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1、mba英语作文模版3篇尽人皆知,语法知识繁多复杂。如果考生眉毛胡子1把抓,既费时又难以到达预期效果。下面是第1文档网为大家整理的,供大家参考。mba英语作文模版1庆祝信英语中,庆祝信使用的频率很高。凡是遇到重大的喜庆节日,如圣诞节、新年、婚礼和生日等等,亲友间要写庆祝信。当亲友提升、毕业、考试成功或出国留学时也要写庆祝信。庆祝信相对而言是比较容易写的,但用词必须亲切有礼、表达出真诚的喜悦感情。具体写作步骤:1.首段:表达听到喜讯的心情。主体段落:对喜讯进行积极评价。结尾段:表达衷心的庆祝之情。2.必背模版句型Congratulations,all of us feel proud of you

2、r remarkable achievements!庆祝你,我们都为您所获得的巨大成绩感到自豪。I am so pleased and happy to hear that听到我真的非常高兴。I write to congratulate you upon我写信来庆祝你。I offer you my warmest congratulations on your对你的我表示热烈的庆祝。We are just as proud as can be of you and send our congratulations.我们为你感到由衷的自豪!庆祝你!I wish you still furthe

3、r success!预祝你获得更大的成功。We look forward to bragging about you in the years ahead.我们希望在未来的岁月中能自豪地谈起你。Please accept our most sincere congratulations and very best wishes for all the good future in the world.谨向你表示庆祝和最良好的祝愿。3.必背经典范文Dear Ruth,I offer my warmest congratulations on your promotion to Vice Pres

4、ident of the #pany. I know how talented you are and how hard youve worked to attain this goal. No one could have been more deserving. How exciting it must be for you to realize your ambitions after all those years of hard working. Its been a real encouragement to me to see your efforts rewarded.Sinc

5、ere congratulations to you. Your expertise and dedication will bring out the best of everyone on your staff. Theyre learning from a real professional.I wish you still further success.Sincerely yours,Ma Lin译文亲爱的鲁思:听说你当选了公司副总裁我表示热烈的庆祝。我知道你很有天赋,而且为了实现这个目标你付出了很大的努力。没人比你更应当得到这个职位。这么多年的努力终究得到了回报你该多么高兴啊。你的


7、要对所要写的内容有充分的了解。写作时,应尽可能多用被动语态,少用第1人称,以避免主观、冒昧。(2)1般英文报告都可采取书信格式。(3)报告要有明确的中心思想、清楚的段落层次和公道的结构安排。2.必背模版句型The report is hereby made to ask for the approval of the board for the solution of the problem.请董事会批准这件事的解决方案。This report will summarize本报告将总结The report provides an introduction to本报告介绍了The operati

8、on on is under smooth way.的运行很正常。This report only provides guidelines they can use to assess their own needs.本报告尽为他们评估本身需求提供1些指点。May I have your approval ofby the end of this month?月底之前我能得到您就的批准吗?We will fulfill the task ahead of time.我们将提早完成任务。Upon the request of the #mittee,we have conducted the r

9、eport.应委员会的要求,我们完成了这份报告。3.必背经典范文To:Mr. JohnsonFrom:Li NanSubject:Ship Accident off West Coast of The Yangtze River,No Casualties.Date:April.4,2005Yesterday evening two boats collided in thick fog in The Yangtze River not far from Wu Han. One was a cargo ship carrying lumber,apparently on its way to

10、The Yangtze River. The other was a National ferry on its regular run from Jiu Jiang to Wu Han.However,because of the weather conditions,the captains did not realize the danger until a few seconds before the collision took place. Consequently,there was no time for them to prevent the accident.Fortuna

11、tely,there were no casualties among the crews or passengers,but both ships suffered badly damages.A spokesman for the port authorities said that a #mittee would be set up to determine the cause of the collision.Sincerely yours,Li Nan译文收信人:约翰逊先生发信人:李楠主题:长江西岸撞船事故,无伤亡日期:2005年4月4日昨晚在距武汉不远处,长江上的两艘船在浓雾中相撞

12、。其中1艘为装运木材的货船,正向长江驶来;另外1艘是国家渡船正从9江到武汉正常航行。但是由于卑劣的天气,船长知道撞击产生前几秒才意想到危险。 结果根本没有时间避免事故的产生。荣幸的是船员和乘客都没有伤亡,但船的侵害相当严重。船运部门发言人说会成立事故调查小组完全调查事故缘由。mba英语作文模版3在联考英语考试中,英语大作文主要可以分为这5种类型。现象解释型问题解答型观点论证型观点对照型图表漫画型每种作文类型都有不1样的写作思路,考生明确题目属于哪一种类型后,可以用相应的思路及模板迅速成文。现象解释型题目1般反应出社会中的某1现象或问题,如环境保护、文化融会、网络问题、留学热、人口增长等。这类作

13、文的模板通常为:开头段:介绍现象或通过描写图画点题;No one can fail to notice the fact that an increasing number of Chinese are fond of celebrating some Western festivals today.For instance,on Valentines Day,many people give flowers or chocolate to the one they love.正文段:解释这类现象产生的缘由或含义;There are two reasons for the improvemen

14、t in peoples living http:/conditions.in the first place,we have been carrying out the reform and opening-up policy.secondly,there has been a rapid expansion of our national economy.furthermore,the birth rate has been put under control.结尾段:呼应前文,总结并评价主题或预测未来,也可提出建议。Today an increasing number of people

15、 have realized that law education is of great http:/importance.in order to keep law and order,every one of us is supposed to get a law education.问题解答型该类作文通常提出1急需解决的社会问题,如环境污染、养老问题、能源危机、人材流失、食品安全、假冒伪劣产品等问题。该类文章的写作思路为:开头段:介绍这1社会问题;Two decades ago,blue sky and white cloud was so common for Chinese;however,in recent years the quality of the air has been deteriorati


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