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1、Unit 3 Animals Are Our Friends,Lesson 14 Amazing Animals,Amazing Animals,long-eared jerboa mouse lay,adj. 长耳的 n. 跳鼠 n. 老鼠,鼠标 v. 产(卵),放置,adj. 长鼻子的 n. 茄子 v. 摇动,抖动 v. 鼓翼而飞;(使某物)拍打 v. 避开,躲避,long-nosed eggplant shake flap avoid,Check Preview,1.long-eared,有长耳朵的,long(adj) +ear(n) +ed=long-eared,2.,jerboa,/

2、u/ /,跳鼠,3.mouse,老鼠;鼠标,mice,mouses,学单词,4. lay,产(卵);放置,现在分词 laying 过去式 laid 过去分词 laid,躺;位于,拓展,现在分词 lying 过去式 lay 过去分词 lain,说谎,lie,现在分词 lying 过去式 lied 过去分词 lied,5. eggplant,茄子,8.avoid,6. shake,摇动;抖动,过去式 shook 过去分词 shaken,shake ones hands with sb.,与某人握手,7. flap,鼓翼而飞;(使某物)拍打,现在分词 flapping 过去式 flapped 过去分

3、词 flapped,避开;躲避,学用短语,1.long-eared 长耳朵的 long-nosed 长鼻子的,2.remind sb. of sth.使某人想起某事或某物,长鼻猴,long-nosed monkeys,3.lay eggs 下蛋 make eggs,4.be famous for 因.而出名,China is famous _the Great Wall. Joy is famous_a popular singer.,for,as,5.jump out of. 跳出. fly out of. 飞出.,总结:动词 + out of .,drive out of. 驱赶. get

4、/take out of. 从.中拿出来,6.up to “多达;达到” This hall can hold up to 1000people.,up to “由.决定” e:Thats up to you.,Do you know these animals?,Complete the animal information.,Name: Long-eared jerboas Where do they live? _ What makes them amazing? They look like _. With their long ears, they also remind peopl

5、e of _.,They live in the deserts of Asia.,mice,rabbits,Name: Kiwis Where do they live? _ What makes them amazing? They are birds, but they cant fly. They _ big eggs.,They live in New Zealand.,lay,Name: Long-nosed monkeys Where do they live? _ What makes them amazing? _ _ _ _ _ _,They live in Southea

6、st Asia.,They are famous for their large noses. Their noses are as big as eggplants. When the monkeys are happy or excited, they shake their noses.,Name: Flying fish Where do they live? _ What makes them amazing? _ _,All over the world.,A flying fish looks like a bird with its large wings.,Language

7、Points,1.With their long ears, they also remind people of rabbits.,remind sb of sth.使某人想起某事或某物,remind sb.,to do sth. 提醒某人要做某事(事未做),of doing sth 提醒某人做过某事(事已做),Please remind me _(call) him back.,to call,You reminded me of your father. 你使我想起了你父亲。 He reminded me of his elder brother. 他使我想起了他哥哥。 This pic

8、ture often reminds me of my childhood. 这张照片经常使我想起我的童年。,2. Their ears are much longer than their heads. 它们的长耳朵比它们的头大得多。 much+比较级 表示“得多”。例如: She is much younger than Lucy. 她比露西年龄小得多。 Tom thinks English is much more interesting than math. 汤姆认为英语比数学有趣得多。,3. They are famous for their large noses.它们以大鼻子而闻

9、名。 be famous for 意为“因而闻名”。be famous as 意为“作为而闻名”。例如: Suzhou is famous for silk. 苏州以丝绸而著名。 He is famous as a writer. 他作为一名作家而著名。,4. It can jump out of the water and flap its wings up to 70 times a second.它可以跳出水面,以每秒钟多达七十次的频率挥动翅膀。 up to 表示程度或数量,意思是“多达,达到程度或数量”。例如: I can take up to four people in my ca

10、r. 我的车能载4个人。 Up to ten people can sleep in this tent. 这顶帐篷至多能睡十人。,5. It flies out of the water to avoid enemies.,You should avoid mentioning his name.,avoid “避开;躲避”,avoid + v-ing,“避免做某事”,只能加v-ing的词或短语:,finish, enjoy, practice, consider, dislike, keep, mind look forward to, feel like,have fun, devote

11、 to,He avoided_(introduce)her to my life.,introducing,Exercise,1.Hangzhou is famous _West Lake. A.as B.for C.with D.of 2.His words remind me_we did together during the past holiday. A.that B.of that C.what D.of what 3.The work is _for me than for you. A. much difficult B.more difficult C.the most di

12、fficult D.very difficult 4._interesting book that is! A. Waht an B.What C.How a D.How 5.你最好避免在地铁上看书。 You had better_ _in the subway.,B,D,B,A,avoid reading,1. 他像耗子一样轻轻走上楼梯。 She went upstairs, quiet as a mouse. 2. 这股气味使我想起了法国。 That smell reminds me of France. 3. 杜鹃(cuckoo)在其他鸟的巢(nest)中产蛋。 The cuckoo l

13、ays its eggs in other birds nests.,翻译句子。,5. 北京以许多名胜古迹而著称。 Beijing is famous for many places of interest. 6. 我的车能载4个人。 I cantakeuptofourpeopleinmycar.,Time for Reflection,因出名 达到,be famous for up to,Homework,Review Lesson 14. 2. Finish the exercise on page 37.,Preview,1. Learn the words in Lesson 15 by heart. 2. Read the text in Lesson 15 and underline the useful phrases.,Thank you !,


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