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1、周周清 9 SelfCheck,一、单项选择。(101分10分) 1_? He has big eyes and a small nose. AHow is he BHow old is he CWhat does he do DWhat does he look like 2Whats your favorite subject? Math,and Im good _ it. Afor Bto Con Dat 3Look!The girl is my new classmate Lily. She is _ quiet. Alittle Ba little Ca lot Dmany 4Mr.

2、 Green _ the girl very much because she looks _ his daughter. Alikes;like Blike;like Clike;likes Dlikes;likes 5The eggs are delicious. Can I have _ one? Sure. Here you are. Aother Bothers Canother Dthe other,C,D,D,B,A,6_,Jack found his lost son with the help of the police. AIn the end BBy the end CA

3、t the end of DAt the end 7You look handsome with this pair of jeans. _ AYes,youre right BThank you CNo problem DNo,thanks 8I cant see things clearly(清晰地) if I dont wear my _ Aglasses Bsweater Chat Dshoes 9Bob wants to go to the _ to see a movie. Arestaurant Bcinema Chospital Dshop 10Alice is _,thoug

4、h(即使) she eats a lot. Alazy Bfunny Cclever Dthin,D,A,B,A,B,二、完形填空。(101分10分) I have an aunt.Her name is Helen.Aunt Helen works at a bus station and she _11_ lots of people every day.She is _12_ to everyone.She likes helping others.She is 46 years old,but she looks very _13_She is tall and she has lon

5、g curly hair.She likes _14_ her red coat and jeans.She also likes going shopping _15_ she doesnt go to work,and she always _16_ lots of beautiful clothes for herself. In the morning,she _17_ early and runs for half an hour.She thinks running helps her to be _18_When Aunt Helen is at home,she enjoys

6、reading _19_ like Fashion & Beauty(时尚与美)She often _20_,“Everyone likes to be beautiful.”People all like her very much.,11A.asks Btells Cmeets Dplays 12A.friendly Bquiet Cfunny Dclever 13A.old Blazy Csmart Dyoung 14A.looking Bdrawing Cwatching Dwearing 15A.when Bbefore Cafter Dbecause 16A.buys Btakes

7、 Cwants Dsees 17A.goes home Bgoes to work Cgets up Dtakes a walk 18A.busy Bhealthy Cshy Dhungry 19A.books BnewspapersCmagazines Dletters 20A.thinks Bspeaks Csays Dknows,C,C,A,D,D,A,A,C,B,C,三、阅读理解。(52分10分),Good morning,everyone. Im Mike. Lets play a game. This is a picture of my friends Miller,Julie,

8、Ben,Susan and me. Let me describe them to you. Can you write their names on the picture? Miller has curly brown hair and he likes wearing a T-shirt and shorts. I like Miller very much,because he often makes me happy. He is a funny boy. Julie has short curly hair. She likes playing sports and compute

9、r games. She often wears trousers. When we have problems,she always helps us. Ben is a tall boy with short straight hair. He is very handsome. He likes playing basketball and playing the guitar. His dream is to be a movie actor. Susan is a quiet girl. She has long brown hair. She likes reading. She

10、often wears a skirt.,根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 21What does Mike ask us to do in the game? ATo describe his friends. BTo draw a picture of his friends. CTo help him find his friends. DTo write names on the picture. 22Mike likes Miller because he is _ Ahandsome Bfriendly Cfunny Dsmart 23Ben wants to be a _ Asing

11、er Bmovie actor Cteacher Dsports star 24Who is Mike in the picture? AA. BB. CC. DD. 25Which of the following is TRUE? AMiller has curly black hair. BJulie often wears a skirt. CBen is short and handsome. DSusan enjoys reading.,D,D,C,B,C,四、词汇运用。(102分20分) A)根据句意及首字母提示写单词。 26What does your sister look

12、like? She is very tall with long s_ hair. 27Is your brother thin? No,he is a little h_ 28The doctor asks every p_ in the waiting room to keep quiet. 29Do you know who Xu Beihong is? Oh,he is a great a_ in our country. 30Its 9 pm. Im afraid well miss(错过) the latest bus t_,onight/today,traight,eavy,er

13、son,rtist,B)根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。 31My brother looks _ (handsome) in that black jacket. 32The old man _ (describe) the criminal(罪犯) carefully. 33People usually think about things _ (different) 34Linda likes _ (draw) pictures of elephants. 35The TV host _ (have) a long face and small eyes.,has,handsome,de

14、scribes,differently,drawing,五、从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。(52分10分),A:Hello.36._ B:Messi. A:37._ B:He is a little short and thin.38._ And you? A:Oh,I think Cristiano Ronaldo is the best. B:Do you know Avril? A:Sorry.39._ B:She is a great singer. A:40._ B:She is of medium height. She has long brown hair. Sh

15、e is really cool! A:I dont know her. Id like to watch her videos. B:OK,I have many of her videos and you can choose some. A:Thanks a lot! B:No problem.,B,C,A,E,D,六、从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其正确形式完成短文。(102分20分),Dear Peter, I am happy that you are my pen friend. I am a boy. I am twelve. I am not tall 41._ short. I am of medium 42._.I have 43._ hair. I like eating meat so I am a 44._ heavy. I have too much homework every night. But I like 45._ up early in the morning. I 46._ breakfast at 7 oclock. Then I



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