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1、At first, let s have a guess .,Its a “toy” but it always be expensive.,It is small but with high-tech.,We love it and also hate it.,we love it because it brings us convenience and happiness.,We hate it because it wastes us a lot of time .,Who can guess what it is from my description?,Mobile phones!,

2、Nowadays ,nearly everyone has a cell phone. It allows us to talk with others who also owns a phone, where there are signals.,Almighty singer,Accurate guider,Real painter,Game player,too many kinds of phones.,And.,How much do you really know about cell phones?,contents,Two sides of mobile phone,Evolu

3、tion of mobile phone,Mobile phone,In 1983,1st Mobile Phone,invented by,MOTOROLA,1983,Motorola DynaTAC,Price: $3995,e. .,When youre attacked, it can be used as “brick” .Just throw it!,Weight: 2pound,Talktime:2hours,1983-1990,Its brothers come:,But.all of them have antenna(天线),When it comes to,1999,诺基

4、亚3210,The 3210 was one of the first mobile phones to feature an internal antenna. And from that time phones became similar to the phones we use now.,Since 2000 !,It is an important year, especially for us teenagers. Multi-Media functions appeared. Some simple entertained functions are provided and p

5、hones are getting fascinating .Not just be for making calls any more.,After 2003,Great development happened. Various media functions are available !,Walkman Game Camera,iPhone not just provides us some phones ,but gives us a conception of its leader .A conception of owning a high quality life. As th

6、e reality shows, it started a new phone-style.,Android is born in 2008,Lets imagine .How will be the phones in the future?,Terms,什么是“裸机”(bare computer)? 只有硬件没有软件的计算机,称为裸机。对于智能手机,只有硬件没有软件也能称为“裸机”,什么是“板机”(gunlock)? 板机: 板机的概念大家都很模糊,但通俗的说法是把非原厂的机板或是维修过的机板又或者是从报废机上取下有用的零件进行拼装的机板,自己装上外壳,配上电池,重新包装后销售的手机统称为

7、板机。板机的危害性最大,并且会有爆炸的危险!,什么是“行货” genuine licensed? 行货: 国内行货就是得到生产厂商的认可,由某个商家取得代理权或者直接由该生产厂商的分支机构在某个指定的地区进行销售的产品,行货的价格往往比较高,但是因为正式的当地代理厂商,产品的保修,售后服务往往较有保障。 什么是“水货” Smuggled goods? 水货: 简单一点的可以这么说,就是其他国家地区没经过海关,走私进来的手机。这水货说的比较广了,包括了欧版,港行等其他地区国家的行货,串货,充新机,克隆,翻新等等。这么说可能比较容易理解,就是把我们大陆各种各样的货走私到美国去。美国就会把这些所有的

8、货称为水货。,What mobile functions do you use most?,The advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone,e.g. Exactly, when we prepared for TEM-4 ,most of students use Hujiang for downing listening materials ,vocabulary ,grammar ,reading and writing. It helps us a lot. In addition, it is very convenient for u

9、s to use the Mobile electronic dictionary .,e.g. Such as ,through the phone we can know the Obamas 2012 Reelection strategy: Blame the Republicans.,Another advantage is that mobiles can used to record our life. Wherever we go, we wont miss any of the beautiful sceneries.,Besides ,mobile phone also h

10、ave many other uses. As we all know, mobile phones are not only a kind of machine for communication, but a very important tool for our daily life. When we are going traveling, we would save a lot of time by telephone booking. When we get stuck in the dangers, or emergency, mobiles will provide a gua

11、rantee for us to call 120 or 119.,Mobile Phone Dependence,Mobile phone dependence -a psychological disease. more common in white-collar crowd. These people use mobile phone frequently in daily life, even regard mobile phone as an essential part of their lives.,symptom,keeping the mobile phone workin

12、g when sleep at night,fear of the phone shut down automatically,having the illusion of “my mobile phone rang”,phone doesnt ring.feel uncomfortable,Not receiving call or messagesanxiety , powerless,symptom,consequence,10月16日下午五点,微博网友“龟仙女”发帖称,“刚才办公室突然一阵骚乱,同事今年6月才入手的小米2s手机,发生自燃,整个办公室现在弥漫着一股烧焦恶臭,同事的包也烧烂了,手也被灼伤。”同时,在微博上贴出了事发现场的照片,触目惊心。,小米2s手机自燃 成都网友手部灼伤包被烧烂,三星Note、S系列存重大设计缺陷:一天死机30次,从突然死机到无法开机再到高价维修,这已是众多三星手机NOTE系列及S系列机主的共同烦恼。,每天死机二三十次,三星智能机陷“字库门”事件,



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