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1、,AIA国际会计师公会项目推广案例,Creating World Class Accountants!,合作背景,AIA国际会计师公会,国际会计师公会( The Association of International Accountants )简称 AIA ,成立于 1928 年,总部设在英国,是世界领先的国际会计认证团体,在许多国家设有分会,其会员遍布全球。 AIA 于 1994 年获得英国审计资格 (RQB), 这是国际会计认证团体团体所能获得的最高殊荣和认可。,美都教育集团,美都教育成立于1997年,其总部设立在新加坡。作为一所外资教育机构,我们在上海拥有两个教学园区和近百人的专业教师

2、及员工团队。,A,B,C,D,高端会计人才匮乏与低层次会计从业者的泛滥促进了会计培训的火爆,会计领域的“洋证书”成为中国会计人才与国际接轨的一道桥梁,中国就业竞争压力增大,在校大学生为增强竞争力加入会计考试培训的大军,国际会计师越来越得到企业的重视,网络技术的发展为会计培训带来新的变化,混合式会计培训得到有利发展,合作优势,合作目标,AIA国际会计师资格品牌效应中国市场的推广 :开拓广阔的国内市场、推进中国的财务会计行业的国际化进程 提高中国区AIA国际会计师的招生率,分享高端培训产品带来的利润,推广方案,市场活动,市场与拓展活动 路演,美罗城路演,市场与拓展活动 报纸,报纸广告,1, 1/4

3、 版广告, 版本广告, ,报纸广告,2, 版广告, 全版,3,市场与拓展活动 广播,广播,Hit FM-中国国际广播电台旗下的国际流行 音乐频率,Hit FM动感、时尚、与国际接轨的 品牌形象已经在广大都市年轻人中深入人心 。,市场与拓展活动 电视媒体,市场与拓展活动 其他媒体,户外电子屏,其他媒体,市场拓展活动 大学活动,上海财经大学,财务案例分析大赛寻找未来的CFO,上海外国语大学,上海金融学院,校园广告投放,上海对外贸易大学,招募兼职校园代表,讲座与公开课,上海交通大学,上海复旦大学,校园活动,校园宣讲会-上海金融学院,财务案例分析大赛-上海外国语大学,市场拓展活动 机构合作,Co-op

4、erating Agency-SUFE,There is natural synergy between AIA and SUFE, which makes greater cooperation between two parties valuable to all. With SUFE now increasingly opening itself to the outside world, it aims to showcase this spirit as well as its outstanding teaching quality. AIA and SUFE will work

5、together in promoting the IFRS and Auditing courses to all its members and corporate partners.,The Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE), founded in 1917, is a top-ranked, world-renowned research university. As the oldest financial university in China, SUFE has developed its own spirit

6、 over the years. SUFE places much emphasis on being industrious, having a consciousness of all things economic, and making contributions to society.,Sep 10th 2010 Contract Signing Ceremony,Co-operating Agency-Oracle Bay,Shared values of excellence within the financial sector, understanding of the gl

7、obal marketplace and a desire to enhance the profession through education, ethics and proficiency will ensure that the AIA and Oracle Bay can work together for the mutual benefits of all members. AIA and Oracle Bay will work together in promoting the IFRS and Auditing courses to all its members and

8、corporate partners.,Lujiazui financial city is Shanghais financial center, it undertakes a similar functional position as the City of London.Along with the international financial center will be built specifically as one of Shanghais development strategy, the Oracle Bay which aims at developing huma

9、n resources emerged. Funded by the government, Oracle Bay constructs a communication platform between the financial enterprises, famous universities and well-known international professional certification bodies.,Sep 10th 2010 Contract Signing Ceremony,市场拓展活动 网络媒体,We collect 7,500 fans in Chinese Facebook, . Our homepage at kaixin is: K,We developed a group of websites to facilitate search engines,A,各地办事处与大学合作,Thank You !,Write by Seven.Chou,


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