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1、Maxim use of your strategic investment 最大程度利用您的战略投资,B2B in China B2B在中国,James Hatcher Seeburger Asia Pacific Ltd.,ERP A strategic investment ERP 是战略投资 SEEBURGER IntroductionSEEBURGER介绍 China Supply Chain Success供应链成功故事 Summary总结,Agenda 议程,Evolution of a Mfg company 制造企业的演变,ERP ERP - Integration of t

2、he Factory 工厂集成 - Integration of the Enterprise企业集成 Extended Enterprise 扩展企业 - Integration of the Supply Chain供应链集成,ERP Took Us From This ERP从以下现状 ,.To This 转变成这样,This Reduced Inventory. 这样降低库存,Lower Raw Material Inventory降低原材料库存 Lower WIP降低在制品库存 Lower Finished Goods降低成品库存,China Competition 中国竞争,Chi

3、na consumer demand continues to increase 中国消费需求持续增长 Increased demand is a supply chain challenge需求增长乃供应链之挑战 Peaks and Valleys make production forecasting difficult波动的探底和爬高使得生产预测非常困难 Competition is fierce 竞争是激烈的 OEMs are using discounts and incentives to woo customers整机生产企业通过打折和奖励来吸引消费者 Profit Margin

4、s are reduced accordingly企业利润率因此而降低 OEMs and qualified suppliers are exporting globally 整机企业和优质供应商出口全球市场,Supply Opportunity 供应机会,Demand Opportunity 需求机会,The Supply Chain Balancing Act 供应链平衡,Meet customer needs: 满足客户需要 Product development 产品开发 Merchandise planning 销售规划 Product portfolio planning产品组合计

5、划 Create customer needs 创造客户需求 Pricing Promotion 定价促销,Keep right goods in stock: 仓库保存正确的货物 Store requisition 库存申请 Warehouse replenishment 仓库补货 Inventory forecasting 库存预测 Purchasing 采购 Shipping and transportation 装载和运输,A typical supply chain today 当今典型供应链,Firms 企业,Customers 客户,Suppliers 供应商,Goods 货物,

6、Goods 货物,Demand 需求,Demand 需求,Information,Transactions,Information,Information,Transactions,Transactions,Supply Chain Execution 供应链执行,Distribution 分销,Procurement 采购,Manufacturing 制造,Enterprise ERP,Logistics 物流,Customer Response客户反馈,Warehouse Mgmt.仓库管理,Financials 财务,HR 人事,Consignment Inv.寄存库存,Supplier

7、 Optimization供应商优化,Lean Manufacturing精益制造,Customers 客户,LogisticsPartners 物流伙伴,Outsource Partners 外包伙伴,Suppliers 供应商,Supplier Performance供应商绩效,Order Management订单管理,Extended Enterprise 扩展企业,Customer System,Customer Notification,Customer Warehouse,Customer Financials,Sales & Distribution,Supply Chain M

8、anagement,Order Management,Sales & Distribution,Validation,Transformation,Transformation,Validation,Transformation,Customer Receiving,Financials,Fulfillment process Is yours manual? 手工执行流程?,Supplier Management 供应商管理,Communication and Planning are the keys to success 沟通和计划是成功的关键 Supply Chain Visibilt

9、y 供应链可视性 Forecast Collaboration 预测协同 Order Management 订单管理 Inventory Management 库存管理,Suppliers,Outsourcing Manufacturers,Enterprise,A Survivors supply chain 成功的供应链,Firms 企业,Customers 客户,Suppliers 供应商,Goods 货物,Goods 货物,Demand 需求,Demand 需求,Transactions,Information,Transactions,Transactions,Information

10、,Information,Transactions,Information,Information,Transactions,An Information-Driven Supply Chain provides complete supply chain visibility to enable efficient business processes that can quickly respond to demand changes, mitigate supply chain risk and manage global fulfillment. 信息驱动的供应链通过完整供应链的可视性

11、达到高效业务流程,可以应对需求变化快速反应,降低供应链风险,管理全球运作。 According to AMR, Information Driven leaders have: 15% less inventory 15% 较低的库存 17% better perfect order fulfillment 17% 优越订单履行表现 35% shorter cash-to-cash cycle times 35% 较短的现金回收周期 Which translates to: 10% increase in revenue improvement10% 销售收入提高 5-7% rise in p

12、rofitability5-7% 利润率提高,Benefits of Efficient Process Integration 高效流程整合的益处,Supplier Management 供应商管理,Expand communications 扩展沟通 Key indicators such as capacity, demand, forecasts, inventory, production and yields should be accessible to key members of the supply chain. 关键指标比如能力、需求、预测、库存、生产和收益应该能够让供应

13、链的关键成员看得到。 If any of these appears to be “going nuclear”, an early warning should be circulated at once. 如果任何一项显示不清楚,就应立即发出预警。 Vinod Singhal, Georgia Institute of Technology 佐治亚技术学院,The Survivors Profile 幸存者素描,Business is relationship centric 业务以关系为中心 Technology removes the “gaps” 技术弥补“差距” Decision

14、making is a shared process 决策是共享的过程 Suppliers manage inventories at your premises 供应商管理库存的前提 Demand is pulled through 需求是“拉动”的过程 Suppliers, Firms and Customers Collaborate供应商、企业和客户协同 Systems can auto-replenish based on agreed business rules 系统基于预定的业务规则可以自动补充 Automate the mundane, manage by exception

15、标准流程自动化,管理重点例外化,Procurement 采购,Manufacturing 制造,Demand Planning/ Order Management 需求计划/订单管理,Distribution 分销,CRM and Service & Support CRM 服务及支持,Suppliers供应商,Customers客户,ERP A strategic investment ERP 是战略投资 Seeburger IntroductionSEEBURGER介绍 China Supply Chain Success供应链成功故事 Summary总结,Agenda 议程,SEEBUR

16、GER Company Group 公司概览,Founded in 1986 in Bretten, Germany 1986年成立于德国的Bretten Profitable and self-financed, Continuous annual growth rates 成立至今一直保持盈利,每年持续稳定增长,SEEBURGER, Business Integration Expert 企业信息集成专家,Business Integration vendor for complete partner integration 业务集成供应商帮助企业实现完全合作伙伴集成 7,500+ Customers in 35 Countries 7500多家客户位于35个国家 Concepts, Products and Implementation “all from a single source” 从概念、产品到实施“一站式服务” Member of W3C, OASIS, ebXML, AI



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