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1、.,1,Recruitment and Interview Skill,.,2,The importance of recruitment,A,Interview skill,B,Other test,C,catalog,.,3,We do the best thing for the competition is recruit unsuitable personnel. _HR of Microsoft,.,4,What is Recruitment,To get the right people at the right time for the right place . 在合适的时间

2、为合适的岗位寻找到合适的人选。,.,5,The importance of recruitment,Select the right person is more important than cultivating people.If recruiting suitable people at the beginning, that will bring considerable benefits. Statistics shows this beneficiary is 6%-20% more than current productivity.,.,6,人力资源需求 HR Recruit

3、ment 工作分析 Job analysis,招聘计划 Recruitment Planning,招募 Enlistment 发布信息Publish the information 简历收集The resume collecting,选拔 Selection 初步筛选Filtrate resume 笔试Written examination 面试Interview 其他测试Other test,录 用 Employment 作出决策Decision 发出通知Notify,评 估 Appraisal 程序Procedure 技能Skill 效率Efficionsy,招聘的程序Recruitmen

4、t Process,人力资源规划Human Resource Planning 公司战略Company strategic 人力资源需求分析HR requirement analysis,.,7,Types of Interviews,面试的结构化程度:The extent of structured Interview 非结构化面试 Unstructured Interview 结构化面试 Structured Interview 面试的目的:Goal of Interview 选择性面谈(压力式面谈)Selective Interview(Pressure Interview) 评估性面谈

5、 Evaluation Interview 离职面谈 Quit Interview 面试的内容:Content of Interview 情景面谈 Situational Interview 与工作相关的面谈(Job-related interview) 对面试的控制:Control of Interview 一对一面试(单独面试)one to one(individually)/多对一面试many to one(集体面试 a group interview) 连续性面试consecutive Interview/一次性面试 one time interview 计算机面试 computer

6、interview/人工面试 face to face interview,.,8,Interview Question,Tell me about yourself ? What is your greatest strengths? What is your greatest weaknesses? Why do you want this jobs or why do you want join this company ? What are your career goals for the next five years ?,.,9,Interview environmental r

7、equirements,room room temperature seat(place,chairs) company information,job description forms and writing materials time(notification time, interview time) job seekers information questions,.,10,For interviewer,First, although in a short time we cannot judge a person by his appearance, the first im

8、pression, is always our start. Secondly, good manners are equally important. In the interview is neither too proud, too timid. Just a ceremony. In third, respondents must prove his ability and skills, employment and knowledge related to the work relevant to the field, he must clearly express their c

9、onfidence. Last , the respondents should be honest with his or her personal and academic background, honesty is the best policy.,.,11,Talent assessment tools,心理测试(Psychological Test) 无领导小组讨论(Leaderless Group Discussion) 文件筐测验(In-Basket) 结构化面试(Structured Interview) 团队游戏(Team Game) 角色扮演(Role Play) 演讲(

10、Presentation) 投射测验(Projective Test) 评价中心(Assessment centers),.,12,Psychological Test,Psychological testing is a measurement of some aspect of human behavior. by procedures consisting of carefully prescribed content, methods of administration, and interpretation. The style of Psychological Test Intelligence test Personality test Interest test,.,13,Thank you,.,14,.,15,谢谢您的观看!,



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