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1、开放英语I(2)期末复习,责任教师:雷娜 E-mail: ,期末考试题型,I 英语知识运用(50分) 一、Use of English交际用语 5道选择题,10分 二、Vocabulary and Structure 语法与结构 20道选择题,40分,期末考试题型,II 阅读理解(20分) 三、多项选择题 5道选择题,10分 四、Right/Wrong/Doesnt Say 5道选择题,10分,期末考试题型,III 翻译(30分) 五、中翻英 5道题,15分 六、英翻中 5道题,15分 考核比例 形成性考核 30%,终结性考核70%,Unit 1923 Review,1、相关词汇 服装:jea

2、ns trousers shorts boots shoes coat suit jacket skirt dress blouse sweater 买衣服:try on put on take off suit fit *suit与fit都有“合适”之意,但也有区别。以衣服为例,fit是指大小尺寸合适,而suit则是表示衣服穿着很好看,包括款式和花式都合适。如: Do you think this style suits me? 你觉得这种款式适合我穿吗? These shoes dont fit mehave you got a larger size? 这鞋我穿着不合适你们有大一点的吗?

3、 体育运动:play basketball /football /snooker cards /chess/ games go jogging/swimming/rowing do Tai Chi/Kung Fu/karate(空手道),Unit 1923 Review,2、四种时态 1)一般过去时(U19) 一般过去时用来表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,既可以指某次具体的动作,也可以指重复性的动作。 I enjoyed the summer very much. Sam visited her friends. Peter worked at a gasoline station. They

4、 tried a few times. Tim studied French last night. *不规则动词的过去式 bewas, were comecame eatate havehad meetmet bringbrought drinkdrank gowent saysaid knowknew seesaw setset readread putput,Unit 1923 Review,*一般过去时的否定式 did not was/were not could not She didnt watch television yesterday. They didnt come to

5、the party. They were not at home yesterday. He was not late. She couldnt come to the party. *一般过去时疑问句与简略回答 Did you go swimming yesterday? Yes, I did. Did she watch TV last night? No, she didnt. Did you have a good time? Yes, we did. Was he at the party? Yes, he was. Could he come to the party? No, h

6、e couldnt. *时间短语 I got up early this morning. This morning I got up early. Did you have a good time last night? (疑问句中必须放在句尾),Unit 1923 Review,2)表示将来的用法(U21) *现在进行时可以用来谈论已经确定无疑的将来的安排。 Steve and I are getting the 4.30pm train. Im visiting my cousins in Australia later this year. *be going to 用来表示预先计划好

7、的事情,强调计划性。 Im going to see a film this weekend. Im going to visit my cousins in Australia later this year. *will用来表示说话时即时决定作的事情。 Im hungry. I think Ill make dinner.,Unit 1923 Review,3)现在完成时(U22) have (has)+过去分词 I have had a tennis lesson.我上了一节网球课。 I have played tennis before. 我以前打过网球。 否定式:havehas no

8、t+过去分词 We havent eaten yet.我们还没吃过饭。 Xiaoyan has not played tennis before.晓燕以前 没打过网球。 疑问句形式:havehas+主语+过去分词 Have you eaten yet? 你吃过了吗? Has Xiaoyan played tennis before? 晓燕以前打过网球吗?,Unit 1923 Review,现在完成时的用法 表示过去发生的动作或事情对现在或将来的影响或产生的结果。例: Have you eaten? 你吃饭了吗?(如果没吃,我们现在去吃。) She has lost her wallet. 她丢

9、了钱包。(所以现在没钱了。) 表示某人的经历,如: I have been to Beijing.我曾经到过北京。 She has read the book twice.这本书她已经看过两遍了。 与一般过去时的区别 两者的主要区别是现在完成时表示的动作与现在有联系,常与不确定的过去时间状语(yet, just, once)连用;而一般过去时单纯谈过去的事情,与现在没有联系,常与特定的过去时间状语 (in1993, last year) 连用。 He has just left.他刚刚走。 The rain has already stopped.雨已经停了。 I had a tennis l

10、esson last week.上星期我上了一堂网球课。 They went to London yesterday.他们昨天去了伦敦。 4)用一般现在时进行叙述(U20),Unit 1923 Review,3、提出建议与回答 How about seeing this one? What about dinner? Why dont we go to a restaurant? Shall we have a sandwich? Lets do that. Ok. Ok, then. Great. Thats a good idea. Id prefer to/rather do sth.

11、例: Shall we go to the theatre tonight? Id prefer to see a film. Id rather go to the theatre. Id rather not. Im tired. Would you like to go to the cinema? Id prefer to go to the theatre. How about going away for the weekends? Id prefer weekends in London. Why dont we have a party for your birthday? I

12、d prefer to have dinner with a few friends.,Unit 1923 Review,4、形容词的比较级和最高级 rich richer the richest large larger the largest big bigger the biggest dangerous more dangerous the most dangerous good better the best bad worse the worst many/much more the most,Unit 2529 Review,1、过去进行时(U29) *过去进行时的构成与用法 过

13、去进行时用来表示过去某时正在发生的动作,由“主语+助动词be的过去式(was, were)+动词的现在分词”构成。例如: I was driving at 4 oclock yesterday. The class was going on when I came in. *过去进行时与一般过去时连用 某时正在进行中,发生了别的事情时,往往前者用过去进行时,后者用一般过去时。例如: I was driving along the motorway when my car broke down. 我正在高速公路上行驶着,突然车坏了。 While she was waiting, her phon

14、e rang. 她在等候的时候电话响了。,Unit 2529 Review,*过去进行时和一般过去时连用时,前后两个句子可以用when, while, as或and等连接。如: I was driving along the motorway and I heard a funny noise. As I was sitting in a traffic jam, the car broke down. While I was waiting for the mechanic, I phoned the guesthouse. While I was having a cup of tea,

15、someone stole my wallet. *注意:这些句子中的主从句位置是可以变化的。如果从句放在后面,则不需要用逗号隔开。例如: Someone stole my wallet as I was having a cup of tea. The car broke down when I was sitting in a traffic jam. *如果两件事情前后相继发生,而不是一件在另一件的过程中发生,则两者都用一般过去时。例如: I finished work and then I went to the theatre. I spoke to Jack and left fo

16、r work.,Unit 2529 Review,2、have/get something done使人或安排人做某事(U25) I had my car repaired. (让人修) I repaired my car. (自己修) *主语+have或get(各种时态)+宾语+过去分词 I have/get the car serviced every three months. I am having/getting the TV repaired tomorrow. I had/got the broken window mended yesterday. Ill have/get the colors improved. I have had/got the we



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