2011 Role of human coronavirus in Brazilian hospitalized children with respiratory lower infection

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《2011 Role of human coronavirus in Brazilian hospitalized children with respiratory lower infection》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2011 Role of human coronavirus in Brazilian hospitalized children with respiratory lower infection(1页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、S92Posters/Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 12S1 (2011) S67S100 We utilized the ascending aortic-banded rat and assessed the effect of Simvastatin on the development of PH secondary to left ventricular dysfunction. Subsequently, in rats subjected to aortic banding for 6 weeks, there were increases in

2、mean pulmonary arterial pressure, pulmonary arteriolar medial thickness, Rho- kinase II, Rho-kinase activity, endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and endothelin-1 (ET-1) concomitant with decreased levels in NO and cGMP in the lung. Treatment with Simvastatin at a dose of 30mg/kg/day from day 1

3、to day 42 (early treatment) or from day 29 to day 42 (late treatment) decreased the mean pulmonary arterial pressure, mean left atrial pressure, right ventricular hypertrophy, pulmonary arteriolar medial thickness and pulmonary expression of Rho-kinase II and Rho-kinase I, respectively, as well as a

4、ugmented pulmonary expression of NO, respectively, when compared with the vehicle controls, In addition, Simvastatin signifi cantly decreased the pulmonary ET-1 and increased the pulmonary cGMP in the early treatment group, not the late treatment group. In conclusion, these results suggest that inhi

5、bition of HMG-CoA reductase may provide therapeutic potential for preventing and attenuating the development of PH in left ventricular dysfunction. Further translational study in human is needed to substantiate the fi ndings. M3 Infl ammatory myofi broblastic tumor in the lung with feeding vessel: m

6、imicking a congenital lung malformation C.M. Lagyal, M. Bautista. Philippine Heart Center, Pediatric Pulmonology, Quezon City, Philippines Numerous literatures have cited that Infl ammatory Myofi broblastic Tumor can behave as a malignant tumor both clinically as well as radiologically. However, the

7、re is paucity of article reported that it can mimic as a congenital lung malformation. In this report we describe a unique occurrence of an infl ammatory myofi broblastic tumor of the lung with feeding vessel. An asymptomatic 15 year old female patient had chest radiograph that incidentally showed a

8、 solitary parenchymal mass on the left lower lung lobe. Further investigations of her condition by Chest CT scan revealed a well defi ned homogeneously hypodense mass lesion with no internal calcifi cation and with a large pulmonary vessel supplying the lesion. Initial impression then was pulmonary

9、sequestration versus pulmonary arteriovenous malformation,consideringthepresenceofafeedingvessel. Resection of the mass was done with gross fi ndings of a tan ovoid globular tissue with a well circumscribed white to yellow surface with punctuate hemorrhages. Histopathological report was consistent w

10、ith an infl ammatory myofi broblastic tumor. Surgical resection is the treatment of choice resulting to an excellent outcome, as was done to patient who was discharged improved. Long term follow up however is imperative to detect possible recurrences. M4 Role of human coronavirus in Brazilian hospit

11、alized children with respiratory lower infection P.F.B.M. Costa1, C.H.A. Lima2, J.-N. Telles3, G. Vernet3, G.P. Baccal a3, M.A.M.T. Siqueira2. 1Hospital Federal de Bonsucesso, Pedatric Pulmonology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 2Funda c ao Osvaldo Cruz, Respiratory Viruses laboratory, Rio de Janeiro, Braz

12、il; 3Fondation M erieux, IFR128 BioSciences Lyon-Gerland, Emerging Pathogens Laboratory, Lyon, France Acutelowerrespiratoryinfections(ALRI)areamajorcause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, particularly in children under 5 year of age. These respiratory infections are mainly causedbybacteriaandvir

13、uses.Withtheexpansionof molecular diagnostics assays, human bocavirus (HBoV),human metapneumovirus (hMPV), Rhinovirus, human coronaviruses, and others viruses were discovered and easily detected in respiratory specimens compared with conventional methods such as viruses culture. Bronchiolitis(BVA) a

14、nd Pneumonia(PNM) are frequent and constitute an important cause of hospitalization in Brazil and others countries in Latin America. An understanding of the Brazil epidemiology is crucial for identifying target groups and appropriate timing of public health preventive measures such as therapies. In

15、this study, we aimed to investigate epidemiological of a Human coronavirus associated to a well defi ned clinical patients with lower respiratory infection. Materials, Patients and Methods: Patients: This is a substudy of an ongoing prospective brazilian investigation of respiratory tract infections

16、 in children and adults in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This study was approved by all participating institutional review boards. Samples: The specimens were collected from infants within the fi rst 48 hours after admission and up to fi ve days of clinical manifestation before admission. All the patients included were submitted to a clinical examination, case history and nasopharyngeal aspirate (NPA). Respiratory Virus Nucleic Acids detection: Nasopharyngeal aspirates were submitted to nu


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