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1、CSU Shanyu,大学英语四级辅导之听力篇,School of Foreign Languages,题型总述,大学英语教学大纲对四级听力的具体要求 能听懂英语授课,并能听懂题材熟悉、句子结构比较简单、基本上无生词、语速为每分钟130150个单词的简短会话、谈话、报道或讲座,能基本听懂慢速英语节目,掌握其中心大意,抓住要点和有关细节,领会讲话者的观点和态度。听力试题一遍听懂,理解的准确率应不低于70。大学英语四级考试题型改革后,听力部分变动较大, 其比例由原来的20%提升到35%,其中听力对话占15%,包括短对话和长对话,测试题型为多项选择;听力短文20%,包括选择题型的短文理解和复合式听写

2、。,复习方法,扎实的语言基本功 培养预测、综合判断能力 学会用英语思维 了解相关学科及社会背景知识 理会其重要性,题型解析,对话部分是日常生活中的一般对话,即衣、食、住、行、工作、学习等话题,可分为校园、公共场所、家庭等方面; 短篇听力材料是题材熟悉、情节不太复杂的故事、讲话、叙述、对话等,如动物介绍、地区及大学情况介绍等。短文主要考查考生对文章大意、中心思想、重要细节的理解与领会,以及根据所获取的相关信息,对文中的某些细节作出联想、判断,也有就短文中的某一事实和人物进行提问的题目; 复合式听写是最近几年四级考试改革的一个重要内容,其目的是为了能够客观地检测学生的听力水平。它包括对理解能力(即

3、“听”)和一定的书面表达能力(即“写”)这两方面的测试。,Suggestions,1. 保持良好的心态,头脑要冷静,一个题听不懂不要过多纠缠。 善于利用时间: (1)播放考场指令时,题目说明和例句时. (2)题与题之间的13秒间隔利用好. 阅读选项,猜测谈话话题和可能问的问题:听前从所给的文字材料和答案选项等线索中发现一些背景信息,力求缩小谈话者的话题,它能帮助考生搞清所听内容的类型和结构甚至主题。考生听的时候可避免过分注重每个单词从而影响对全篇中心思想的理解。考生应抢时间阅读试卷上的选项,争取主动,以便在听音时有针对性。根据选项猜测问的是时间、地点、人物、金钱、还是计划、打算、状态等等。,2

4、. 阅读选项要一目十行,提高效率:听力不像阅读,它是单向性的、一次性的。时间有限,提高阅读选项的速度。 3.手耳并用,简单做笔记:录音中的细节,如重要的数字、人物、地名等,仅大脑记忆很难完全记住。因此,考试中可以有目地的、有选择的加以记录,以便听完录音后能快速准确的选出答案。 4.多做真题。十多年来的每年两度的四级考试,光是真题就积累了几十套了。这些真题的命题还是很有规律可循的。要找四级的感觉,就得多做真题。,短对话场景地点题,考查学生对对话地点及人物去向的判断 常见提问方式: Where does the conversation probably take place? Where is

5、the woman going? Where are the two speakers? 常用关键词: Hotel front desk, reception, room service, reservation, to book a room, register, to check in, to check out, porter, single room, double room, vacant room, suite, bathroom, tip,Restaurant cafeteria, bar, waiter, waitress, order, reserve, menu, bill

6、, tip, go Dutch, my treat, taste, dessert, have a sweet tooth, main dish, hot dog, toast, sandwich, pizza, pie, drink, whisky, wine, alcohol, beer, soup, appetizer, barbecue, cheese, roast, pub, saloon, snack, recipe Post office mail, postage, postcard, parcel, package, regular mail, registered mail

7、, special delivery, express, air-mail, zip code, stamp, envelope, to dial, extension, long distance call, collect call, to install a phone, yellow pages, telegram, telegraph,Shop department, supermarket, groceries, size, style, fashion, brand, price, cost, cash, on sale, expensive, cheap, bargain, c

8、olor, in stock, out of stock Book Store buy, return, order, edition, periodicals, paperback, hardback, regular price, on sale, out of print Bank open an account, a savings account, a checking account, cash a check, interests, balance, fixed deposit, current account, bank clerk,Library latest issue,

9、up-to-date information, card, be due, overdue, to renew, borrow, return, to pay fines, author catalogue, subject catalogue, card catalogue, indicator number, call number, alphabetical order, reference book, circulation, bookshelf School registration, graduate, enroll, quit school, term, semester, ac

10、ademic year, quiz, exam, experiment, doctors degree, bachelors degree, masters degree, tuition, scholarship, credit, campus, dormitory, clinic, canteen, gym, Students Union, Students Center, freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, undergraduate, graduate student, lecture, compulsory course, optional co

11、urse, assignment, paper, seminar, subject, topic, presentation, liberal arts, science,Airport and Custom Airline, air-hostess, depart from Gate 2, arrive at Gate 3, flight101, luggage, take off, departure, arrival, smoking section, non-smoking section, boarding pass, baggage claim tag, an aisle seat

12、, seat belt, declare, claim, fill in the form, duty free, pay duty on Railway Station and Bus Station platform, carriage, conductor, passenger, taxi driver, pull in, pull out, sleeping car, emergency brake Court jury, judge, counselor, lawyer, case, sue, appeal, accuse sb. of sth., charge sb. with s

13、th.,trial, sentence, serve,Hospital doctor, surgeon, dentist, nurse, patient, general ward, private ward, isolation ward, observation ward, consulting room, emergency room, out-patient department, in-patient department, ambulance, allergy, bruise/wound, dizzy, fever, infection, nausea, pain, vomit,

14、burn, chill, cramp, cough, itch, cold/flu, insomnia, diarrhea, a sore throat, high/low blood pressure, feel sick at ones stomach, have a stomachache, lose ones appetite, prescription Drugstore pharmacy, make up a prescription, pills, tablet, dose, powder, capsule, mixture, antibiotic, digestive, sle

15、eping pill,Filling Station and Garage grease the car, fill up the tank, brake, emergency brake, steering wheel, battery, windscreen, a flat tire, super, two gallons of super, regular, three gallons of regular Others theatre, cinema, exhibition, concert, party, go to the movies, dancing ball, fashion

16、 show, garden, kitchen, watering flowers, barbers haircut Countries and States America, the States, California, New York, Alaska, Chicago, Washington, Los Angles, Hawaii, Atlanta, Boston, Britain, England, London, Canada, Ottawa, France, Paris, Italy, Rome, Spain, Australia, German Direction right, left, in front of, next to, close, beside, by, northwest,真题分析与实战演练,A) At a publishing house. B) In a bookstore. C) In a reading room. D) In Prof. Jordans office. (06.1),M: Excuse me,



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