建议走海运。 For such a big order, we propose to have the goods dispatched by sea. 请海运我们订购的电视机。 Please dispatch the TV sets we ordered by sea.,因为铁路运输费用高,我们愿意走海运。 Because of the high cost of railway transportation, we prefer sea transportation. 有时海运对我们来说是件麻烦事。 Sometimes sea transport is a problem for us. 请空运此批货。 Please have the goods transported by air.,铁路运输较快。



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