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1、开封旅游景点包公祠、龙 亭、铁 塔、开封府小 吃,小组成员:,开封包公祠,包公祠座落在开封城内碧波荡、风景如画的包公湖西畔,占地一公顷,是一组典型的仿宋风格的古建筑群。 它气势宏伟、风格凝重典雅。祠内主要建筑与景观有大门、二门、照壁、碑亭、二殿、回廊、大殿、东西展殿、假山瀑布、石雕百龙亭与喷泉,小桥流水、嶙峋奇石。 其中大殿内高3米多,重达2.5吨的包公铜像引人注目,包公蟒袍冠带,正襟端坐,一手扶椅,一手握拳,仿佛要拍案而起,一身凛然不可予夺的浩然正气。 二殿展有包公的出仕明志诗、开封府题名记碑、包公书法手迹、墓志铭等。,Lord Bao Memorial Temple is located

2、in Baohe Park just southwest of the city center. It was initially built in 1066 in memory of Baozheng, a famous upright officer during the Northern Song Dynasty (960 - 1127). Lord Bao Memorial Temple is a typical ancient architectural complex with style imitating that of the Song Dynasty. Covering a

3、n area of one hectare, it mainly consists of Entrance Gate, the Second Gate, the Stele Pavilion, the Main Hall, the Second Hall and the east and west exhibition rooms. In the main hall, a bronze statue of Lord Bao, which is three meters in height and 2.5 tons in weight, is displayed. With his hat an

4、d waist band on, Baozheng sits upright. One of his hands placed on the chair with the other clenched.In the second hall, the historical materials and classic books about Lord Bao, the poems made by Lord Bao, monument inscription, and Kaifeng Residence and Office monument inscription are exhibited. T

5、he eastern and western halls, using some pictures and essays, show visitors many stories and tales about Lord Bao.,开封龙亭,In the city of Kaifeng City Longting Xibeiyu. Here is the original generation of the Northern Song Dynasty and the National Palace Museum, is the site of that weeks Mansion. 1942 E

6、mperor Kangxi in the Qing build a one million Shouting, Tingrui for Long live the emperor tablets, known as Long Ting, during major festivals, both civilian and military officials to come here to worship. Dao 25 years destroyed in the storm. Reconstruction. Longting built up to 13 m in a huge brick

7、steps, Chongdanxieshan of the main hall. Hall at the center of a huge black Long Pier and it is the emperor of power took place. 1986, Longting large hall built Kaifeng Song museum, the Mainland of Chinas first museum. Sculpture of nine figures, including the Northern Song Dynasty Emperor Wen-chen,

8、and then the famous generals. Longting of ancient buildings, according to a history of the Tangdezong Lee can be traced back to fitness at the time (AD 780-805), built by the Army Jiedushi Zhisuo Yongping - Fantianyashu. After the Five Dynasties Houliang, Houjin, after the Han and Later Zhou Dynasty

9、 have to be converted palace. The Northern Song Dynasty Imperial (including the Royal Palace) here also, as in the large. The late, as a palace. Eliminate the yuan, it is the Henan Jiangbei Hangsheng Yushu. Hongjinjun peasant uprising in the late Yuan Dynasty Longfeng regime also as a temporary busi

10、ness trip. To the then rulers and the construction of massive construction projects week Fans Mansion. Early Qing Dynasty as a Gongyuan, following the conversion of Longevity Palace. In years (the year 1925) was changed to Longting Park; 1927 General Feng Yuxiang in the second Yu, renamed Zhongshan

11、Park. After new China was founded, in 1953 officially named the Longting Park since.,铁塔,Tower also named driving a tower of temple, is situated in the east BeiYu kaifeng tower in the park. Because all with a brown glazed tiles campanile enchase, far see resembles iron tower, so called color. Tower b

12、uilt in the northern song dynasty emperor bestowed reign (1049 years), it has more than 900 years history, 1961 by state council as the national key units of cultural relics protection. Tower into equilateral octagonal, altogether 13 layer, high 55.88 meters, ground floor surface broadly for every 4

13、.16 meters, upward step is degressive. Wir times build by laying bricks or stones have pattern brick, 50 kinds of decorative pattern design, modelling is exquisite, look lively, can be rated as the song dynasty brick art. Wir winding stairs terengganu tao within build by laying bricks or stones, but

14、 picked up rank spiral upward, straight terengganu tower. When climb to the fifth floor, can see the kaifeng area of street, ascend to the 7th layer see suburban farmland and the city dike, climb to the 9th layer can be seen HuangHeRu belt, ascend to the 12th floor directly into the sky, feel xiangy

15、un pesters a body, and wind blowing, the king of judah into space dreamland, so if tower junfolding, said. Tower in the architecture of the world-famous determination-indeed, its design is exquisite, firm structure, although after the earthquake, river infestations, storm and man-made destruction, s

16、till stands rock-firm,开封府,The northern song dynasty KaiFengFu boasts the world capital, begins fifth well.numerical examples, it has a history of more than 1,000. In the northern song dynasty kaifeng is a national political, economic and cultural center, is eight waste, all the nations against salty tong together. KaiFengFu matriculating in addition to management, but also administer 17 counties, 24 town, only mansion collectors formule 600 people. In the northern song dynasty 168 years that


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