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1、广东省艾滋病流行概况及预防控制策略General HIV/AIDS Epidemic Situation and Prevention Strategy in Guangdong,广东省艾滋病防治研究所 Guangdong Center for Disease Control 王晔Wang Ye November 20, 2007,主要内容Major contents,流行概况 Epidemic situation HIV流行率监测 HIV epidemic monitoring 吸毒者人群行为学监测Behavior monitoring on drug users 问题与挑战 Problem

2、s and challenges 当前我省应采取的预防控制策略 Prevention and control strategies should be taken in our province at present,流行概况Epidemic Situation,1986年:发现首例境外HIV感染者;In 1986: the first HIV infected case was found on a non-Guangdong person 1990年:首次从出境归来的本省HIV感染者;In 1990: the first HIV infected case was found on a G

3、uangdong person returning from abroad 1996年:首次从本省静脉吸毒者中检出HIV感染者:In 1996: the first HIV infected case was tested from a Guangdong injected drug user 19861996年:感染例数虽逐年有所上升,但仍呈较平稳的状态,年平均上升仅为10.2%,此后报告感染例数迅速增加:1986-1996: infected cases are rising but still stable with an average rate of 10.2%, after thi

4、s report the cases increase rapidly 2005年:由于开展大筛查而达到高峰,年报告数为5223例:In 2005: with the investigation reaching the summit, the cases are 5223 reported for this year. 2006年维持平稳,当年报告5180例。In 2006: the situation is stable and the reported cases are 5180.,流行概况Epidemic Situation,2006年底:At the end of 2006: 累计

5、报告HIV感染者18207例,Accumulated reported HIV infected cases are 18207 AIDS病人1641例,死亡677例。AIDS patients are 1641 cases and 677 dead. 报告数居全国第五位。The reported cases ranks No. 5 throughout the nation. 据专家估计,我省到2007年底估计存活的HIV感染者约4.9万。Experts estimate that the living HIV infected persons are about 49,000 by end

6、 of 2008 in Guangdong.,户籍分布Distribution of Permanent Residency,18207例中:Among 18207: 广东省籍:8500,占46.7;From Guangdong: 外省籍: 4023,占22.1;From other provinces: 港奥台:39;From HK, Macao and Taiwan 境外:122;From abroad 户籍不详:5523,占30.3%;From unknown places,广东省累计报告HIV感染者地区分布(2006.12) Distribution of Accumulated HI

7、V/AIDS Cases in Guangdong (Dec. 2006),广东省19862006年累计报告HIV感染者地区分布Distribution of Accumulated HIV/AIDS Cases in Guangdong (1986- 2006),性别分布Gender distribution,男性:15203例,占83.5;Male 女性: 3004例,占16.5。 Female,广东省19862006年HIV感染者性别分布 Distribution of Accumulated HIV/AIDS Cases in Guangdong (1986- 2006),年龄分布Ag

8、e distribution,年龄不详: 4797例,占26.3Unknown 年龄清楚:13410例,占63.7Known,传播途径分布Spread channels distribution,传播途径不详:7030例,占38.6Unknown 传播途径清楚:11177例;占61.4 Known,广东省19862006年HIV感染者传播途径变化情况Changes of Transmission Channels of HIV/AIDS in Guangdong (1986-2006),目前我省HIV/AIDS流行特点Current HIV/AIDS Epidemic characterist

9、ics in Guangdong,全省21个市均出现HIV流行,珠江三角洲地区仍是流行最严重的地区,但HIV传播正从珠江三角洲向两翼漫延,疫情呈全省低流行,局部高流行态势;All 21 cities have epidemics. Pan-pearl Delta is still the most serious area with a tendency spreading to both wings. The epidemic appears as low throughout the province and high in some cities. 吸毒人群仍是HIV感染的最主要人群,但

10、经性途径感染者逐年增加,女性感染者和母婴传播明显增多。HIV正从高危人群向一般人群扩散;Drug users are still the major group infected with HIV. There is an increasing tendency by means of sexual transmission. The infections of female and mother-to-child transmission has an obvious increase. 只有个别通过既往卖血、输血或血液制品感染,近几年无明显变化;Only several cases inf

11、ected with blood selling and transfusion and blood products and there is no obvious change in recent years. 男男同性恋者中的HIV感染情况有待进一步查明。The infection situation among MSM is pending for further investigation.,HIV流行率监测 HIV Epidemic Monitoring,1992年开始建立监测哨点,到2007年全省在21个市共设立:Monitoring stations have been est

12、ablished since 1992. Up to 2007, in 21 cities there are: I类哨点64个;Stations of Category I II类哨点194个;Stations of Category II 针对性病门诊就诊者、暗娼和青年学生的综合哨点5个。5 Comprehensive stations for sexual diseases, prostitutes and young students.,吸毒者监测Monitoring on drug users,HIV感染率从1996年的0.02升至2006年的4.37;Infected rate i

13、ncreased from 0.02% in 1996 to 4.37% in 2006 阳性哨点比例从1998的25(2/8 )升至2006年的87(34/39) HIV positive stations increased from 25% in 1998 (2/8) to 87% in 2006 (34/39) 其中2006年有5个检出率在10以上,最高为23。 In 2006, there are 5 stations with an inspection rate above 10%, the highest 23%.,性病门诊就诊者监测Monitoring on incoming

14、 patients at the sexual disease clinics,HIV感染率从1997年的0.03升至2006年的0.20;HIV infected rate increased from 0.03% in 1997 to 0.20% in 2006 阳性哨点比例从1998年的10(1/10)升至2006年的56(9/16)。 HIV positive stations increased from 10% in 1998 (1/10) to 56% in 2006 (9/16) 2006年最高为0.79。 The highest is 0.79% in 2006,暗娼监测Mo

15、nitoring on prostitution,1998年首次检出HIV感染者(0.14),但一直维持在较低的感染率;The first cases were tested in 1998 (0.14%) but keeping a low rate. 2006年检出率为0.53。 The tested rate for 2006 is 0.53%.,孕产妇监测Monitoring on pregnant women,孕产妇的两个点除2002年检出一例HIV感染者外,其他时间还未检出。 At the two stations for pregnant women, only one case

16、 was found in 2002 and there is no report afterwards.,高危人群行为学监测吸毒行为 Monitoring on behavior of high risk population drug use,高危人群行为学监测安全套使用Monitoring on behavior of high risk population usage of condoms,开展的干预工作Interventions carried out,场所内的宣传教育Publicity and education in closed settings,社区中的干预Interventions in community,针具交换Injection needles exchange,美沙酮维持治疗Methadone Treatment,问题与挑战Problems and challenges,基层政府部门对艾滋病防治工作认识不足 Insufficient awareness on HIV/AIDS prevention of government departments



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