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1、Emily,幼儿英语教学之语音篇 pronunciation,语音的基本范畴, 语音是组成语言最 基本的要素之一,也是学好一门语言的关键,对于儿童英语学习而言,语音则是培养其儿童听、说、读写能力的基础。,语音对于幼儿语言学习的影响,心理语言学家证明,与成人相比儿童音域宽、语音的可塑性大,负迁移小,易形成地道的语音、语调。所以教师应从语音入手,抓好语音基础教学。,美国英语里见r要发卷舌音,英国英语里没有卷舌音;bird/door/car 美国英语用的是口腔“后部发声方法”,英国英语用的是口腔“深后部发声方法”; 美国英语速度慢,语调爱用平拖腔,就像汉语里的一声,英国英语愿意用降调,就像汉语里的四

2、声; 美国英语因发音外露而音形对应规律明显,英国英语因发音内含而音形对应规律被隐藏。,浅析英音之于美音,vs,语音教学对于幼儿教学的重要性,(一)模仿是儿童学习语音的先天优势 (二)语音对儿童阅读能力的影响 (三)语音影响儿童与他人沟通能力,(一)模仿是儿童学习语音的先天优势,学习语音的主要手段是模仿, 这种模仿是从听觉定向活动开始的, 经过在脑分析器的作用, 然后由心理运动器官的操练而完成的 。儿童学习有着天生的模仿力,儿童可模仿各种声音,因为他们的发音器官非常有弹性,可顺应不同的语音系统雕塑形状。因此儿童学习第二语言,较成人更加容易获得纯正、地道的第二语言发音。所以在儿童时期学习英语语言打

3、好语音基础很有必要。,(二)语音对儿童阅读能力的影响,语音意识是影响英语阅读能力的关键因素。在国外的许多研究中,都发现语音意识在儿童阅读能力发展中的重要地位。其中较为著名的有Bradley 和Brayant 所进行的一项为期3 年的追踪研究。结果发现:阅读困难儿童在反映语言发展水平的语音意识测验中得分显著低于正常儿童,语音意识与儿童的阅读能力间存在着因果关系。因此在幼儿园、小学阶段建立良好的语音基础非常有必要。,(三)语音影响儿童与他人沟通能力,创造一个自由、宽松的语言交往环境,支持、鼓励、吸引学生与教师、同伴或其他人交谈,体验语言交流的乐趣。只有发准了音,学生才能正确地表达自己的意愿和要求。

4、语音不好的学生不但与他人交流存在困难,同时也影响幼儿身心各方面健康的发展。因此,提高儿童运用语言的能力,学好语音是关键。,26个英文字母的正音,Aa ei Bb bi: Cc si: Dd di: Ee i: Ff ef Gg i: Hh ei Ii ai J j ei Kk kei L l el Mm em N n en Oo Pp pi: Qq kju: Rr : Ss es Tt ti: Uu ju: Vv vi: Ww dblju: Xx eks Yy wai Zz zi:/zed,26个字母的书写,字母操的教学,Aa-apple Bb-bird Cc-cat Dd-dog Ee-el

5、ephant Ff-fish Gg-girl Hh-house I i-it J j-jeep K k-kite L l-lion Mm-mouse N n-nose O o-ox P p-pig Q q-queen R r-rabbit S s-snake T t-tiger U u-umbrella V v-violin W w-wind X x-box Y yyo-yo Z z-zoo,20以内数字的正音,1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13

6、 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty,国际音标,英语国际音标共48个,其中20个元音,20个辅音,3个鼻音,2个半元音,3个似拼音 元音 12个单元音 长元音 i: : O: u: a: 短元音 i e o u e 8个双元音: ai ei Oi ie Ce ue u au 辅音10对 清辅音 p t k f s T S tS tr ts 浊辅音 b d g v z D Z dZ dr dz 3个鼻音 m n 3个似拼音 h r l 2个半元音 w j

7、,巧记48个国际音标单元音共十二,四二六前中后。 双元音也好背,合口集中八个整。 辅音共计二十八,八对一清又七浊, 四个连对也包括。有气无声清辅音, 有声无气浊辅音,发音特点应掌握。,基本单词的正音,three thank month this the weather zoo zebra zipper dog doll job nine neck net good look foot food moon stool song see sit happy cloudy thirsty teacher chair children low nose toe fish English sheep c

8、at bag sad letter beg set kite my write horse door small call down house about rabbit ruler red tree try trousers speak sport spring student study stone school skirt sky street stream straight dry draw drink television pleasure vision juice jelly sandwich,教师课堂用语,GREETINGS ROLL CALL CLASSROOM RULES G

9、AMES PRAISE&ENCOURAGEMENT DISCIPLINE&CONTROL COMMANDS&INSTRUCTIONS BEGINNING &ENDING THE CLASS,GREETINGS,1. Hello/Hi! 2. How are you feeling today? 3. Good morning. /Good afternoon./Good evening. 4. How are you? Fine, thank you. 5.Nice to see you (again)!/Nice to meet you./Glad to see you! 6.How are

10、 you doing today? Fine./Good./Not bad/So so. 7.See you next time. 8.See you (later/tomorrow). 9.Goodbye/Bye bye.,ROLL CALL,1. Is everyone here? Yes/No. 2. Who is not here? 3.When teacher calls your name, please stand up and say “Im here.” 4.Do you remember your name? 5.Is xxx here? 6.Who is not here

11、? XXX is not here. 7.Why are you late? 8.Whats the matter?,CLASSROOM RULES,1. No Chinese! 2. Obey the rules! 3. No talking! 4. Speak loudly! 5. Do actions!,GAMES,Lets play a game. Are you ready? One, two, three, go! Who is the first one? Im the first one. Who is the winner? We are winners! Who wants

12、 to try? Its your turn. Please follow me. I will divide you into two teams. You are the Apple team, and you are the Banana team. Really? Are you sure? Yes, Im sure. When I say your name, please stand up. Lets count. “one, two, three” Louder, please. Lets form a line. Lets make a circle. Better luck

13、next time. Dont feel bad. You will win next time. Quickly! Come on!,GAMES,Lets jump/run/hop/walk/hand in hand. Clap your hands. Stamp your feet. Raise your hands. Wave your arms. Show me your Squat down. Stretch your legs/arms. Nod your head./ Shake your head. Close your eyes./ Open your eyes. Read

14、after me, please. Open your books and turn to page X. All together please. Lets chant! Can you read it? Lets sing a song. Yes or no? Do you like it? Lets listen to the music. Come here. Go there. Stand up./Sit down. Turn around. Hands up./Hands down. Put up your hands./ Put down your hands. Pick up

15、the cards. Point to the cards.,PRAISE&ENCOURAGEMENT,1. Good/Very good! 2. Have a try, OK? 3. Well done! 4. Bravo! 5. Excellent! 6.You did good job. 7. Wonderful! 8. Sounds good. 9.Great! (You are great!) 10.Perfect! 11.Good idea. 12.You are so clever. 13.I believe you can answer it. 14.Try it again. 15.Take it easy. 16.You are right. 17.You can do it. 18.I like it very much. 19.You are a smart boy/girl.,DISCIPLINE&CONTROL,1. Be quiet. 2. Go back to your seat. 3. Li



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