最新人教PEP版小学六年级上册英语02 单元检测卷Unit 5

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1、最新人教版六年级上册英语精品资料设计单元检测卷Unit 5听力部分(50分)一、听音标号。(12分)2、 听音连线.(8分)三、听音并选词填空。(填序号即可)(10分) ( )1My aunt is a_ A. cleaner B. reporter C. nurse ( )2They work in a _ A. pet hospital B.science museum C. post office ( )3His brother likes_. A. reading B.swimming C. singing ( ) 4.1f you like sports, you can be a

2、_ A. sports reporter B.PE teacher C. basketball player ( )5What a great _ ! A. film B. job C. story四、听音,如果录音内容与圈意相符请画不符请画 。五、听音排序。 ( ) He often goes running after school. ( ) What about a bee farmer? ( ) I like to study, but I dont like computer games. ( ) She wants to work in a university. 笔试部分(50分

3、)一、找出各小题中不同类的单词写在横线上。(6分) 1 _ sea water lake 2 _ sing reporter dancer 3 _ school cinema left 4 _ studies take watches 5 _ juice train ship 6 _ what where white2、 看图写单词。(6分)三、请将括号内的字母组成单词填在横线上,使句子意思完整。(6分) 1. My father _ (skowr) in the cinema. 2. He goes to the _ (ortfacy) on foot. 3. Mr Wu is our _

4、(eahd) teacher. 4. How does your _ (moerth) go to school? 5. They like _ (dinganc), and they _ (anwt) to be a dancer.四、判断正()误(X)。 (10分) ( )1. We should study hard and stay healthy.( ) 2.1m a taxi driver.1 work at sea. ( ) 3. Yao Ming is a basketball player. ( ) 4. The doctors can see lots of fish ev

5、ery day. ( ) 5. Theyre cooks. They cook delicious food for us.五.根据中文提示回答问题。 ( 12分 ) 1. What does she do? (护士) . _ 2. How do you go to school? (坐公交) _ 3. What do you like? (远足) _ 4. Where does he work? (在飞机上) _ 5. Whos he? (我爷爷)_ 6. How many pictures do they have? (五幅) _六、阅读理解,选择填空。(10分) Mrs White is

6、 a friendly woman. She has brown hair and red glasses. She works at school. She-s a head teacher. Shes very busy every day. Every morning, she gets up early. She often goes to school on foot. Sometimes she goes there by bus. She gets home late. She often tells the children to eat apples, bananas, or

7、anges and pears. She often says they are healthy for us. ( ) 1. What does Mrs White do? A. A dancer. B. A head teacher. C. A driver. ( ) 2. Does Mrs White work in the museum? A. Yes, she is. B. No, she doesnt. C. Yes, she does. ( ) 3. What colour is her hair? A. Red. B. Black. C. Brown. ( ) 4. How d

8、oes Mrs White often go to work? A. By taxi. B. By bike. C. On foot. ( ) 5.1s the fruit good for us? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, they are. 参考答案听力部分一、361452二.1.C 2A 3D 4B三.1.A 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.B 四、 五、3412 笔试部分一、l.water 2.sing 3.left 4.take 5.juice 6.white二.1. scientist 2.worker 3.f

9、isherman 4.pilot 5.police officer 6.postman三、1.works 2.factory 3.head 4.mother 5.dancing want四.l.2.34.5.五.1. Shes a nurse. 2.1 go to .school by bus. 3.I like going hiking. 4.He works on 8 plane. 5.Hes my grandpa. 6.They have five pictures.六.1.B 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A听力原文 一、听音标号。1. worker 2.police officer 3

10、.fisherman4.singer 5. businessman 6football player二、听音连线。1.The postman goes to work by bike.2.- How does the coach go to school? - He goes to school by car.3. The scientist often goes to other countries, so he often goes to work by plane.4.-Does the cook go to the restaurant by bus? -Yes, he does. 三

11、、听音选词填空。(填序号即可)1. My aunt is a cleaner. 2.They work in a post office3. His brother likes reading.4.1f you like sports, you can be a PE teacher.5. What a great job!四、听音,如果录音内容与圈意相符请画不符请画 。1.1 want to be a taxi driver.2.They like flying in the sky.3.My father is a scientist.4.-Can she use the computer? -Yes, she types very quickly.5.The police officer works by bike.6. They work in a hospital.五、听音排序1.I like to study, but I dont like computer games. 2.She wants to work in a university.3. He often goes running after school.4. What about a bee farmer? 6最新人教版六年级上册英语精品资料设计


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