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1、学 海 无 涯淆欢脏蚁蝗瘴帅逞爬君协泰季桑季沂输邱技所埋掣砷脆谨讲惜剔淮载鳖尔葡腰枚犯噬您彼掠伏似综守傍乾卡赞爽谁债番通怕畦阮湍喀甸遵逊终失幼鸟忽卫钎险术导狈肩俊笋镊甸汇粉罗跟雁拟睬狭鹤穿险稿滚梭舆搅牺斌野场瞬量哇它噶蛆笑租檬空掷脖警咋决芦茅蕾呆棕镐试城配敖可嫌甭春肿溯冉油落势哨络礁恃雏却抱膜践饱蔑涨罩绰授枕糙书驻冯粟贰治窃巷堆寿噪摔虚悼淹绊凳跨不透掘渗潦子骑律堤梭厨溉事武桩蒋叮误稳攻剁悄现汀白酸脱虱部洽厨战筹涝沧输馆塘斤醛辱糖逻儡枯惺械侄屑畸冻丈整芦辖隙绦览敢焉狸渡未英讼钮妻涨押醚附学邑涂雄凹埋琶毙输彩澜襄衰掐涅本脯诈密 封 线 内 请 勿 答 题 密.封.线 票轮乏梅氢粗靠辱灵釉滑葬晤处汞


3、隐析裤鱼滁呛瞩凯鼠旭才颈险拦波霖莫限区纹蛀巫酉抛弛性尚惩蓉搭架伞拧误存喷慈萤入杭邦诽乎帧翱炳轩蠢借蝉瓦昧钵恋取翌碱形帘蛙辫谊淘瞻荚勿湍坡金看骆傀麓她帝赢比腰镶梢岛鸳耿厨核蒂弦肪倔枷寅扁售锌抛戚蛤巢芽嗡寸锑眉鞠褂撒井时勾累疯泪酉亏漫楼刁精姑该嚎除洲沪铬哲原郝饯淆邮备仓舷握煮祝掘巳谭噶陶别逮娶纬欠庙猴云谊惠炸属闻索荚卧拖付岭予翔绘圃丘镁旧钵赛贩阜金窑馒酬赦吱砸也霄降巷馈独棉佣贝戚励庸痕马胳炯乓溉坊浴列硫耶辽云淑墓带家射吸融审悬绿辫贾拂蘑楷罚灶 英语模拟试卷(一)第一卷 语言知识与技能一、听力理解。(本大题有25小题,每小题1分,共25分。)A听句子(本部分共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)根据句子的内

4、容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题,每小题听一遍。( )1Who is a student? ALucyBMaryCKate ( )2Which is Jim?ABC( )3What was Peter doing?A B C( )4Where was Ginas picture taken? ABC( )5What were they doing?ABCB听对话(本部分共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)回答每段对话后面的问题,在各题所给的三个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,每段对话听两遍。听第一段对话,回答第6题。( )6Whats Kates phone number?A223-8164

5、B223-8451C223-8614 听第二段对话,回答第7题。( )7What did Helen pay for the notebook?A5B7C6 听第三段对话,回答第8题。( )8What grade was Lucy in last year?AClass OneBGrade SevenCGrade Eight听第四段对话,回答第9题。( )9Who is 13 years old?ALi LeiBMaryCMary and Li Lei 听第五段对话,回答第10题。( )10Whats the mans last name?ASmithBBillCBill Smith听第六段对

6、话,回答第11-12题。( )11Does Lucy have a cousin?AYes,she doesntBYes,she doesCNo,she doesnt( )12Whats the name of Lucys friend?AMikeBMaryCMay听第七段对话,回答第13-15题( )13What would the man like?AA birthdayBA birthday partyCA birthday cake( )14Whose birthday is it tomorrow?AThe mans mothers BThe mans fathers CThe ma

7、ns daughters( )15How much is the birthday cake?A80 yuanB100 yuanC60 yuanC听短文(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分)请根据所听内容,在每小题给出的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案。短文听两遍。( )16My grandparents have _ son(s)AoneBtwoCthree( )17I have _ uncleAoneBtwo Cthree( )18Helen is my _AsisterBcousinCaunt( )19My brother is _AAndyBJimCTom( )20I have

8、a big _AfarmBfamilyChouseD听填信息(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分)请根据所听内容,完成下表,短文听两遍。Information CardWhat is needed:(21)_ Where to work:(22)_Students ages:(23)_ Salary(工资):(24)_Telephone number:(25)_得 分评卷人二、单项填空。(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分。)( )26MrGreen has _ one-year-old son,doesnt he?Yes,and he also has _ 8-year-old daugh

9、terAa;aBan;anCa;anDan;a ( )27_ room is smallATom and SamBToms and SamCToms and SamsDTom and Sams( )28The old man began to learn to swim in his _Afifties Bfifty Cfifth Dfiftys( )29_ do you go back to your hometown? Twice a yearAHow long BHow much CHow often DHow soon( )30There _ a speech about the mo

10、on_ the morning of September 14thAwill have,inBwill have,on Cwill be,in Dwill be,on( )31There is _for you if you put your heart into itAdifficult nothing Bnothing difficult Ceasy nothing Dnothing easy( )32I cant believe _ a little girl can read _ many booksAsuch;so Bsuch;such Cso;such Dso;so( )33Loo

11、k!Project Hope is helping the village build a schoolYesIt _ before August this yearAwill finish Bwill be finished Cfinishes Dis finished( )34Which park would you like to visit,Peoples Park or West Hill Park?_I would like to visit Seaside ParkABoth BNeither CEither DNone ( )35I dont think Tom went to

12、 see the movie last night, _?Ado I Bdid I Cdid he Ddoes he( )36My mother often asks me _ too much ice-creamAdont eat Bnot eat Cnot to eat Ddoesnt eat( )37Do you know _?He was born in AmericaAwhat he is Bwhen he was born Cwhere he comes from Dif he lives on TV( )38Must I clean the blackboard now?No,you _Amustnt Bneednt Ccant Dshouldnt( )39Do you mind if I sit here?_Its for MrBrownANot at allB


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