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1、.,1,Mamma and perineum 乳房和会阴,.,2,.Mamma 乳房,.,3,The mamma is present in both male and female. However the mamma of male does not develop. So we just talk about the mamma of female.,.,4,The mammary glands begin to develop and grow rapidly at puberty. During pregnancy and lactation, they are developing

2、 and secreting milk to nourish newborn baby.,.,5,(1) The location and features of mamma,.,6,Areolar gland 乳晕腺,mamma,Areola of breast 乳晕,nipple乳头,.,7,(2)The structure of mamma,.,8,The mamma is composed of skin, subcutaneous fat, connective tissue and mammary gland.,.,9,nipple,Areola of breast,Skin of

3、 mamma,adipose tissue of breast,Lobule of mammary gland,Lactiferous duct,Lactiferous sinus,Areolar gland,.,10,乳头,乳晕,乳晕腺,乳腺小叶,输乳管,输乳管窦,乳房脂肪体,乳房皮肤,.,11,nipple,Sagittal section of female mamma,adipose tissue of breast,Lobule of mammary gland,Lactiferous duct,Lactiferous sinus,Pectoralis major,intercost

4、ales,Orifice of Lactiferous duct,Suspensory lig. of breast,Fascia of Pectoralis major,.,12,胸大肌,胸大肌筋膜,乳腺小叶,输乳管,输乳管窦,乳头孔,乳头,乳房脂肪体,乳房悬韧带,.,13,.Perineum 会阴 1. The conception of perineum,.,14,The perineum has broad and narrow senses of perineum. The broad sense of perineum means the all soft tissues that

5、 close the inferior orifice of the pelvis. The perineum in anatomy is the broad sense of perineum.,.,15,The narrow sense of perineum means the soft tissue structure between the external genital organs of female and anus, it is also called obstetrical perineum (产科会阴).,.,16,2.The parts of perineum (1)

6、Urogenital triangle (2)Anal triangle,.,17,Urogenital triangle,Anal triangle,Ischial tuberosity,Broad sense of perineum,.,18,Urogenital triangle,Anal triangle,Ischial tuberosity,Broad sense of perineum,.,19,Urogenital triangle,Anal triangle,Ischial tuberosity,Broad sense of perineum,.,20,尿生殖三角,肛三角,坐骨

7、节结,广义会阴,.,21,Vaginal vestibule,Orifice of vagina,anus,Lesser lip of pudendum,Orifice of urethra,clitoris,Narrow sense of perineum (obstetrical perineum),Narrow sense of perineum,.,22,产科会阴,阴道口,肛门,狭义会阴(产科会阴),.,23,ischiocavernosus,Levator ani,Sphincter ani externus,Gluteus maximus,Superficial transvers

8、e m. of perineum,anus,bulbocavernosus,Ischial tuberosity,Perineal central tendon,deep transverse m. of perineum,Ischioanal fossa,.,24,坐骨海绵体肌,肛提肌,肛门外括约肌,臀大肌,会阴浅横肌,肛门,球骨海绵体肌,会阴深横肌,坐骨结节,会阴中心腱,.,25,ischiocavernosus,Levator ani,Sphincter ani externus,Gluteus maximus,Superficial transverse m. of perineum,

9、anus,Ischial tuberosity,Perineal central tendon,Inferior fascia of urogenital diaphragm,Ischioanal fossa,Sphincter of vagina,Bulb of vestibule,.,26,ischiocavernosus,Levator ani,Sphincter ani externus,Gluteus maximus,Superficial transverse m. of perineum,anus,Ischial tuberosity,Perineal central tendo

10、n,Inferior fascia of urogenital diaphragm,Ischioanal fossa,Bulb of vestibule,.,27,Vaginal vestibule,Orifice of vagina,hymen,Lesser lip of pudentum,Orifice of urethra,Greater vestibular gland,Head of clitoris,Bulb of vestibule,Orifice of greater vestibular gland,.,28,阴道口,尿道口,坐骨结节,坐骨海绵体肌,阴道括约肌,会阴浅横肌,肛

11、提肌,臀大肌,肛门外括约肌,肛门,.,29,Levator ani,Superior fascia of pelvic diaphragm,Ischioanal (ischiorectal) fossa,rectum,inferior fascia of pelvic diaphragm,Anal canal,Obturator internus,Internal pudendal artery and vein,Sphincter ani externus,.,30,肛提肌,盆膈上筋膜,盆膈下筋膜,坐骨肛门窝,闭孔内肌,直肠,肛门外括约肌,阴部管,阴部内动静脉,.,31,Levator an

12、i,Superior fascia of pelvic diaphragm,rectum,Urethra of male,Obturator internus,coccygeus,piriformis,hiatus of pelvic diaphragm,.,32,肛提肌,尾骨肌,梨状肌,闭孔内肌,直肠,肛提肌腱弓,盆膈上筋膜,男尿道,盆膈裂孔,.,33,Deep transverse muscle of perineum,pelvic diaphragm,Ischioanal fossa,Superior fascia of urogenital diaphragm,Superficial

13、fascia of perineum,Obturator internus,inferior fascia of urogenital diaphragm,Urinary bladder,Urethra,Bulb of urethra,.,34,肛提肌,盆膈下筋膜,盆膈上筋膜,尿生殖膈下筋膜,尿生殖膈上筋膜,会阴深横肌,坐骨肛门窝,尿道球,会阴浅隙,浅会阴筋膜,.,35,vagina,Orifice of vagina,Levator ani,Deep transverse muscle of perineum,Superior fascia of pelvic diaphragm,Ischi

14、oanal (ischiorectal) fossa,Superior fascia of urogenital diaphragm,Superficial fascia of perineum,urerus,.,36,阴道,尿生殖膈上筋膜,会阴深横肌,尿生殖膈下筋膜,坐骨肛门窝,前庭球,浅会阴筋膜,会阴浅隙,阴道口,阴道前庭,.,37,The pelvic diaphragm (盆膈) is formed by the levator ani, coccygeus together with the superior and inferior fasciae of pelvic diaphr

15、agm.,.,38,The ischioanal (ischiorectal) fossa(坐骨肛门窝) is located between anus and ischial tuberosity. The lateral wall of the fossa is formed by obturator internus and the fascia of obturator, the medial wall is formed by the levator ani and,.,39,inferior fascia of pelvic diaphragm. The anterior boun

16、dary of the fossa is the posterior border of urogenital diaphragm, the posterior boundary is the inferior border of gluteus maximus.,.,40,The urogenital diaphragm (尿生殖膈) is formed by the deep transverse muscle of perineum, sphincter of urethra together with the superior and inferior fasciae of the urogenital diaphragm.,.,41,/10/29,.,42,



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