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1、光收发模块DDM功能介绍,-夏致富 QQ:706336149 手机:13512755815,一、 DDM定义,DDM(数字诊断监视功能)means digital diagnostic monitoring, definein SFF-8472 documents. 监测的5个实时测量参数为: 模块温度temp 工作电压Vcc 激光器偏流Laser Bias 接收光功率Rx_power 发射光功率Tx_power,1、DDM的实现流程,读取 5个监控量参数经过A/D转换,将模拟量转换为数字量。通过内部校准或外部校准, 将监测的校准值或外部校准系数写入内存中(E2ROM)。,2、DDM功能的应用

2、,通信的一个重要指标就是要保证通信数据传输正确,也就是不能产生误码,在产生误码的情况下就要重新建立数据链接。 但是模块在使用的过程中会出现其他因素影响模块的功能使得通信数据出现错误,比如:模块的使用温度、光纤的曲折影响光功率、模块本身的使用寿命。传输者不能把有误码的数据也传送给接收者,同样做为接收信号的一方也不能把有误码的信号拿来使用。这样就需要知道模块当前的运行状况,以使模块在正常的工作条件下传输数据。于是就需要连续(间隔一定时间)的监视模块当前的状况,也就是监测上面所说的5个指标。然后将监测到的值对比模块在正常工作条件下所要求的范围。如果不在范围之类就报警,显示模块处在不良状况下,交换机就

3、会停止发送数据,同样作为接收信息一方拒绝接收数据。直到模块正常工作状况下重新发送/接收数据。 同时,如果光网络数据链路出现问题,可以帮助系统管理员找出光纤链路中发生故障的位置,简化维护工作,提高系统的可靠性。,模块使用时间预测智能带DDM的SFP提供了一种预测激光器劣化的实时的参数监测手段。光模块内部的光功率反馈控制单元会将输出功率控制在一个稳定的水平上,但是,随着激光器的老化,激光器的量子效率会降低。功率的控制是通过提高激光的偏置电流(Tx_Bias)来实现的。因此,我们可以通过监测激光的偏置电流来预测激光器的寿命。这种方法可粗略的估计激光器的使用寿命是否接近终了。因为激光的偏置电流与模块的

4、工作温度及工作电压都有关系,所以在设定偏置电流极限时需要考虑Temp和Vcc的影响。通过对收发模块内部的工作电压和温度进行实时监测,可以让系统管理员发现一些潜在的问题:1)Vcc电压过高,会带来CMOS器件的击穿;Vcc电压过低,激光器不能正常工作。2)接收功率太高,会损坏接收模块。3)工作温度太高,会加速器件的老化。此外,通过对接收到的光功率的监测,可以对线路和远端发射机的性能进行监控。 这种故障预测可以使网络管理人员在系统性能受到影响之前找到潜在的链路故障。通过故障预告,系统管理员可以将业务切换到备份链路上或者替换可疑器件,从而在不间断业务的情况下修复系统。,故障定位在光链路中,定位故障的

5、发生位置对业务的快速加载至关重要。故障隔离特性则可以使系统管理员快速定位链路故障的位置。此特性可以定位故障是在模块内还是在线路上;是在本地模块还是在远端模块。通过快速定位故障,减少了系统的故障修复时间。故障定位中,需要综合分析状态位,管脚和测量参数。总之,通过数字诊断功能,可以定位故障。在故障定位中,需要对Tx_power,Rx_power, Temp,Vcc,Tx_Bias的警告和告警状态进行综合分析。内存镜像中的状态变量Tx Fault和Rx LOS (信号丢失)都对故障的分析起着重要的作用。,兼容性验证数字诊断的另一个功能是模块的兼容性验证。兼容性验证就是分析模块的工作环境是否符合数据手

6、册或和相关的标准兼容。模块的性能只有在这种兼容的工作环境下才能得到保证。在有些情况下,由于环境参数超出数据手册或相关的标准,将造成模块性能下降,从而出现传输误码。工作环境与模块不兼容的情况有:1)电压超出规定范围;2)接收光功率过载或低于接收机灵敏度;3)温度超出工作温度范围。,3、DDM-SFF-8472,在SFF-8472 MSA中,规范了数字诊断功能及有关SFF-8472的详细内容。该规范规定,在模块内部的电路板上监测和数字化参数信号。然后,提供经过标定的结果或提供数字化的测量结果及标定参量。这些信息被存贮在标准的内存结构中,以便通过两线串行接口读取。SFF-8472保留了原来SFP/G

7、BIC在地址A0h处的地址映射,并在地址A2h处又新增了一个256字节的存贮单元。这个存贮单元除了提供参数监测信息外,还定义了报警标志或告警条件,各个管脚的状态镜像,有限的数字控制能力和用户可写的存储单元。 The enhanced interface uses the two wire serial bus address 1010001X (A2h) to provide diagnostic information about the modules present operating conditions.The transceiver generates this diagnosti

8、c data by digitization of internal analog signals. Calibration and alarm/warning threshold data is written during device manufacture.,Digital Diagnostic Memory Map Specific Data Field Descriptions,Diagnostics: Data Fields Address A2h,二、DDM功能,Diagnostics Overview Address A2h 2 wire serial bus address

9、 1010001X (A2h) is used to access measurements of transceiver temperature, internally measured supply voltage, TX bias current, TX output power, received optical power, and two additional quantities to be defined in the future. The values are interpreted differently depending upon the option bits se

10、t at address 92. If bit 5 “internally calibrated” is set, the values are calibrated absolute measurements, which should be interpreted according to the section “Internal Calibration” below. If bit 4 “externally calibrated” is set, the values are A/D counts, which are converted into real units per th

11、e subsequent section titled “External Calibration”.,Measured parameters are reported in 16 bit data fields, i.e., two concatenated bytes. The 16 bit data fields allow for wide dynamic range. This is not intended to imply that a 16 bit A/D system is recommended or required in order to achieve the acc

12、uracy goals stated below. The width of the data field should not be taken to imply a given level of precision. It is conceivable that the accuracy goals herein can be achieved by a system having less than 16 bits of resolution. It is recommended that any low-order data bits beyond the systems specif

13、ied accuracy be fixed at zero. Overall system accuracy and precision will be vendor dependent. To guarantee coherency of the diagnostic monitoring data, the host is required to retrieve any multi-byte fields from the diagnostic monitoring data structure (IE: Rx Power MSB - byte 104 in A2h, Rx Power

14、LSB - byte 105 in A2h) by the use of a single two-byte read sequence across the two-wire interface.,The transceiver is required to ensure that any multi-byte fields which are updated with diagnostic monitoring data (e.g. Rx Power MSB - byte 104 in A2h, Rx Power LSB - byte 105 in A2h) must have this

15、update done in a fashion which guarantees coherency and consistency of the data. In other words, the update of a multi-byte field by the transceiver must not occur such that a partially updated multi-byte field can be transferred to the host. Also, the transceiver shall not update a multi-byte field

16、 within the structure during the transfer of that multi-byte field to the host, such that partially updated data would be transferred to the host. Accuracy requirements specified below shall apply to the operating signal range specified in the relevant standard. The manufacturers specification should be consulted for more detail on the conditions under which the accuracy requirements are met.,Inte


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