实验动物使用者职业健康与安全Occupational Health and Safety课件

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《实验动物使用者职业健康与安全Occupational Health and Safety课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《实验动物使用者职业健康与安全Occupational Health and Safety课件(46页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、實驗動物使用者職業健康與安全Occupational Health and Safety in the Care and Use Laboratory Animals,黃彥智 國家實驗動物中心 Email: evannlac.org.tw,演講目的,1. 讓學員瞭解人員使用實驗動物之職業健康與安全的風險評估 2. 職業健康與安全應注意事項及適當的防護方法,職業健康與安全之定義(Occupational Health and Safety),Institutional employees, fellows, students and visitors who in the course of t

2、heir work with research animals might be exposed to hazards that could adversely affect their health and safety. All individuals have direct contact with animals, living tissues, body fluids, wastes,從事動物實驗者可能遭遇到的工作傷害,1. Allergens 2. Biological hazards-Zoonotic diseases 3. Physical and chemical hazar

3、ds 4. Protocol related hazards,職業健康與安全(Occupational Health and Safety),計畫設計及管理 (Program design and management) 計畫 (Programs): 1. Knowing the hazard 2. Avoiding and controlling exposures 3. Training and education 4. Rules and guidelines 5. Consistency 6. Record keeping and monitoring 7. Commitment an

4、d coordination,職業健康與安全(Occupational Health and Safety),管理 (Management): 1. Animal care and use 2. Research 3. Environmental health and safety 4. Occupational health 5. Administration and management 6. IACUC provide links among the five above institutional functions.,動物房過敏原(Allergens in the Animal Fa

5、cility),動物房過敏原(Allergens in the Animal Facility),主要過敏原 Rats and Mice: urine protein, rat n 1A (pre-albumin), rat n 1B (a2-euglobulin), Mus m 1 (produced in liver and saliva and secreted in urine, 100 times in serum, male 4 times female) Rabbits: Ag-1, fur (glycoprotein, major) ; Ag-2, saliva、urine (

6、minor) Cats: Fel d 1, produced in sebaceous glands of the skin and coats of the hair shafts,動物房過敏原(Allergens in the Animal Facility),預防 (Prevention): 1. Facility design: HEPA filter, filter top, air changes and HVAC etc., (RH: 5477%) 2. Work practices (Workers should be made aware of the risks and a

7、void exposure as much as possible) 3. Personal protective equipment (Once a person develops allergic symptoms, surgical disposable masks are usually not effective) 4. Evaluation of the allergic workers (medicines or avoid exposure completely),減少暴露於動物性過敏原的方法,Ventilated hood, biosafety cabinet, dust/

8、surgical mask Animal rooms should deliver at least 10 air changes per hour Dont wear your street clothes when working with animals. Wear protective clothing. Reduce your skin contact with animals by wearing gloves and long-sleeved lab coats Wash your hands frequently. Wash hands, face and neck befor

9、e leaving the work area Avoid touching your hands to your face while working with animals and animal equipment Keep cages and your work area clean,人畜共通疾病的防治(Control of zoonotic diseases in the animal facility),1. Engineering control (facility design) 2. Animal quarantine and stabilization 3. Work pr

10、actices and procedures 4. Personal protective equipment 5. Training and education 6. Role of the facility director and IACUC 7. Institutional policies and rules,實驗動物病原分類,A: 人畜共通傳染病 B: 實驗動物致死病原 C: 非致死但可引起實驗動物發生疾病或生理功能改變 D: 實驗動物機緣性病原 E: 非病原但可為實驗動 物微生物條件的指標,各種動物實驗可能風險(Risks by animal species),人畜共通傳染疾病囓

11、齒類,Hantavirus (漢他病毒),如何在實驗室預防漢他病毒感染(I),Hantaviruses are a genus in the family Bunyaviridae, which are lipid- enveloped viruses with a negative-stranded RNA genome. They are susceptible to most disinfectants (e.g., dilute hypochlorite solutions, 70% alcohol, or most general-purpose household disinfec

12、tants). Limited studies with Hantaan virus have shown sensitivity to a pH of less than or equal to 5. Infectivity has been reported to persist in neutral solutions for several hours at 37 C and for several days at lower temperatures, as well as in dried cell-culture medium for up to 2 days That is w

13、hy one of the most important ways to prevent transmitting HPS is to carefully wet down dead rodents and areas where rodents have been with disinfectant and/or bleach.,如何在實驗室預防漢他病毒感染(II),Laboratory transmission of hantaviruses from rodents to humans via the aerosol route is well documented. Exposures

14、 to rodent excreta, fresh necropsy material, and animal bedding are presumed to be associated with risk. Other potential routes of laboratory infection include ingestion, contact of infectious materials with mucous membranes or broken skin, and, in particular, animal bites. Biosafety Level 2 (BSL-2)

15、 facilities and BSL-2 practices are recommended for laboratory handling of sera from persons potentially infected with the agents of HPS.,如何在實驗室預防漢他病毒感染(III),Potentially infected tissue samples should be handled in BSL-2 facilities Cell-culture virus propagation should be carried out in BSL-3 contai

16、nment facilities Large-scale growth of the virus, including preparing and handling viral concentrates, should be performed in BSL-4 containment facilities,LCMV(淋巴球性腦膜脈絡膜炎病毒),Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) is a member of the family Arenaviridae. It is another RNA virus. Wild mice, laboratory mice and Syrian hamsters serve as important natural transmitters to several species, including humans. The virus is shed in urine, saliva, and milk during chronic, asymptomatic infection



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