开放作文框架 图并发表看法课件

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《开放作文框架 图并发表看法课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《开放作文框架 图并发表看法课件(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、开放作文 结构,第一部分:对图片的简要描写;,第二部分:要发表自己的看法。(重点),具体框架,Para 1: 图片的简要描写; Para 2: A. 提出观点(引经据典)As the saying goes, “” Its adj. for sb to do. The more ., the more. B. 结合自己的学习生活-What to do. - As a ., sb can/ shoulddo Para 3:结尾,On the one hand.on the other hand. Generally speaking. Not only.but also. Not.but. Fi

2、rstly.secondly.thirdly.and finally. Here is/are./The following is/are. Its.that. Its +adj./n. for sb.(not) to do sth. . The reason why.is that. Compared to/with sth.,sth is.than it. .have no choice but do sth. A enable B to do.,开头,From the picture I/we can see, the little boy The picture above shows

3、/ tells/ describes that As the picture shows/ tells/ us, the little boy As you see in the picture, sb . At the sight of the picture, I think .,开头,The picture wants to show that What the picture intends to show us is that. As is vividly described in the picture, . The picture reminds me a lot. . The

4、picture tries to convey a message that.,段落中,As far as Im concerned, . As is well known/ As we all know, There is no doubt that. As for + n. , .(就而言) spare no effort to do.(不遗余力做) No pains, no gains. Where there is a will, there is a way .,结尾,Only in this way can you/we . In a word . is your best cho

5、ice! It is the best way for to do .,范例引路:,MODEL WRITING,请根据下面提示,写一篇 短文。词数不少于50。 In your English class, the teacher shows this picture of a little boy looking into a mirror, and asks the class to discuss it. Your classmates have different understandings. Look at the picture carefully and tell the cla

6、ss how you understand the picture.,1 审题:动手写作之前,应考虑好文章的人称、时态和语态。,From the picture I/we can see, the little boy,文章结构,第一部分:对图片的简要描写;,第二部分:要发表自己的看法。,-即以乐观和自信的心态迎接未来。,请大家对自己的将来充满希望和自信,树立正确的人生观。,We can see in the picture a little boy standing in front of a mirror. Hes letting his imagination fly. What he

7、sees in the mirror is not his physical self but what he will be like in twenty years. Although he is small and short now, he believes he will grow up to be a tall and strong young man like Yao Ming, who he admires. I think this picture tries to tell us that we should always look into the future with

8、 hope and confidence.,1 认真审题, 理解题意,明确所给图片展示的是何种情景,为下一步的写作提供前提条件,2 全面观察、深入分析。,仔细,深刻理会图画的意思。,3 明确时态,理顺思路。,根据提示,确定时态、人称,使用哪些词汇、句型、固定搭配等,这些都应围绕人称和时态展开,把形象生动的图像语言转化为文字语言。,4 发挥想象, 使事实连贯统一。,要有自己的观点和看法。,解题建议,Look at the following pictures carefully and then turn the picture upside down, look at it again and

9、 again. Write a short passage about how you understand the picture.,1 一个丑陋的老女人,2 一个漂亮的年轻女人,3 事情的两面性,an ugly old woman a beautiful or pretty young lady,There are two different sides ,bad,good,I think that .,At the first glance of the picture, you can see a face of an ugly old woman. But turning the p

10、icture upside down, you will surprisingly see a pretty young girl. What can we learn from it? What I think of is the attitude that one may have when facing failure. It will be better if we think of something good. If we always think negatively, we wont be able to see the “pretty girl”, that is, the

11、bright side of our life. Therefore, when we are let down, it is wise to have a positive attitude.,1.审试题:明确中心,了解内容。 2.圈要点:原则(不多不少) 3.注短语:根据圈定内容注出相应的英语表 达法。 4.定基调:时态、人称、顺序和开头结尾。 5.写全文:一鼓作气,一气呵成,灵活处理 6.改病句:认真检查,改正错误,尤其是时态、人称、主谓一致、习惯用法、单词拼写等。,六步法,Here is a circle in the picture. Everyone can look at it

12、in a different ways. Maybe you can see it as a watermelon. What else can you imagine? Use your imagination and try to tell us two different possibilities.,It can be several images in my eyes. First, it may be a green earth. Nowadays, the earth has been polluted heavily, so people are suffering from the bad environment. I wish our earth could be a picturesque place and we could live a happy life. Second, I wish it was a magic ball, which can help me realize all my dreams. You know, I am busy with my study. I wish I could be admitted into my ideal university.,


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