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1、Unit 2 The united kingdom单词图解,赤水一中 潘华,unite junatv.联合 词根:unite adj. united 一致的,统一的;团结的,和睦的 adv. unitedly 团结一致地;联合在一起地 n. unity 团结;一致;联合;个体,We need to unite against terrorism. 我们需要团结起来反对恐怖主义。,UN (United Nations)USA. United States of America,kingdom,kingdomkidm n. 1.王国 2.领域,范围 3.界(指自然三界动、植、矿物界之一) 4.【宗

2、教】天国,神政 5.古语君主身份;王权,There was onceapoorPrince,whohadakingdom.,consist of,Our class consists of 27 girls and 20 boys,Our class is made up of 27 girls and 20 boys 27 girls and 20 boys make up our class,1. consist vi. 存在于; 组成; 构成,委员会由七名成员组成。,The committee_.,(1) consist of = be made up of 由组成; 包括 make u

3、p构成,consist of seven members.,Seven members make up the committee.,(2) consist in =lie in 在于 这座城市之美在于它宏伟壮观的建筑。 _ its magnificent buildings.,The beauty of the city consists in,(3) consist with与.一致 理论应与实践相一致。 Theory _.,should consist with practice.,How many countries does the UK consist of ? A. two B.

4、 three C. four,England,Wales,Scotland,Northern Ireland,Lets have a quiz,province prvnsn.省,Do you know how to divide the circle into 10 parts?,the North of England,the South of England,the Midlands,England is the largest of the countries and it is divided into three zones.,The world_ five continents.

5、 Lets _ the cake _three. He _ the big eggs _ the small ones. The big eggs _ the small ones.,is divided into,divide,into,separates,from,are separated from,divide 意为“把一个整体分成若干个部分” (1)divide . into 把分成 be divided into 被分成 (3) separate A from B 将A和B 分离 be separated from 被分离,2. divide into,1. The apple w

6、as _ into two. 2. We _the money equally. 3. Oxygen can be _ from water. 4. The Taiwan Strait _ Taiwan from Fujian.,试一试,divided,divided,separated,separates,clarify klrfav.澄清,They are trying to clarify themselves,3. clarify: to make sth. clearer and easier to understand 阐明立场: 认清形势:,clarify ones stand/

7、position,clarify the situation,clarifyklrifai vt. 1.澄清;说明,阐明,讲清楚:Can you clarify this long sentence? 你能把这个长句子解释清楚吗?,2.使净化,使(液体等)澄清:You can clarify the water by adding a little alum. 你在水里加一点明矾就能使水净化。 3.使(头脑、神智等)清醒:The cool autumn wind clarified my mind. 凉爽的秋风使我的头脑清醒过来。,2. clarify vt. 澄清; 讲清楚; 阐明 vi.

8、澄清; 清楚; 易懂事 Could you clarify the question? His mind suddenly clarified. 拓展: clarification n.,你能解释这个问题吗?,他的头脑突然清醒了。,accomplish kmplv.完成,4. accomplish: to succeed in doing sth., especially after trying very hard. (=achieve) accomplish ones task/ goal/purpose/promise 完成任务/实现目标/履行诺言,Healonecouldaccompl

9、ishthework.,adj. accomplished 完成的;熟练的, 有技巧的; 有修养的;有学问的 accomplishable 可完成的;可达成的 n. accomplishment 成就;完成; 技艺,技能 accomplish nothing一事无成;一无所成,conflictknflkt n.矛盾,conflictknflkt n.矛盾,She often comes into conflict with her husband.,break away (from ),习惯搭配: break down 抛锚; 出故障; 身体跨了 break into 闯入; 突然发出 bre

10、ak out (战争、瘟疫、火灾) 爆发 break off 中断 break the rules 违反规则 break the records 打破记录,break away (from ) 挣脱,从摆脱,打破(陈套等),e.g. The prisoner broke away from the guard.,break away from conventions 打破常规,break down (机器、车辆)坏了,e.g. The telephone system has broken down.,break into 强行闯入 break out 突然爆发 break up 分解,解散,

11、终止,结束 break in 插嘴,Task2: match the following useful words according to their English meaning.,V. be made up of ;be composed of -consist of,V. separate-divide into,V. cause sth. to become clear or easier to understand,consist,divide,clarify,break away (from),escape suddenly.,legal,adj. of or based on

12、 law,n. The quality of being useful and convenient,n. action or power of attracting,n. a group of objects that have been collected.,V. build, set up, establish.,relation,n. related to, or connection between people, things, or events,construct,collection,attraction,convenience,debate,V 2) 吸引人的东西; 喜闻乐见的东西; 精彩节目 attractive adj. 有吸引力,诱人的 attraction of gravity 重力 He cant resist the attraction of the sea on hot day. 酷热的夏天他经不住海的诱惑。,Architecture,Administration,port,import,export,countryside,Furnished,Wedding,fold,statue,pot,Thank you.,



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