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1、随着三伏天的到来,冰淇淋、雪糕等冷饮市场正进入销售旺季。近日,台湾康健杂志对冰淇淋市场进行了抽样调查。结果显示,小小的一支甜筒暗含 2 勺油、6 块糖,是典型的高糖、高热量食物。但由于甜筒没有强制标注配料表和营养成分表,很多人对此并不知情。台湾康健杂志随机选取了“麦当劳” 、 “7-11”、 “汉堡王” 、 “宜家家居”等 9 家连锁商店销售的甜筒,对其中的油脂、含糖量、热量进行检验。结果显示,此类冷饮基本上就是“脂肪的化身” ,一支 126 克的“7-11 牛奶冰淇淋” ,脂肪含量高达 8.9 克,吃下这支冰淇淋相当于喝下近 2 勺油,其他多个品牌冰淇淋也属于高油行列。另外,冰淇淋的含糖量也

2、让人吃惊。台湾松青超市销售的一款“圣代冰淇淋” ,每 100 克含糖 15 克。而美国好市多超市热销的一款“优格冰淇淋” ,虽然单位含糖量排名第六,但每份净含量最多,一杯281 克的冰淇淋,含有 28 克糖,相当于 6 颗方糖。由于高油、高糖,导致冰淇淋的整体热量也容易超标。检验结果显示, “7-11 牛奶冰淇淋”热量最高,126 克就有 196 千卡的热量,再加上脆皮的热量,吃下一支冰淇淋就会将 250 千卡热量吃下肚。以体重 60 公斤的成年人为例,需要快走一小时才能将这些热量消耗掉。在中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院副教授范志红看来,台湾的检验数值并不太高。 “我认为,油、糖的含量可能

3、会更高。 ”她告诉生命时报记者,冰淇淋不是脂肪越低越好,相反,脂肪含量越高档次越高。至于糖,一般来说,冰淇淋含糖量比甜饮料还高,糖分平均为 15%。如果没有油和糖,冰淇淋根本做不出来。因此,如果要吃冰淇淋,人们就要接受它有很多油和糖的现实。此外,冰淇淋还可能存在其他健康问题。比如,为了降低成本,部分冰淇淋可能用“植物奶油”代替纯奶油,而植物奶油是反式脂肪酸的来源,对心脏健康不利。另外,冰淇淋中往往含有香精、色素等大量添加剂,只要符合国家规定的食品添加剂使用标准,对成年人没有危害,但对幼儿来说,可能影响大脑发育,增加患多动症、注意力缺陷的风险,2 岁以内幼儿应慎食。范志红建议,如果一定要吃,要注

4、意频次,可以把每天吃一次改为每周吃一次;还要注意分量,每次最好买小份,也可以两人分吃一份;吃了冰淇淋,其他甜饮料和甜点就要少喝少吃;对于“三高”人群来说,吃了冰淇淋还要减少肉、奶等食物的摄入量。 “最后,对于甜筒类冰淇淋没有配料表和营养成分表的现状,范志红呼吁,相关机构应督促行业尽快建立准则,以便消费者可以清楚、明白地选择适合自己的食品。With the arrival of the three dog days of summer, ice cream, ice cream, cold drink market has entered the sales season. Recently,

5、the Taiwan Kang Jian magazine conducted a sample survey of the ice cream market. The results show, a cone implies2 small spoonfuls of oil, 6 of sugar, is typical of high sugar, high calorie food. But because the cone not marked ingredients and nutrient composition table, a lot of people do not know.

6、 Taiwan Kang Jian magazine selected McDonalds, 7-11, Burger King, IKEAHome Furnishing 9 home chain store sales sweet canister, to test the oil, sugar, heat.The results showed that the cold drink, basically is fat the incarnation, a 126 grams of 7-11 milk ice cream, the high fat content of 8.9 grams,

7、 eat the ice cream to drinkin 2 tablespoons oil, multiple brands of ice cream also belong to the ranks of high oil.In addition, the sugar content of ice cream is also surprising. Taiwan Songqingsupermarket sales of a sundae, each containing 100 grams of sugar, 15 grams. AndAmerica good city supermar

8、ket selling a yogurt ice cream, while the sugar content isranked sixth, but each net content up to 281 grams, a cup of ice cream, contains 28 grams of sugar, the equivalent of 6 sugar. Because of the high oil, high glucose, resulting in overall calorie ice cream can easilyexceed the standard. Test r

9、esults show, 7-11 milk ice cream most calories, 126 grams of 196000 calories, plus crispy heat, eat an ice cream will 250000 calorieseaten. The weight of 60 kilograms of adults for example, need to go to an hour to put these calories consumed.In the view of Fan Zhihong of associate professor of Coll

10、ege of food science and Nutritional Engineering of China Agricultural University, Taiwan inspection value is not too high. I think, oil, sugar content may be higher. She told life times reporter, ice cream is not fat, the lower the better, on the contrary, the more high-grade higher fat content. As

11、for the sugar, generally speaking, ice cream, sugar content is higher thanthe sweet drinks, sugar for an average of 15%. If there is no oil and sugar, ice creamdo not come out. Therefore, if you want to eat ice cream, people would accept it has a lot of oil and sugar reality. In addition, ice cream,

12、 there may also be other health problems. For example, in order to reduce the cost, some ice cream may use margarine instead of pure cream, andcream is a source of trans fatty acids, for heart health. In addition, essence, pigmentand other large additives often contain ice cream, as long as consiste

13、nt with the provisions of the state standard of food additives, no harm to adults, but for children,can affect brain development, increasing the risk of ADHD, attention deficit, 2 years old children should shensi.Fan Zhihong suggestions, if you must eat, attention should be paid to the frequency,can

14、 eat once instead of once a week to eat; but also pay attention to component, the best time to buy small, can be two minutes to eat a; ate ice cream, other sweet drinksand dessert to drink less and less; for three high crowd, ate ice cream to reducemeat, milk and other food intake. Finally, no list of ingredients and nutritional ingredients present situation, for the sweetcylinder ice cream called Fan Zhihong, relevant agencies should urge the industry to establish standards as soon as possible, so that consumers can clearly understand,to choose their own food.



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