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1、外宣翻译策略,Strategies for C-E Translation of Publicity Materials,什么是 strategy(策略)?,a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim - Oxford English Dictionary 基本义:根据形势发展而制定的行动方针和斗争方式。 -现代汉语全功能词典,外国学者论翻译策略,Krings (1986:18) defines translation strategy as “translators potentially con

2、scious plans for solving concrete translation problems in the framework of a concrete translation task”.,外国学者论翻译策略,Seguinot (1989) believes that there are at least three global strategies employed by the translators: (i) translating without interruption for as long as possible; (ii) correcting surfa

3、ce errors immediately; (iii) leaving the monitoring for qualitative or stylistic errors in the text to the revision stage.,外国学者论翻译策略,Venuti (1998:240) indicates that translation strategies involve the basic tasks of choosing the foreign text to be translated and developing a method to translate it.

4、He employs the concepts of domesticating and foreignizing to refer to translation strategies.,外国学者论翻译策略,Jaaskelainen (1999:71) considers strategy as, a series of competencies, a set of steps or processes that favor the acquisition, storage, and/or utilization of information. He maintains that strate

5、gies are heuristic and flexible in nature, and their adoption implies a decision influenced by amendments in the translators objectives. Jaaskelainen (2005) divides strategies into two major categories: some strategies relate to what happens to texts, while other strategies relate to what happens in

6、 the process.,外国学者论翻译策略,Newmark (1988) mentions the difference between translation methods and translation procedures. He writes that, while translation methods relate to whole texts, translation procedures are used for sentences and the smaller units of language. He goes on to refer to the followin

7、g methods of translation:,外国学者论翻译策略,Word-for-word translation: in which the SL word order is preserved and the words translated singly by their most common meanings, out of context. Literal translation: in which the SL grammatical constructions are converted to their nearest TL equivalents, but the

8、lexical words are again translated singly, out of context.,外国学者论翻译策略,Faithful translation: it attempts to produce the precise contextual meaning of the original within the constraints of the TL grammatical structures. Semantic translation: which differs from faithful translation only in as far as it

9、 must take more account of the aesthetic value of the SL text. Adaptation: which is the freest form of translation, and is used mainly for plays (comedies) and poetry; the themes, characters, plots are usually preserved, the SL culture is converted to the TL culture and the text is rewritten.,外国学者论翻

10、译策略,Free translation: it produces the TL text without the style, form, or content of the original. Idiomatic translation: it reproduces the message of the original but tends to distort nuances of meaning by preferring colloquialisms and idioms where these do not exist in the original. Communicative

11、translation: it attempts to render the exact contextual meaning of the original in such a way that both content and language are readily acceptable and comprehensible to the readership (1988b: 45-47).,外宣翻译原则,黄友义(2004)提出在外宣翻译中有两条原则必须坚持: 一、充分考虑文化差异,努力跨越文化鸿沟 二、熟知外国语言习俗,防止落入文字陷阱,程镇球论政治文章翻译,程镇球认为:在政治文章的翻

12、译中,我们掌握忠实的标准就要严格得多。这是因为政治文章涉及国家大政方针,基本政策等,稍一疏忽,后果严重。 首先,我们必须紧扣原文,不得任意增删。 其次,政治文章的翻译要仔细衡量用词的政治含义与影响。 第三,从事政治文章翻译的同志要有政策头脑和政治敏感。 第四,政治文章的翻译要注意掌握分寸,用词轻重恰如其分。(p100-109),外宣翻译中的词语翻译策略,直译 解释性翻译 补全词义 归化 政治性考量 外来词的回译,直译,对于比较容易通过简练的词语翻译出来,而在目的语中而又不会产生额外信息加值或者减值的词语可以采取直译的形式, 比如 “纸老虎” 翻译成 “paper tiger” 对于中国文化中在

13、局部处于强势的内容,亦可以使用直译的方式 比如,中华美食源远流长,在世界各国基本上都有众多的中餐馆和外卖店(take-away),可以说中华饮食文化具有一定的优势地位,因此,我们可以看到英文出现的“spring roll”(春卷)等。,解释性翻译,解释性翻译是指为了达到更好的传播效果,对于一些汉语词汇添加原文中没有的成分。但是,这种添加不得篡改原文的含义,增加的目的只是为了更好地让目的语读者理解原文。 对地名和人名的解释性翻译,可以采取添加的方式,在音译之后添加上能够让目的语读者产生积极联想的成分, 比如:西施 Xishi,Chinese Cleopatra, 秦皇岛:Qinhuangdao:

14、 Where the Great Wall Meets the Sea,补全词义,汉语中喜欢使用高度概括性的词语,比如在各地政府的招商说明中经常使用“三通一平”、商业用地的“招、拍、挂”,以及工信部正在积极倡导的“三网融合”。 则在翻译中应该对于简省的内容予以补全 1. three supplies and one leveling; supply of water, electricity and road and leveled ground (conditions ready for further economic development) 2. bidding, auction, a

15、nd listing of commercial land 3. the convergence of the three networks, namely, the telecom network, the Internet, and the broadcasting and television network,归化,对词语进行归化性的翻译是指将源语中的词语译成目的语中的已有词语,增删源语中译成目的语后在目的语中显得累赘的成分,或者借助目的语中已有词语的形式采取套译的方式,从而降低目的语读者的理解难度,顺应目标语读者的认知心理,实现更好的传播效果。采用归化的翻译手法还要充分利用目的语的语言

16、优势,比如,和汉语相比,英语是一种曲折语言,具有时态和单复数的变化。,归化,归化,比如,在商场的价格标签上为了吸引顾客购买经常使用“原价”和“现价”的对比,,Was: Now:,归化,中文中的形容词、副词滥用: 开会没有不隆重的; 闭幕没有不胜利的; 讲话没有不重要的; 鼓掌没有不热烈的; 领导没有不重视的; 看望没有不亲切的; 接见没有不亲自的; 进展没有不顺利的; 完成没有不圆满的; 成就没有不巨大的; 工作没有不扎实的; 效率没有不显著的; 决议没有不通过的; 人心没有不振奋的;,班子没有不团结的; 群众永远是满意的; 领导没有不微笑的; 问题没有不解决的; 反对没有不强烈的; 交涉没有不严正的; 完成没有不超额的; 中日没有不友好的; 中美没有不合作的; 竣工没有不提前的; 节日没有不祥和的; 路线没有不正确的; 决策没有不英明的; 妇女没有不解放的; 小康没有不达到的; 牺牲没有不悲壮的。,归化,当然汉语中的修饰词多于英语也是和汉语本身的特点有关系,现代汉语



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