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1、第06讲 上市公司财务报表分析,主要内容,【引言】会计与会计行业概论 1 财务报表分析概述 2 财务报表分析的方法和原则 3 财务比率分析 4 财务报表分析注意事项,【引言】会计与会计行业概论,(1)会计 会计是指记录、分类、汇总、计量和报告发生在企业经济活动当中的财务数据的行为。具体说来指以下过程: 1)以原始凭证记录企业各项经济活动中发生的财务数据; 2)以会计科目对原始凭证进行分类和汇总; 3)以会计政策与会计估计对一定会计期间的经营成果、财务状况及现金流量加以计量; 4)以财务报告的形式报告相应的计量结果。 向投资者公开披露财务报告是上市公司的法定义务,也是上市公司会计工作的一项重要内

2、容。,(3)会计在证券市场的功用 会计是证券市场的价值衡量工具。表现在: 1)公司股票、债券发行(包括股票的首次公开发行和以配股、增发新股、可转换债券等形式进行的再融资)以公开披露财务报告为前提条件,发行价格以公司财务报告体现的投资价值为依据。 2)上市公司利润分配、股权转让、资产及债务重组等重大财务活动以财务报告提供的合法、公允、一贯的财务数据为依据。,3)二级市场股票交易价格以上市公司的公允价值为基础,投资者所面对的市场波动实际上是股价受供求关系左右围绕公允价值展开的上下波动。当股价过度背离上市公司公允价值的时候,无论是过高,还是过低,都会向公允价值回归。 4)价值、帐面价值、交易价值、市

3、场价值,或者股票投资价值,从会计的角度讲,它们的本质都应当是公允价值。 因此,作为证券市场最基本的价值衡量工具,会计应当为证券发行人与投资者、债权人记录与反映上市公司的公允价值。,(4)会计标准 会计标准是从事会计工作必须遵循的计量标准。 如同产品生产必须遵循技术标准的道理一样,上市公司所提供的财务报告,必须遵循会计标准,否则,就可能是不真实与不公允的。 狭义的会计标准是指会计准则,广义的会计标准包括会计准则与审计准则,以及会计法和注册会计师法。 之所以强调审计准则也是会计标准的一部分,一方面是因为就财务报告而言,独立审计的作用十分重要;另一方面是因为就会计标准本身不断完善的过程而言,审计准则

4、往往领先于会计准则。,(5)会计准则 会计准则是指企业编制财务报告应当遵循的标准。 目前,中国境内上市公司在编制正式财务报告时应当遵循财政部制订、发布的企业会计准则(CAS),在编制补充财务报告时还应当遵循民间国际组织国际会计准则委员会( IASC)制订、发布的国际会计准则(IAS)。,(6)审计准则 审计准则是指注册会计师对企业财务报告开展独立审计工作应当遵循的标准。 目前,中国境内上市公司财务报告独立审计所依据的是中国注册会计师协会制订、财政部发布的中国注册会计师独立审计准则。,(7)国际范围内的四大会计师事务所(2010年数据) 德勤(DTT),收入265.78亿美元,员工124000人

5、。 普华永道(PWC),收入265.69亿美元,员工116935人。 安永(Ernst & Young),收入213亿美元,员工99203人。 毕马威(KPMG),收入206亿美元,员工93000人。,(8)国际范围内的四大会计师事务所(2009年数据) 普华永道(PWC),收入281.8亿美元,员工116935人。 德勤(DTT),收入274亿美元,员工124000人。 安永(Ernest & Young),收入245.2亿美元,员工99203人。 毕马威(KPMG),收入226.9亿美元,员工93000人。 排名第五的德豪国际收入为51.45亿美元,与四大的差距非常大。,(9)“四大”的五

6、层薪酬体系 “四大”在业内虽以劳动强度高闻名,但其报酬也很高。“四大”在中国区级别一般分为五层,第一级是普通员工,下属又分为两级;第二级是资深员工,也分为三级;第三级是经理,第四级是高级经理,第五级为合伙人。 第一年来“四大”的普通员工常被称为SA1或“小朋友”; 工作一年后,常被称为SA2; 资深员工常简称为“S1、S2、S3”。 经理基本月薪为30000元;高级经理基本月薪为50000元。而合伙人(即Partner)赚的比较多,最一般的合伙人每年都有100多万以上。,The Big Four,DTT 德勤 1845 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu PwC 普华永道 184

7、9 PricewaterhouseCoopers KPMG 毕马威 1870 Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler EY 安永 1906 Ernst & Young,PwC,PricewaterhouseCoopers has been created by the merger of two firms - Price Waterhouse and Coopers & Lybrand - each with historical roots going back some 150 years. Set out below are some key milestone

8、s in the history of both firms. 1849 Samuel Lowell Price sets up in business in London 1854 William Cooper establishes his own practice in London, which seven years later becomes Cooper Brothers 1865 Price, Holyland and Waterhouse join forces in partnership 1874 Name changes to Price, Waterhouse & C

9、o. 1898 Robert H. Montgomery, William M. Lybrand, Adam A. Ross Jr. and his brother T. Edward Ross form Lybrand, Ross Brothers and Montgomery 1957 Cooper Brothers & Co (UK), McDonald, Currie and Co (Canada) and Lybrand, Ross Bros & Montgomery (US) merge to form Coopers & Lybrand 1982 Price Waterhouse

10、 World Firm formed 1990 Coopers & Lybrand merges with Deloitte Haskins & Sells in a number of countries around the world 1998 Worldwide merger of Price Waterhouse and Coopers & Lybrand to create PricewaterhouseCoopers,KPMG,KPMG was formed in 1987 with the merger of Peat Marwick International (PMI) a

11、nd Klynveld Main Goerdeler (KMG), and their respective member firms. Spanning three centuries, the organizations history can be traced through the names of its principal founding members, whose initials form the name KPMG. K stands for Klynveld Piet Klynveld founded the accounting firm Klynveld Kraa

12、yenhof & Co. in Amsterdam, in 1917. P is for Peat William Barclay Peat founded the accounting firm William Barclay Peat & Co. in London, in 1870.,M stands for Marwick James Marwick founded the accounting firm Marwick, Mitchell & Co. with Roger Mitchell, in New York City, in 1897. G is for Goerdeler

13、Dr. Reinhard Goerdeler was the first President of the International Federation of Accountants, and was for several years the Chairman of KMG. He is credited with laying many of the foundations for the Klynveld Main Goerdeler merger.,DTT,William Welch Deloitte,George Touche,Admiral Nobuzo Tohmatsu,DT

14、T,1833 At the age of 15, William Welch Deloitte becomes an assistant to the Official Assignee at the Bankruptcy Court in the City of London. This was the ideal apprenticeship at that time for a young man with an interest in the rapidly developing field of public accounting. 1845 Deloitte opens his o

15、wn accountancy office opposite the Bankruptcy Court on Basinghall Street, London. 1849 In connection with the accounts of the Great Western Railway, W.W. Deloitte becomes the first person ever appointed as an independent auditor. Deloitte makes his reputation in particular through his work in the ra

16、ilroad industry the Web of its day. During the 1850s and 1860s, he develops the system for keeping railway accounts, subsequently adopted as the industry standard, that protected investors from mismanagement of funds. He also develops a system of account-keeping for hotels that was universally adopted by large hotels in Great Britain and overseas.,1854 Royal Charter is granted to the Society of Accountants in Edinburgh, the first organized body of public accountants in the world. Among its fo



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