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1、健康醫療費用總額預算下藥品總額的未來趨勢,楊志良 亞洲大學健康學院 Dec. 19, 2007,支付制度的影響採購照護,一、醫療項目之執行 二、 健康照護總體支出及其成長 三、資源的配置 醫療體系總體發展 部門(門診、住院;公立、私立;城、鄉;科別等) 之支出 與發展 四、保險行政 五、醫療專業自主權 六、 醫療品質及民眾滿意度,支付制度之比較分析,資料來源:楊志良1998 研一 Hsin-Yi Huang 10.31.2000,3,Terminology of Budget Constrain,Global budget Fixing health budgets Closed budget

2、,總額預算制度之實施背景,資源有限,健康慾望無窮 建立付費者與提供者協商及制衡機制 提升提供者專業自主,同時承擔財務及品質責任 降低政府與提供者間對抗,A Comparison of Budget Constraint and Methods of Rationing for Selected Countries,總額預算之分類,價量:上限制-價量互動 目標制-價格固定,回溯性調整 單一或多元:全國一個總額或依部門有多 個總額 個別或總體:對個別醫院總額(加拿大) 或對眾多提供者給予總額,總額實施對醫界之影響,限制總體支出但確保一定之費用成長(2001年為4.11) 外部對抗轉化為內部矛盾 健

3、保三角關係轉變為四角關係 專業團體之角色變遷-自主性及功能性,總額支付下醫療提供者的Prisoners Dilemma,個別醫院:最佳狀況-別人抑制浪費,自己增加數量 次佳狀況-大家抑制浪費 最差狀況-大家浪費 醫界總體:最佳狀況-大家抑制浪費 次佳狀況-大家抑制,少數浪費 最差狀況-大家浪費,German Drug payment under global budgeting,德國健保的形成原則 自主管理原則 共同參與原則 社會連帶原則,德國健保的三特色 強制性且自願性的加入疾病基金會 疾病基金會提供的服務包含疾病的預防、疾病的篩檢、診斷性的治療及處置、疾病的治療 疾病基金會及醫療供給者間的

4、協商關係是受到管理,保險醫師聯合會,協商年度醫療費用總額,依協商結果支付費用,各個疾病基金會,雇主被保險人,繳納之保險費,提供醫療服務,醫療服務提供者,申請、審核,支付費用,德國之健康保險架構,1977-Health Care Cost Containment Act 1980s-the physician payment system was further amended, to directly control the overall expenditure level. 1987-Expenditure caps were first used 1992-the expenditure

5、 cap mechanism was replaced with an expenditure targeting mechanism.,Global budgeting in Germany :,改革的背景 改革的法案 1993年健康照護改革法案,改革的背景,The percentage of GDP that Germany has devoted to health care grew from 6.0 percent in 1970 to 9.1 percent in 1991. To control the increasing resources being devoted to

6、health care, in 1993 the German government implemented reforms.,Exhibit 1Annual Growth In Physician Expenditures And Income Per Sickness Fund Member, Western Germany,1985-1993,The 1993 Health Care Reform Act,1992 GSG 健康照護改革法案 pass 1993 改革內容 1.Expenditure controls on physician services 2.Expenditure

7、controls on pharmaceutical provision by physicians 3.Incentives to control volume,Expenditure controls on physician services,Physician expenditure expenditure cap mechanism Promote outpatient surgery and preventive care and the special needs of new eastern states allowed a higher growth rate than we

8、re the general physician To protect against possible boycotts by physicians and dentists, the new law limits the rights of providers in the case of a boycotts.,藥品價格及總額預算控制 1.藥品價格為自由市場,廠商可自定價格, 惟為了保障病患權益,由製藥工業與立法 機構考量大盤商及藥局利潤後訂出零售葯 價與藥品稅。 2.全德藥價為單一不二價。,以一種15成本價的藥品為例: 製造商出廠價格 15 經銷商 18 17.70 藥局 48 26.

9、20 營業稅 16 30.39 30.39為一般定價,而KK 支付藥局的 價格為30.399528.87(折 扣率為5)。 5.雖然新藥不斷推出,KK 會對每種藥品定 一平均價,German Drug global budgeting,藥費總額係以全德23 區,每區皆各有一 個總額,藥品費用有無超支,要經一年後 才結算。所以如超支,醫師要被追償者, 可在第二年平衡預算,如第二年未能平衡 者,則第三年扣償。,藥品總額預算制度於1992 年立法,1993 年開始實施,由KK 與KV 協商其預算, 而預算須受:(1)投保人數及其年齡結構 (2)政府規定病人部分負擔額的變動而有 影響。,藥費總額預算是

10、由KV 與KK 兩方協商,並 依社會法典第84 條規定,以下列四種因素 決定總額: (1)保險對象人數及年齡結構的改變 (2)藥品及物理治療價格指數變化 (3)保險給付項目的改變 (4)新藥及新治療方法的改進 同時協商談判中,也須考慮下列成長因 素: (1)學名藥及me- too 藥品因素 (2)重複用藥貢獻率 (3)新藥貢獻率 (4)由醫院移轉到一般門診用藥影響率 (5)有爭議的藥品費用 (6)重病及低收入者的藥品 (7)保險財務的付費能力,Expenditure controls on pharmaceutical provision by physicians,Limits growth

11、 in pharmaceutical expenditures placing physicians financial risk Amount over the lower limit ,up to upper limit Reduce next years total physician budget excess upper limit Pharmaceutical industry would have to reimburse the sickness funds,Prescribe More than 15% - economic monitoring More than 25%

12、- physicians income will be automatically reduced Setting prices Reference Price System Prescription drugs Over-the-counter drugs Increasing consumer copayments Past - on price Now - on quantity reduce incentives to consume,Expenditure controls on pharmaceutical provision by physicians,Expenditure c

13、ontrols on pharmaceutical provision by physicians,Cut back on research and development of new drugs Increasing referrals - to other ambulatory care physicians and referrals to hospital Led to additional expenditures Direct expenditures Indirect expenditures 1995-1998 without penalty due to strong pr

14、otest,醫師費 支出目標-1977-1985,1992 支出上限-1986-1991,1993-1997 1998-個別醫師 支出目標 醫院 支出上限 藥品費 支出上限-1993,1994-1997 支出目標-1998,支 付 制 度 間 的 轉 換,Reform on Payment- Abolish global budget in 2006,Adopt DRGs for hospital payment Revise fee-for-service according RBRVS,DRG Payment System,Background of TW-DRG,全民健康保險醫院總額支付

15、制度已自91年7月1日起全面實施,總額支付制度實施固然可將醫療費用成長控制在預期範圍內,但若無合理的支付基準及有效的醫療利用管理監測,將使實施之成效大打折扣。有鑑於此,行政院衛生署指示,應研擬住院DRG,Basic concept of DRG,Patient classification International classification of diseases, injuries and death ICD-CM Triage ApacheII DRG,診斷關聯群之沿革,60年代末期:耶魯大學,主要為監視照護的品質及服務的利用 70年代末期:新澤西州大規模使用,作為前瞻性付費制度之支

16、付基準 1983:Social Security Act,Medicare的前瞻性付費制度之支付基準,Case mix complexity的概念,可以下列特性描述病人 疾病嚴重度(severity of illness) 預後(prognosis) 治療的困難性 (treatment difficulty) 介入的需要(need for intervention) 資源耗用強度(Resource intensity) :包括處理一種疾病所使用有關診斷、治療、病床的量與形態,Hospital Operation,Physician Orders,Input,Output,Products,Labor Materials Equipment Management,Patient days Meals Lab pro


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